Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    When my husband rubbed my belly and asked "Are you gonna work on this sometime soon?"
    I was devastated and cried for days.

    Awww, Im sorry to hear that, I would be crying too :(
  • kayti2020
    Finally got to go on my dream vacation to Venice. Wow, was I out of shape. Those romantic little bridges, were pure torture getting to my hotel room while carrying 30 lbs of lugguage.

    the final straw, missing my flight in Paris, I ran WHEEZING all the way down the terminal...

    Never again
  • 623Hernandez

    This pic of me! Plenty of chin. Neck not so much. lol Sad but true.
  • 623Hernandez
    Barely wanting to leave the house.
    Catching sight of my reflection.
    Never allowing anyone to include me in a photo - if I die my children will have next to no pictures of me.
    Finding it impossible to feel like I look ok, and never having anything to wear.
    Turning down invitations to things I'd enjoy, just because I don't want to have to get dressed up.
    Hating myself and turning in to someone I'm not - a reclusive, anti-social, loser.
    Zero confidence. Zilch. Nada. Nought.

    I could go on & on. They're no different to all the other times I've dieted of course, but this time I hope to nail it - even if it means logging my calories on MFP for the rest of my life, lol.

    Me too!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Seeing myself heading towards 400 lbs! Wanting to be happier. Tired of how life treated me for my weight. People definitely discriminate against heavy people. I'm not as heavy as I was but I still get mistreated and judged. Looking at photos of myself, almost to the end of the in-store plus size range. Couldn't see myself being a 5x or 6x or not being able to shop anywhere for clothes. Would have been bad, really bad. After size 32, the clothes seem to get frumpier and frumpier. You have to buy sweaters with cats on them, twinsets, solid colors, no style at all! Catherine's is the WORST clothing store. They turn plus size women into grandmas, and they are TOO expensive.

    Cat sweaters -Haha! this really made me laugh because I know what you mean! I use to dress really well now I am just grateful if I find something that covers me without making me look like I ran into a charity shop blindfolded to dress myself.
  • sianywest23
    For me it was having to buy a size 20 pair of trousers for my future father in laws 50th birthday last May and when I saw the picture of myself at the party I couldn't believe how big I had got, I went on to lose 2st myself have put about 5-7lb back on over xmas so have started MFP hopefully I will get back on track to fit into my wedding dress in August
  • MzShutterbug
    For me, I had known my weight was creeping up on me, but the reality of it hit me when I saw myself in a family photo with my husband's family during our last visit. I found myself being tagged in a photo on Facebook and when I saw it, I was so embarrassed about how I looked!

    I had been making "life is too busy" excuses for too long; new grandbaby from our daughter, then our son was graduating high school ... ooops! Now we're moving ... and our son is heading off to college .... you get the gist of it. lol After I saw that photo, I knew it was time to stop putting everything else ahead of my health.

    The final straw was gearing up to do this and my back went out. Ugh! I have spent the last few months basically inactive due to the disc in my back, but I figured I could at least start the changes in my eating habits while I heal up. Less weight on my spine should mean quicker healing. One step at a time! :)
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    A trip to Hawaii and the thought of putting on a swimsuit. I have avoided swimwear for a very long time. It sounds vain compared to everyone else but it was the bottom line for me.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    A photo from my sister-in-laws wedding.

    This is what I looked like in April of 2011. I was 180 pounds, which is far from skinny, but dammit, I wish I was back at that weight.


    This is what I looked like in August of 2011, just 5 months later, 220 pounds. That's a gain of 40 pounds in 5 months. Thinking about it makes me want to cry.

  • ancook02
    ancook02 Posts: 44 Member
    I've always been bigger. I've never been the super skinny girl, always the fat funny friend. But when I moved off campus from college and in with my then boyfriend, now husband, things got out of control. I was eating pizza constantly, drinking constantly, and my weight ballooned from the 190's straight into the 250's. I kept at that weight until I got pregnant in 2009. I ballooned up over 300lbs. I had to have constant sonograms because my weight was a concern and they wanted to make sure my little girl was okay.

    I was horrified. Before I was just hurting myself, now I was hurting my baby. After having my daughter (perfectly healthy little girl!) I dropped 50lbs because I had gall stones. I was terrified of surgery and so I stuck to a totally bland diet of nothing but chicken and tuna, no soda, nothing fatty, no dairy. Finally the pain got worse and worse until I went to the doctors and he booked me for a gall bladder removal the week after.

    As soon as that was taken out I was able to go back to eating all the foods that were off limits and I gained 40lbs right back. Last year I joined MFP because a friend suggested it. My heart wasn't into the weight loss and so it didn't stick at all. Until last March I saw a biggest loser competition at a local church.

    I joined with the best of intentions but still wasn't losing. It took my wellness coach calling me out on my lack of effort to realize he was right. It took about a week of self pity and loathing before I got started again. Since then I've decided I'm done being the fat friend, the girl with the pretty face. I'm sick of worrying everytime someone laughs that they're laughing at me. I'm a singer but I hate being in front of people and knowing they're all looking at me.

