Come ON people ...



  • jalynsmom
    I guess my response to this is that it's really nobody's business what I'm eating in a day and that's why I don't have mine public. I'm doing and eating what I feel is right for me and my situation. If my choice is to keep my food intake private, that doesn't mean that I'm not logging in properly or that I'm making bad choices...I'm just simply not comfortable sharing this, the same way that I'm not comfortable sharing my actual weight. If someone is making bad choices by eating just junk in a day, that's on them. Ultimately we are all here for the same goal, to be healthy! If someone is "cheating" or whatever, they are only hurting themselves.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I don't know how you have time to look not only at your friends' diaries, but then at all the comments that are made, too. You have no idea why they're saying "WTG" or "Good day". Maybe someone only eating a banana had a good day because she never eats fruit. But, seriously, it's just whatever. You really need to have a more positive outlook on life if something that minor causes the need for a rant.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    1. People should look at your diary if they are going to say WTG. I agree.
    2. If it isn't public, don't expect comments.
    3. I always tease about "generic" comments like WTG and "great burn," but honestly, I think it's very kind that friends are taking the time to encourage me. I'm not going to be ungrateful for that.
  • mlke4258
    Excellent Point!! The calorie goal given on here is based off dieting only, maybe light Excercise. If you are really putting effort into your workouts, you will get the message when you pass out or can't even see straight. For me, I do mostly all cardio. I know if I don't eat my proteins the night before, my performance will suffer the next morning. I will run into the stop and shop on my way home and pick up one of those rotisseree chickens. Good proteins and low fat, and it's already cooked and ready to eat. Use the leftovers for sandwiches or soup.
  • mlke4258
    It's all about staying positive and keeping people encouraged and motivated. Some people need the pat on the back or the kick in the *kitten* to keep them uplifted and interested. I see what you are saying, I just dont see why it is such a big deal that we need to write about it. Do you think you are the first one to figure this out?? Everybody pretty much knows, it's just about the encouragement. That's it!!
  • mlke4258
    Alot of people dont know how to properly eat. Humans are creatures of habit. We eat for enjoyment and gratification. So bad eating habits coupled with ignorance and maybe even bad genetics equals fat people that are honestly confused about why they are fat. I'm fat! For all the above mentioned reasons to. I now know what I have been doing wrong and I'm wasting away now and it feels great.
  • talzybob
    Alot of people dont know how to properly eat. Humans are creatures of habit. We eat for enjoyment and gratification. So bad eating habits coupled with ignorance and maybe even bad genetics equals fat people that are honestly confused about why they are fat. I'm fat! For all the above mentioned reasons to. I now know what I have been doing wrong and I'm wasting away now and it feels great.
    completely agree. We all have habits and most dont know what they are eating or how much they are eating. Whilst I do agree somewhat with this topic any pat on the back is a sign that people are interested but like I said been under a calorie goal or your proper calorie limit isnt a good thing so I now do what I was told by a health professional.
    I to was suffering for bad eating habits and although im now gluten and dairy intolerant and my food range is limited I have had to learn proper eating and good habits are better for me although breaking old habits is hard.

    We well always be bad eaters and have bad habits so whats the point of trying to tell people to give up bad habits when simply we cant give them all up. If we did we would have no pleasure in life and we would be boring. Do if people wanna binge eat or eat bad let them they have their own autonomy as does everyone else. Theyre only kidding themselves at the end of the day. And if your on here then clearly youve got a good habit developing. Im with mike 4258 on this one. Habit is habit.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    My fav. is "You'll do better tomorrow" or "Tomorrow is a new day, you'll be back on track" when you've NAILED your macros and have gone over by only 5 or 10 calories. Can you say....delete?

    this is why I stopped commenting on people's EOD diary posts (and removed my EOD update too).. if something looks good i'll let them know but I know everyone has diff goals.. like someone's goal that week could be to limit sugar and/or processed food or to hit their protein goal or they're actually trying to eat all of their calories. unless its on their wall I have no idea and will never know what my comment really means.
  • Josh_Taylor
    Josh_Taylor Posts: 21 Member
    If somebody takes the time to give specific advice on a diary, they are making the extra effort to HELP you. Doesn't mean you have to listen, but at least appreciate it for what it is. Don't treat it as criticism.