Maybe it's mean of me...



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I had one who ate 50 calories one day. And was upset she ate 250 a few days prior.

    I don't understand it.

    Then again, I dont' understand women in general.

    No one does, no one does.
    Hey, this hippo needs support! Which one of you can motivate me??? New here in this calorie counting jungle. 5lbs. down and a long way to go.........I will do it though!
  • mandi791
    mandi791 Posts: 27 Member
    Gosh, now I want to make my diary completely private. There are many days when I just eat 600-700 calories, its not my goal to do that, it is just the way it happens sometimes. And I am certainly not anorexic. Its just that when I am working, 10 hour days, I just usually take something small like a protein shake and a granola bar to work, (because i walk to work) and then eat when I get home. So, it bothers me that people would judge me for that.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I don't delete anybody. I just hope that they pay attention and learn how to eat. I hope that when they see someone looking healthy at 2000 calories, they'll give it a shot themselves. I know it's a lot to hope for, but you never know.

    Sometimes I wonder if some of these people are so poor they can't afford food. Yeah, I know they're on the internet but some people love material things more than food. Pretty sad.

    They are usually the ones compaining they "don't feel well" or " don't have the energy to work out" or "why can't I lose weight" (build muscel, etc...). A money issue is one thing but someone living on fast food or cookies (my peeve) isn't cutting the mustard and aren't getting it. If you don't delete them they take up your energy you could well put elsewhere.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Hey, this hippo needs support! Which one of you can motivate me??? New here in this calorie counting jungle. 5lbs. down and a long way to go.........I will do it though!

    I'll send you a request!
  • BundangKiwiGal
    BundangKiwiGal Posts: 78 Member
    You are not alone. I am also a hippopotomus :)
    and me also...i would starve if only ate 600 a day..

    I am a total hippo and LOVE my food!! :laugh: :happy:
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Awesome! The more in the herd the better. ( I don't know the collective term for hippos lol)

    Maybe these people have just never been introduced to Nutella or Peanut butter, because lord knows I could spend 200 calories on those alone

    Hippopotumi? LOL

    I have a few in my list. I haven't deleted them yet, but I also don't stroke their ego. If their goal is 1000-1200 and they are eating 500-600 you won't get a "Good job! Nice Logging!" out of me. I'm not going to tell them they are doing a great job.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    As someone that has recovered from anorexia..I still struggle with it..I do have some fellow recovered people on here as friends..when they are low, I don't say "oh great job"..sometimes I send a message asking if they are okay..but I try, most of my friends try. It's hard to eliminate people. I have a friend who is on a dr ordered low cal diet d/t medical issues...the only time i tend to delete is when people stop using the site..but we are all different :)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Gosh, now I want to make my diary completely private. There are many days when I just eat 600-700 calories, its not my goal to do that, it is just the way it happens sometimes. And I am certainly not anorexic. Its just that when I am working, 10 hour days, I just usually take something small like a protein shake and a granola bar to work, (because i walk to work) and then eat when I get home. So, it bothers me that people would judge me for that.

    I wouldn't! one day at a time is my motto :)
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I think there are all types of people here. I really like to read a person's profile ahead of time or see how they post. Let's face it, there are very few people, I mean there is no one single friend that I have hear who sees things 100% my way, and they don't have to in order for me to get something out of the relationship with them. If you can't find anything you like then delete them if that bothers you to that extent. I can think of one person that I did not friend because I didn't know what was going on and their profile seemed a bit screwy to me. I didn't think I'd be a very good friend to them. As you say, they just could have picked me for little to no reason or "randomly". From time to time I clean out my friend list of people who are not active any more after a month or longer. Some I have left a note to contact me again if they want to come back and be friends, but a couple I didn't really get to know or couldn't relate to so I let them go after no activity here.

    Sounds wrong to say, but it is all about You for you and for me it is all about me. Do what makes you happy here and if someone doesn't like it they will be sure to let you know! ; )
  • Spazbme
    Spazbme Posts: 9 Member
    It shouldn't be an option. Those that do that are only hurting their body in the long run, eventually the body fights back and starts storing more fat later to compensate.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    A group of hippopotamuses is a bloat.

    That made me laugh out loud! A bloat! How appropriate :)
  • EIEIannone
    EIEIannone Posts: 59 Member
    Oh no girl. You are not alone. There are plenty of people that feel the same way you do.
  • petersoncl
    The only time I eat less than 600 calories is if I am sick. There are times I go less than my daily recommended because I know we are going out to eat later in the week and I use those calories than. It is a treat to be able to go over a little because I was a little under the calorie allotment earlier.