    So... I'm back, and this time actually using MFP! I've lost 13lbs so far and can't wait to reach goal. I feel like I'm doing it right this time. Everything in moderation, watching my calories and exercising.

    I'm so sick of being unhappy with myself. At this point, failure just isn't an option!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I was really beginning to hate what I have become! I left my husband almost 3 years ago, and while he has moved on and is in a relationship with someone else, I found myself too busy, broke, unhappy and fat to date. I'm still broke and busy, and have no real interest in dating, but I feel great and am approaching happiness with myself again, so if the opportunity arises in the (distant) future, I'll have a good feeling about myself and will feel comfortable doing so!
  • CassandraMcA
    In the last year I have probably been asked "when are you due? Is this your first baby?" nothing feels worse than that- also so humiliating when you are with others who KNOW you are not prego...OUCH!
  • maryjay51
    i used to be a killer in my younger years..i let myself get up to 300lbs at one time ..then lost 90 and went back to 50 yrs old i couldnt stand myself any more and i wanted to go through my youth again...couldnt walk hardly, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol level, just looked and felt awful....lost 80lbs so far but man oh man am i ever going through my youth again!!!!! whoohooo i am sooo reaping in the rewards of my hard labor
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Realizing I've gained 40 pounds in the last couple years. I got down to 150 and swore I would stay there. Didn't happen. When that scale jumped ovr the 190 mark I knew it was time. I have two super skinny active kids and want to be the mom that my boys can brag about how much I do with them
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I left and divorced my husband. I figured if I have the courage and determination to lose THAT 360 lbs that I can continue to lose the last 130. :wink:
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    Family pictures in September embarrassed me. I cried harder with each outfit I tried on and couldn't find anything comfortable enough to wear that didn't make my stomach look huge. Between Sept and Dec, I gained another 15 lbs and could no longer fit into the 3 pairs of work pants that I own. Along with those 15 lbs came horrible stomach pain with every thing I ate. After several tests and no ideas of what is wrong, I decided that Jan 2nd I was changing my lifestyle. I started eating my healthier and eliminated most gluten in my diet. Surprisingly, the pain in my stomach went away within the first week. I have lost 11 lbs, my clothes are fitting better and I was not embarrassed to be seen in pictures with kids on their birthdays.

    My family is going on vacation in March to Colorado Springs and I am determined to lose at least another 10 lbs before we go so I can be comfortable in the car and be able to breathe going up to Pike's Peak. I love being able to chase my kids and not get so tired at night when I have to stay up to do homework. This is definitely the best decision I have ever made!
  • onmyway31
    I went to the doctor's with my 16 year old daughter and when she got on the scale she broke down into tears. She weighted 198 pounds. We decided that it was time to get back to the gym. When my husband and daughter went there to sign up the gentlemen who signed us up was a health coach. He encouraged us to try a trainer. That first trainer was what made the difference for us. Now the 3 of us train 2x a week and work out on our own another 4 times a week. My husband has lost 100 pounds, I have lost 92 pounds and my daughter has lost 50 pounds. We've tried many diets before, but this time we met the right people and that made all the difference. It's a year later now and we've never looked back. Our lives are totally different and so much better! My daughter has so much more confidence, it's amazing!

    I love that you made it a family thing. I decided to do the same it works better when you can support and encourage one another. :happy:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Great thread! I've never really been over weight, but what makes me never want to be is a comment one of my husbands friends made. While talking to my husband about one of their other guy friends, he refered to the other guy friends wife as a Tug Boat! It was then that I decided I never want my husband to be the guy with the fat wife, and I never want anyone refering to me as a tug boat!
  • Tubby2Toned
    Tubby2Toned Posts: 130 Member
    Brutal honesty?

    A romance could have occurred and I didn't pursue it because I was embarrassed by my body.


    I got divorced almost two years ago. I'm 46 now. Lost everything. Started smoking, drinking heavy, got fat, and honestly felt like crap all the time. I was totally convinced that my life was over, I'd never meet anyone ever again, etc, etc.
    I was in a dark pit of self-pity and self loathing. I felt completely unattractive.

    Then someone popped into my life out of left field. I was really attracted to her, but I felt like my belly was disgusting, that my double chin was get the idea. My own body was making me insecure.

    My post may sound shallow to some, but it's what happened.
    I want to look good. I want my self-confidence back.
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    I met up with some of my line sisters that I pledged with back in 1986. In all the pictures that were taken, I looked like the turkey from the Butterball commercials. That is when I decided that I had to do something. Then, at the beginning of January, my husband told me that he just settled for me (in so many words) and that he is tired of me, and really have no intention of staying with me after he retires in October. Now, that made me really determined, and I started my countdown. Not only will I lose my own bodily weight, but I will lose his overweight stress causing a word. And now, I'm excited about living again. I don't feel like I've been living, not in the past 16 years anyway. God, it felt good to say that.