no clue where else to post this - child wetting her pants at



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    These responses are great. I am definitely going to talk to the Ped when she calls me back. I have talked to my daughter and have explained that I am not angry or upset, however, my MIL has flipped out on her already - screaming and lecturing her and then lecturing me so that doesn't help my daughter.
    I will also talk to the teachers. My daughter is not overweight, so she does not get teased about that. She wears glasses but there was only one little girl who teased her and that was last year. She told me about it right away and I addressed it. She also has vitiligo, white patches on the skin. She says that the kids ask her what it is and she tells them. They don't understand and they end up dropping the subject. They don't make fun of her, as far as what she has told me. She has had this for years so I don't think that is contributing to the wetting.

    Not to point fingers, but if your MIL flipped out on her for this (I mean, REALLY).... then how comfortable is your child being cared for by her grandmother? If the issue is with MIL (kid is anxious about leaving school and going to MIL's house, that sort of thing), I have a sneaky suspicion that she's going to be very reluctant to tell you about it directly. I hope you told your MIL to drop the subject with your daughter and let you deal with it. You're her mother.

    Yeah, I have to say my very first thought was the MIL. She doesn't even need to be physically abusive to cause this. When I was in daycare we had a MEAN teacher and she would scare one little boy so badly that he would wet himself. Your MIL may seem like a wonderful person, and maybe she is, but those of us with verbally and emotionally abusive parents can tell you that they seem wonderful to people outside of the family. I'd carefully question your daughter about it.
  • vxjammiedodgerxv
    vxjammiedodgerxv Posts: 42 Member
    These responses are great. I am definitely going to talk to the Ped when she calls me back. I have talked to my daughter and have explained that I am not angry or upset, however, my MIL has flipped out on her already - screaming and lecturing her and then lecturing me so that doesn't help my daughter.
    I will also talk to the teachers. My daughter is not overweight, so she does not get teased about that. She wears glasses but there was only one little girl who teased her and that was last year. She told me about it right away and I addressed it. She also has vitiligo, white patches on the skin. She says that the kids ask her what it is and she tells them. They don't understand and they end up dropping the subject. They don't make fun of her, as far as what she has told me. She has had this for years so I don't think that is contributing to the wetting.

    Not to point fingers, but if your MIL flipped out on her for this (I mean, REALLY).... then how comfortable is your child being cared for by her grandmother? If the issue is with MIL (kid is anxious about leaving school and going to MIL's house, that sort of thing), I have a sneaky suspicion that she's going to be very reluctant to tell you about it directly. I hope you told your MIL to drop the subject with your daughter and let you deal with it. You're her mother.

    I second this ^^^^^ These were my thoughts too. Hope you get it sorted x