Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • AndiPandi687
    For me, i was sick of looking in the mirror and not recognizing my body anymore. i just never lost my pregnancy weight. it's like this body isn't mine anymore. before pregnancy i weighed 140 and i loved my body. i wasn't stick skinny and i wasn't chubby, i was just perfect. i lived in hawaii and i loved wearing a bikini everyday! it's been three years since i had my daughter and i'm still 180 lbs. i've gotten so self conscious that my poor hubby hasn't seen me naked in lighting for 3 years! i used to be such a sexual person but this wait has made me burrow in my shell and i'm sick of it! i've tried to lose the weight but i always got bored with dieting and tracking everything i ate. but i'm hoping this time i can really do it. i'm trying something new...i weigh myself everday and whatever number the scale says i write on my hand in big numbers to help keep me focused. i just hope it works!
  • xprincessxjanetx
    checking my bmi for curiosity and it saying obese. in 1 month i have dropped 2 bmi points and am no longer obese. working towards ideal now :)
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Mine was my 5 year old boy! Over the course that he was four he gained a lot of weight and so when his physical came the doc told me she had to test him for Diabetes.....I couldnt believe what I was hearing so I started to take control of what he ate until one day, when I was nagging him that he could not gain any more weight, he looked at me and said: "why mom,? You are FAT" I was shocked at what he had just told me but it was so true. How could I nag him on a daily basis over what he puts in his mouth when I myslef had just reached the obese level! So I decided that I was going to get healthy as an example for my kids and so I am hoping that this physical coming up he will be a lot better!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Brutal honesty?

    A romance could have occurred and I didn't pursue it because I was embarrassed by my body.


    I got divorced almost two years ago. I'm 46 now. Lost everything. Started smoking, drinking heavy, got fat, and honestly felt like crap all the time. I was totally convinced that my life was over, I'd never meet anyone ever again, etc, etc.
    I was in a dark pit of self-pity and self loathing. I felt completely unattractive.

    Then someone popped into my life out of left field. I was really attracted to her, but I felt like my belly was disgusting, that my double chin was get the idea. My own body was making me insecure.

    My post may sound shallow to some, but it's what happened.
    I want to look good. I want my self-confidence back.

    I know exactly what you mean. I mean you have to feel good in order to portray that confidence to others. I am married and just felt disgusting and I felt like my husband would see me as that and evertually would find someone who did take care of themselves. I am only gonna turn 28 so these thoughts should not have even had to be crossing my mind but no not shallow at all, you are doing this for your self esteem!
  • Dbaratta1
  • danahindenburg
    danahindenburg Posts: 3 Member
    I cannot even hear my husband call me beautiful without wanting to cry, I am so embarrassed.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    My daughter was born with a birth defect on her skull, she had 2 major operations. The 2nd one was 4 months ago. Once I heard from the surgeon that I never had to worry again about it, I decided it was time to do something for me...I didn't have to be obsessed about my daughter's condition anymore, I have an obsessive personality (not in a weird way) when I find something I like, I jump in 100% So now this is my new obsession....working out and counting calories.....I'm getting healthy and I'm not stressed out anymore.
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    2 and a half months before my wedding i went to the lady doctor to get a prescription for birth control pills. they took my weight, and at the time with all my clothes and shoes on it said 304. over 300 pounds. i knew it was creeping up there, but i didn't think it was that high. when she came in to talk to me, she asked me how long i'd planned on using the pill and if i plan on having children any time soon. i told her we are planning on waiting about 3 years, until my husband finishes his master's degree and has a church (yep, future-pastor's wife here... scary business), because we are moving several times over the course of his grad school work and i want to wait until we settle. she went on to lecture me about my weight (my gyno looks like tinker bell, no joke. she's 5 foot nothin and can't top 100 pounds, to my 5'9 and 300 it was like a chihuahua yelling at a st bernard) in her oh so kind way let me know that if i tried to conceive at that weight, it would be difficult at best, plus.... the likelihood of the pregnancy being viable was slim AND if i somehow managed to get pregnant and carry full term, the pregnancy would be dangerous and the risk of killing me or the baby was a lot higher.

    hello scariness. the next time i went in, 3 months later after the first round so they could check to see how my blood pressure was responding to the birth control pills, i had lost 20 pounds. over the next several months i lost 30+ more pounds, for a total of 53 or so.... then lots of holidays and family events (including a death in the family) and travel and such made me ignore how poorly i was eating and i packed 30 pounds back on. which freaked me out enough to get me back on track, and over the last couple weeks i'm back down a bit. :)
  • LHAMON2009
    Two things have done it for me. One is going to the store to buy new dress pants only 3 months after I just bought some because they no longer fit me. The second was standing on the scale and seeing me at 250 lbs. I am 23 years old how could I weigh that much. Everyone says that I don't look like I weigh that much but I sure can tell a difference.
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    I hit my highest weight ever and decided that I was *not* going to buy the next size up in pants. So a friend who lost over 50 pounds pointed me here and I started journaling and my new way of life. I've lost 16 pounds so far (was more until Christmas hit) but need to keep going. Right now I'm waivering and I heard this morning that it takes over a month for new habits to become a way of life so I guess I just need to start a great new habit. I have to admit that I like the way I look now with those pounds off and while I don't want to gain, I'm afraid actually to keep losing and have to go shopping to buy all new clothes. And that is sabotaging me bigtime! I might need another "final straw."

