Anyone ever hear about Apple Cider Vinegar?



  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I've been experimenting with it this week and my belly is very happy. My parents who are in their 60s and 70s swear by it!!! They are pretty wise, so I took their advice - sure glad I did. I put my ACV in vegetable juice this week :tongue:
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member

    Read all 3 pages, including the warnings at the end!

    Thanks for this. I have been hearing all about it, but never things to watch for or other cautions.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    I tried it once several years ago. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever done. Yes, it does make you less hungry, but that's because you want to throw up from drinking the stuff. It wasn't worth it for me

    agreed! just thinking about it makes me a little queasy... :frown:
  • sallyperry
    I have made some vinegar drinks and I believe if you stick with it -- it's wonderful for your body to cleaning your house and doing your wash. I have the vinegar solutions book. Anyway I have made 1 tablespoon of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar (the only one I know of that is totally real) get it at the vitamin store around $20.00 a gallon. Than put the tablespoon of vinegar in a coffee cup with really warm/hot water with a tablespoon of honey and sip it as you would hot coffee wonderful cure all. I think I will go make me a cup right now.

    Can also use WHITE DISTILLED vinegar for;

    Rinse you hair 1/2 cup to a pitcher of water make your hair sparkle in the sun especially blonds, redheads or people with brown hair and golden highlights.

    Very good for you scalp.

    Use always after you shampoo your hair.

    Cup full in the rinse cycle will make your clothes, towels, sheets smell so fresh (don't use the Bragg Vinegar for this - to expensive) use white distilled vinegar. Excellent. Google it there are some many uses for vinegar. Good Luck:heart:
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    Wow MFP friends, you are all so knowledgeable on ACV, I did buy it today it was only 3.69 a smaller bottle (Braggs) at A grocery store in my area called Wegmans. I also found silk cremora for my coffee hazlenut I want to also try. I am getting so sick of those sweet cremora's but can not give up on my coffee in the morning! Thanks for all you advice and I will keep you posted!!! Enjoy your weekend my friends..I know come Monday I am back 110% because I am not comfortable at this