Most annoying comments people make about dieting

I know we all have to put up with some annoying people while we are changing our lives. My co-workers are the worst with their comments. Not all, but some. So, I want to hear the most annoying comments you have received from friends, family, co-workers, anyone, when it comes to your new lifestyle... here are some of mine

Oh, so is that piece of cake like your one bad thing for the day?

You know, for your height you should really be 120 lbs.
(Even though I told her by the time I am done, I will not weigh 120lbs because of muscle, and I like having curves!)

Guy I am "Seeing": *
*Talking about how someone we know used to be really overweight*
"Oh yeah, she was probably about 250 lbs...that's huge, it's obese! (I was about 250 lbs at the time when he said that. All I could think was "uhhhh...really cuz you're seeing me and I'm 250lbs" I guess I didn't look like I was 250 lbs! lol)


  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    'your on a diet, your not allowed chocolate!!'

  • Candeka
    Candeka Posts: 7 Member
    That's funny. The most annoying comment I get also comes from my mother, but its the completely opposite. All I hear is "Look at how skinny you are!". Just because I am not obese like all of my aunts, or have a huge stomach like my mother, doesn't mean I'm skinny. I have a good 30 pounds of FAT, and am a size 13. I don't think that qualifies for skinny at all. Hearing "you should eat more, look at how skinny you are getting".. when yous till have 30 pounds to go is sooooooooo annoying.
  • Candeka
    Candeka Posts: 7 Member
    Actually, I am going to add to that. My husband also annoys me whenever I eat something even the slightest bit unhealthy. I will budget it into my calories for the day, and lets say I am having a PIECE OF CHOCOLATE, he will make this "boop" noise, and use his arms to pump out to indicate "fat", because he thinks its funny. Then, he will go on to tell me how that if you are on a diet, you can't eat ANYTHING unhealthy and that I am failing miserably......This makes him sound like a total jerk, but he really is an amazing husband, he's just never had a weight problem in his life so he doesn't understand it.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    are you allowed to eat that ? WTF ??!!! I went to eating disorder therapy to NOT have god and bad food. ARGH !!
  • amy041976
    amy041976 Posts: 29 Member
    Mine is.... "you are skinny, you shouldnt have to watch what you eat".

    Do people really think skinny people can eat everything and stay that way? I have a healthy body because I watch what I eat and exercise.
  • Seggzee
    If I am eating something large ( I eat low calorie but like my volume) my boyfriend says "I thought you were on a diet", I just want to kill him. Hold the negative comments and bring on a little support.
  • pompeyqueen
    pompeyqueen Posts: 55 Member
    I love MFP but hate it when I eat the slightest thing and my fiance says " oooh have you put that on your MFP?"

    Also it is not really a comment but more of an action, when my boss is trying to get fit and healthy and she falls off the wagon she will try and take me down with her and instead of just buying her self a chocolate bar or crisps she will buy them for me, luckily I have a fiance that's doesn't seem to put on weight no matter what he eats so I just give it to him, hehehe!!
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    My neighbour said to me the other day 'you've taken in a bit too far now...' with regard to me exercising (she's sees me leaving the house for my jogs) what? I still have at least 15lbs to go!!!
  • MrNunny
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!
  • PepperRocks
    I hate it when people call you cute and tell you that you look fine. You should continue to eat everything.
  • kbarry1127
    kbarry1127 Posts: 4 Member
    Ignorance in general really bothers me. I don't only eat for the calories but the health benefits as well... so when I hear comments about how fattening avocado is, i wish ppl knew that the fats in avocado are great for you. That is just one example, but ppl that do not struggle with weight and haven't spent (countless) hours researching foods and their benefits just don't get it.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Monday is the big start day!
  • salomall
    i get asked if I'm gay because I'm on a diet. Only by men of course.
  • MrsMuffinRun
    lol people say annoying things whatever you do. I don't discuss my diet/exercise with anyone. If people notice and say something nice I just say, "thank you" and then zip up my mouth quick! There are some people out there who will never say something nice whatever you do, so I don't give them the opportunity to get the digs in. I think it's a lesson I learnt from two pregnancies!
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    the most annoying person is my boss, constantly saying : "oh are those crisps part of your diet" and always snooping around what I'm eating. It's so annoying, making these comments, none of his business what I eat, I think he expects people on diet not to eat at all.. Funniest thing is that from the two of us he should be the one trying hard to loose that 20 month pregnant stomach, so if he annoys me I will point out that yet another donut he is munching down lol
    I have instructed my boyfriend to stop me when he sees if I'm trying to eat ALL the chocolate or something that I'm really not suppose to, he then says "get in the headlock" ;) then i will stop and thing again if I really want this choccy ;)
  • Niliii
    Niliii Posts: 22 Member
    You're not supposed to eat that!
    Oh is this on your diet?
    Do you want to weigh 180lbs again?
    Damn! It's none of your bussiness!
  • loserforlife
    I get real annoyed when MFP closes out my day and people comment to nit pick on me using mayo or BBQ sauce even though I am short like 825 calories for the day!!!!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    You're fading away to a shadow.

    Haven't you started a bit early? (Because ONE of my motivations is to lose weight for my son,s wedding in April) Like - friend- do you think i am going to fail and regain it all? He'll NO!
  • JulesofWinsto
    Also it is not really a comment but more of an action, when my boss is trying to get fit and healthy and she falls off the wagon she will try and take me down with her and instead of just buying her self a chocolate bar or crisps she will buy them for me, luckily I have a fiance that's doesn't seem to put on weight no matter what he eats so I just give it to him, hehehe!!

    ARGHH pet hate is people eating a bad food and feeling guilty so they try to drag me down too! "You HAVE to have some birthday cake" "It's just some hot chips" "It's the work Christmas party, you HAVE to drink!"
    ....No, actually, I don't.

    I also hate "How did you lose the weight???" and they expect a 'miracle cure' answer. Watching what I eat and exercise... give it a go, it works.
  • fueledbystina
    The most annoying comments all come from my family. I'm so sick of hearing "why are you dieting you don't need to lose any weight!" Just because I'm not as overweight as them doesn't mean I don't have like fifty pounds to lose.

    That and "just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't eat -insert really unhealthy food here-" or "-Same unhealthy food- isn't really /that/ bad for you." Since when did they have a degree in nutrition?

    Or whenever I eat pretty much anything my brother makes fun of me. "God really Christina? You're eating already?" And then they wonder why I have an ED. -.-