    I LOVE how you just keep going!!!!!!! I feel like if I learn that lesson, I will succeed!! AWESOME
  • sweetcherubim
    I've gained around 25lbs since having hip surgery X-mas of 2009. I was never "willowy" before, but at least I was always active with jogging, walking, and working out. I realized a couple of months ago that over the past couple of years I have become completely sedentary for the first time in my life because of sciatica associated with the surgery. And because of my sedentary life, I felt not well. I don't feel sick, just not well. Not "alive".

    Since Nov I started trying to work light exercise into my routine, like walked every day or using my magnetic bike trainer. I wasn't trying to diet. The final straw for me came in Jan when I went to Mexico, and the seat felt way too narrow and I felt like I was pouring over the armrests onto the poor person sitting beside me. I did not feel comfortable, and I felt embarrassed that I've become someone who can't even fit properly into a regular seat (at least I was able to get the belt buckled, so there is that to be thankful for). After I got back from Mexico I started to diet by cutting back on the amount of food that I eat and exercising even more. It has only been three weeks so far, and some days are tough, but I want to stick with it. Hopefully I'll be able to shed those 25 lbs, messed up hip or not.

    I discovered MFP a little over a week ago, and I really like it. I wish I had friends who were sharing this weight loss journey though... all my friends are either fit and/or thin already, or are overweight and don't want to diet.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I always gain a lot when pregnant. After my first two, I also lost a lot before my two week post partum(sp?) check-up. Well, after my 3rd and last baby a little over a year ago, I went in for my two week pp check-up. Only a couple of pounds lighter than before I had him. I was 202 pounds. Jaw dropping reality. I was about 125 when I got married, was in good shape and exercised regularly. Ugh. I was devastated to be fat. As soon as I got my breastfeeding good and established, I started just by journaling my foods. Then Weight Watchers for nursing moms. Lost back down to about 160, got lazy and stayed at about 160-165 through the fall and Christmas. Enough was enough. We are done with kids and there is no reason for me not to get back down to my ideal weight!!! I am so ready to lose this last 25 pounds!!!
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    For me and I haven't even really fully started my journey yet. I am still in the gathering stages, and will begin shortly. However I am 6'1'', 235lbs (230-240 is my range). I wear a size 40 waist 32 length. When my pants start to feel tight I know I need to eat healthier. I really dont want to be a muscle head, or a 6 pack joe, I just want to lose some weight and be comfortable in a size 38 waist. I have an office job, and wear slacks, and oxford shirt daily. It would be nice if I was a little thinner because perception is reality for some people. This is no where near some of the other touching stories, but it is my story.

    I need help, I need information, I need accountability, I need to know what step one is besides knowing, wanting to lose weight. I would appreciate if there are any guys in their 30's-40's to contact me and give me some pointers. Thanks
  • Em05us
    Em05us Posts: 117 Member
    I weighed the same weight for all my life( which was not healthy by any means) After my First Pregnancy i gained about 40 lbs back after having her(in about 3 years) Then after my second pregnancy i gained about 50 more lbs after i had her. I became a stay at home mom after my second child and that is why i put on more faster. When i went to the dr for a check up of some sort i saw the scale and almost had a heart attack. It was then that i decided. I want to be healthy for my kids and show them a healthy lifestyle. I am 100% committed to this and what is the most amazing is my husband has decided to do this with me. He has been told by the doctor several times about his high cholesterol and that has scared me so much. His family has a really terrible health history. we both have a long way to go but he has lost 25 lbs and i have lost 20lbs. we have made huge strides in our lifestyle and i cant wait to see all this weight gone!!!!
  • Tubby2Toned
    Tubby2Toned Posts: 130 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I mean you have to feel good in order to portray that confidence to others. I am married and just felt disgusting and I felt like my husband would see me as that and evertually would find someone who did take care of themselves. I am only gonna turn 28 so these thoughts should not have even had to be crossing my mind but no not shallow at all, you are doing this for your self esteem!

    Thanks raqufern!
  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    very simple for me, when my non- pregnant weight reached higher than my full term with baby #1! that was it!
  • 0AmyMarie0
    I stepped on the scale and weighed about 20 lbs more than I thought, waking up the denial. I stepped on the scale 6 times and then tried another one. Entering my weight and height and realizing that I was "overweight" for the first time in my life. Being broke and realizing I couldn't afford to buy another size up in clothes, as I had already gone from a size 2 to a size 12 in just 18 months.

    My big motivation though, knowing it wasn't *me* Getting diagnosed with Hashimoto's and being put on meds that are helping to renew my energy has helped A LOT. Without that, I think I would have just continued to be swallowed up in exhaustion and depression. Going to my dr about my exhaustion and weight concerns was the best thing I could have done for myself.
  • 0AmyMarie0
    very simple for me, when my non- pregnant weight reached higher than my full term with baby #1! that was it!

    That too!! Suddenly I was 7 lbs heavier than I was the day before I gave birth to my second daughter!
  • Jgomez323
    After high school I was around 270lbs for a few years. I stepped on the scale about 5yrs ago and I was at 297lbs and that was the final straw for me. I felt so disgusted with myself so I decided to change and im still on that journey.
  • aylabean5
    For me it was not so much the weight but for health. I have been on the small side for a while now but I was extremely unhealthy, I would find myself getting lazy, and eating crappy food and giving myself the excuse that I was too busy between work and school to be healthy. I would find myself binging then immediately regretting it and feeling guilty to the point that I hated myself, I decided I need to do this the healthy way I am going to eat right, and work out! I can not let myself become unhappy for something that I have complete control over!