How many of you can cook?



  • CharityEaton
    But how do you buy ingredients? As a student I live on a weekly basis and buy my food shop weekly (namely because there is only one of me, so don't want food going out of date, and because I eat a lot).
    So for example recipes that have a teaspoon of pesto, or a garlic clove or some rosemary...I'd hate to go out and buy those things just to make one meal and then waste the rest...whereas at home my mum can build up a cupboard of all these little ingredients..

    So when you are at home make plans to "borrow" some of her spices and herbs etc... Just put them in a ziptop bag, label them and toss them in the freezer. They will keep for a really long time in the freezer. Also, if you wanna "cook" then you have to stock basic's just how it goes! Once you learn to cook really well you can just toss things together and whip up some amazingness BUT only if you have things on hand at all times!

    There is an app for All that you can get on your phone. You can select the course you want to prepare and the main ingredient then you can select how much time you have to prepare the meal and a big list of recipes will come up. This is a great way to learn new recipes. They all have a star rating and comments so you can see if you really want to try it.
    Don't be afraid to mess up...sometimes the biggest mistakes turn out to be the best dishes!

    I love to cook, always have. I make my own homemade pasta and my own breads. I've even made my own pita pockets and flatbread. Apple butter, pickles, salsa, you name it! I have this amazing soup I make that I saw on a food network show. I didn't have time to write everything down so I just remembered the key ingredients(pork loin roast and veggies) and I just winged it. My family LOVES this soup but it lterally takes ALL DAY to prepare from scratch. It is a special occasons only soup! It's like a pork filled ravioli style past in a chicken broth.
    My favorite thing to do is be in the kitchen trying recipes out.
    Start simple and follow recipes to a time you will learn what works. When baking you MUST measure everything eyeballing it...everything else is free range, do what you want!
    One last thing, RELAX! no one became a professional Chef overnight, it takes tons of practice and lots of throwing things out, the smoke detector going off, cut fingers(and toes, if you cook barefoot). Good Luck!