Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    i get asked if I'm gay because I'm on a diet. Only by men of course.

  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I get real annoyed when MFP closes out my day and people comment to nit pick on me using mayo or BBQ sauce even though I am short like 825 calories for the day!!!!

    I'm never short that much, but if I'm under, I hate it when people nit-pick also...
  • bloodguilt
    Co-worker #1 - OMG you are so skinny! What size are you now?
    *Note - I am effing 180 lbs and she is maybe 120 lbs ... WTF is wrong with her?

    Co-worker #2 - Do you ever eat?
    *Note - No b*tch, I don't.. so get like me.. WTF

    Co-worker #3 - Girl you need a hamburger because you can't get smaller than me!
    *Note - WAKE UP you conceited wh0re; I am already smaller than you. WTF

    Hubby - Your @ss is so flat now I could do laundry on it...
    *Note - well, most of the men in my office enjoy my new, smaller @ss.. and since when do you do laundry anyway?!?!

  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member

    Or people that try to tell me I should be eating potatoes because it's really good for you. Yeah it might be good for you, but I have PCOS, I know what's good for *me* and potato is not it.

    THISSSSSS!!!!! Potatos are good for you. Yeah. Not for me. (I have PCOS too.) I am 32, I have been eating like a pro for a little while now. I know what'll put on weight. I know what'll take off weight. I'm trying to balance a normal way of eating.

    HOW DO PEOPLE NOT KNOW that we're all different with our fuel?
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    My family doesn't know I am have started this lifestyle change, they just know I have quit soda.

    But my Aunt started talking all fast and excited one day about how she was losing so much weight and she was so happy. So I asked her if she was working out or eating healthier.
    She just gives me this look like "omg no!" and say, "No! I started this new thing where I can eat whatever I want, but I just can eat a lot!"

    Oh, I said, so you are watching what you eat then? Eating the things you love in moderation and eating healthy otherwise?

    "No! I HATE healthy food! Here I will give you the secret to my success" She pulls out of her over the counter appetite suppressant.


    I didn't accept it, and needless to say, she stopped taking it and has gained the weight back in a very short amount of time.

    Do it right next time.
  • toddlyons
    toddlyons Posts: 73 Member
    I love this thread.

    From now on I'm telling everyone I'm on the heroin diet. I smacked my way to a better body in only 30 days. =)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    ...and lets say I am having a PIECE OF CHOCOLATE, he will make this "boop" noise, and use his arms to pump out to indicate "fat", because he thinks its funny.

    Hahahaa! I can totally see my fiance doing that! That's hilarious! :D
  • juggalotus
    Oh I thought of another one.....

    Guy I am seeing: *Taco Bell Drive through*
    " So what are you getting, a lettuce salad?"

    Comments like that bug me too, I know he was kidding, that's how we joke around...But still. If it was anyone else, I woulda been really pissed!
  • AnnieFJ
    AnnieFJ Posts: 82 Member
    I recently wrote a blog regarding people's comments to me. Read it here
  • Fishing4Stars
    I moved away after high school and have lost 35 pounds, and have 5 to 10 more to go. People who knew me 5 or 6 years ago see me and don't know who I am until I say 'hi' and they think about it. Then they look shocked and always say something like:

    "Oh, is that you? You were heavier back then, right? Well, you look so great now."

    Somehow, it never feels like a complement.

    Also, I got both of these annoying comments from my mom (who is quite large, pre-diabetic and doesn't care,) in one day - WTF, mom?

    "You look great, you're so skinny, you shouldn't lose anymore weight, ok?" (I'm a size 8, I'm not 'so skinny' - I'm average.)
    [Then, an hour later while trying on a bathing suit:]
    "Oh, you can't wear that! Look at your tummy - you're so curvy. You're just too much woman for a two piece."
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    Yes it does
  • sansouchi1050

    Hubby - Your @ss is so flat now I could do laundry on it...
    *Note - well, most of the men in my office enjoy my new, smaller @ss.. and since when do you do laundry anyway?!?!

    You are my new hero!!! I'm writing this one down so I can use it against my husband
  • steffers628
    Whenever my boyfriend and I have to take our relationship long distance, the first things he always asks when we finally get the chance to catch up are "have you exercised today? Have you taken your vitamins?". I know it's harmless enough, because those things are priorities to him and his own lifestyle, but I'm not quite there yet! I was brought up in an unhealthy home, and I get annoyed he doesn't ask things like "how was your day? How is your family?"
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    I love it when I get this: They look at you sideways and say, you aren't going to lose any more, are you? I want to say, no I think I'll just stop here. I like being 60 lbs. overweight!
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    the number one most annoying thing i hate is.........."omg how did you lose so much weight??"..........I feel like saying back to them just to see their reaction "cocaine, heroin a little bit of speed and a whole lot of sex with strangers!" hahaha!!! or "I climbed the magic beanstalk where a pixie gave me a magical diet pill to make me skinny overnight" lol

    honestly some people just can't use their brains these days! lol!

    Hilarious! I'm going to use that!

    Oh yes, finally a retort I can enjoy. I'm learning it ready for next time.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Most annoying thing- People saying that they are on a "diet." I associate that with a temporary thing and it's a way of thinking that sets you up. If people ask if I'm on a diet (which they rarely do because I'm always eating whatever I want) I tell them "hell no."
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I really hate when people say I can't eat certain things because I'm on a diet, no I'm not on a diet.

    And someone said I wouldn't look right skinny.
  • Brunette_Babe
    Brunette_Babe Posts: 33 Member
    One of the worst things is when you don't have a lot to loose in comparison to other people, and when you mention that you've put on a stone (14 lbs) and you want to nip it in the bud, colleague/family/friends say "but you don't need to loose weight, i hope you don't have an eating disorder etc etc"

    All i want to do is loose the weight ive put on over the last year due to falling into bad habits of the past (Take away twice a week and lots of latte's), and i feel like i'm being watched like a hawk now as though i'm doing something wrong.

    I feel like saying "Yeah.. thanks for the support guys.." :o(
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    yes it does, sorry to disappoint.
  • skinnyhobbit
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    Yes it does

    Yes muscle does weigh more than fat. I have a girlfriend who start running to lose weight. She looks great and told me that she has never looked so good but weighed a lot more than she did at the same size because her legs were so toned.