THE Team Week 5



  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    i'll have to try the miracle noodles. no taste has to be better than whole wheat noodles. sheesh.

    Since I had the same weight two days in a row, I logged it today. 20 pounds officially! whoo-hoo!

    Can't go to the gym this morning, oldest has an award he gets in school today! he's in K. Not sure what it's for, but for a drug baby/fetal alcohol syndrome/died in my arms at 6 mos old and brought back to life later/micropreemie born at 24 weeks/wasn't supposed to ever walk, talk or write his name.. well, an award is a big freakin' deal! (and by the way, he's reading, and writing well, way more than they ever expected of him!). Still makes me want to hurt bio mom for making him struggle with everything so much over the years, and he has years of struggle ahead of him. :cry:

    I'm going to have to really watch what I eat today, since I may not get to the gym at all ( hard to get motivated if I don't go in the morning right away, I just get tired later).

    Yeah on the 20 lbs.. I am hoping I reach that TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    LOL Kristi- As much as I love my veggies, there is no way I could go full vegitarian. I was raised Seventh day adventist so I love vegetarian food, however I can NOT not have my beef, chicken, pork and turkey. The first time I made vegie hot dogs for my hubby I thought he was gonna hurl. LOL My kids like them... somewhat. Maybe since hubby is gone I'll have to get some stuff for them to try just to see if they like it. We ate gardenburgers when I was a kid... before the world knew much about what a gardenburger really was. We also ate fake chicken. Any function involving food at the church was completely vegetarian. It does have a totally different texture and taste, but when your raised on it... its what you know. I hadnt had actual real bacon or any type of pork until I was about 17. The first time I cooked pork chops, I cooked them like steak... still raw in the middle and my ex chewed me out. My MIL taught me how to do them right so they wouldnt make us sick.. LOL I just didnt know you had to cook it all the way through like chicken!

    Miracle noodles... hmmmm.. where do you find those?? I'll have to get some and give it a shot. I love rice noodles. Theres a tai place here that makes an awesome stirfry chicken over vermicelli rice noodles that I love! I used to eat it all the time for lunch. Its more like a salad than anything else. Im game for just about anything new.. unless someone tells me it tastes like cardboard or sawdust.. LOL

    Have tried the tofu stuff. Havent had much luck with liking it. Im thinkin I may try Chanty's advise for using a smoked kind.

    Nitag- Chinese food is insane for sodium aint it? I had it this weekend before hubby left. Still have some sitting in the fridge and prolly just gonna throw it out. It was reallllly good... but not good for me.. LOL I ate sweet n sour chicken, fried shrimp (OMG!) and vegie chow mein. See!!! Told ya I messed up this weekend!! That wasnt the only bad thing I did too... LOL 5:30am.... man, I can barely get my butt out of bed by 7. Ive even been going to bed early! You go girl with the early AM workout!! That is awesome!!

    I got to the gym this morning around 8:30.... did weights for 45 minutes (arms & abs) then walked for 40 minutes, elliptical for 30. Ive reached my goal for the day but I may go swimming tonight after 6:30ish (adopt4, if ya wanna go, lemme know) I'll prolly go run some laps in the pool and work with the water weights a little. Plus, Im thinkin the sauna sounds REAL good right now. Ive just been so cold the past couple days and hubby's been braggin by phone that he is working on his tan! So a good sweat is prolly just what I need.

    I'll be up and around tonight... so If CM isnt back... I can start a new thread for us for tomorrows weigh in. Im sure she will be back, she just needed a break for a while from the message boards. She can be reached by messaging if you wanna say Hi :) She hasnt left MFP.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I, too am hoping to reach the 20lb club tomorrow!! I am as giddy as a little girl!!!

    Now, I better lose some weight, or I am going to be extremely put out! :grumble:

    Well, adopt4 once again, you are my hero. I love that you have given these kids a great home. Every day in my work, I see broken people who come from terrible homes. I bet being your kid is a lot of fun. I bet its safe and healthy and warm and invitiing in your home. So, be proud and happy about what you do.

    Nita, I grew up about 7 miles from the nearest town, which was really small (555 people). The nearest gym was probably about 15 miles away. I lived on a farm on Chicken Dinner Road (seriously, thats the name). In those days, a gym was not needed, because there was the farm. LOTS of hard, physical work to keep one trim and fit. Are you a farm gal?

    Chanty - hope today is better. And, hope all is well.

    Lulu, where are you??

    Zano, I am failing miserably at my exercise challenge. icon.jpg I am going to pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again next week. I am bringing in the big guns. (The sister, who is a trainer.) Its scary, but I am up to it, I think! Thanks for the challenge.

    Everyone else, hope to hear from you soon! Take care!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    smiley-laughing.gif Lifg when you were describing church gatherings, I was thinking of my own church gatherings. We are MEAT eaters. Did you ever have tofurky for Thanksgiving? That's just sad, and wrong. Here is the link miracle noodles.

    Thanks for starting the thread if CM isn't back.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    I've been lurking the thread.

    I'm enjoying myself. I didn't mean to "appoint" myself as "leader" - - so if Li4g would like to start a thread tonight or tomorrow, that would be great.

    Good luck on your weigh-ins!


  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Kristi - Thanks!! Yes today has already been 1000000000000000x better:tongue: Wahoo 5mile run!!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hi Cm.. You've been missed...
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    smiley-laughing.gif Lifg when you were describing church gatherings, I was thinking of my own church gatherings. We are MEAT eaters. Did you ever have tofurky for Thanksgiving? That's just sad, and wrong. Here is the link miracle noodles.

    Thanks for starting the thread if CM isn't back.

    LOL... no, never had tofurky. We did eat meat like hamburger, chicken, fish and turkey but it was usually pretty rare for us to have such treats. We were a poor family when I was growing up tho and my mom didnt cook much. If she did, it wasnt likely you would want to eat it...not because it was vegan but because it just didnt taste right. That woman would burn an entire batch of cookies on airbake cookie sheets.. :noway:

    Lucky for me, my grandmother lived across the street and got me to love cooking. She was the best cook!! I still cant compete with her when it comes to baking and Im a pretty darn good cook. Even tho my grandmother was also seventh day she wasnt a strict vegan. She still ate beef, chicken and great uncle lived with her and demanded ham, eggs & coffee for breakfast every day and she would make him his ham and not eat any of it. I loved going to her house just to SMELL the ham cooking, even tho she never let me have any because my mom woulda killed her. This is the reason I never actually got to try it until I was 17, got married and moved out... LOL Neither of my parents were coffee drinkers either... so I know that my love for ham and coffee comes from smelling it everyday during the summer when I went to her house for breakfast.

    Whats truely funny tho.. is that my uncle drank beer and would buy me rootbeer so I would sit and visit with him while he sat outside. I always had to ask him if I could "taste his rootbeer" and he told me I could but that I probably wouldnt like it. So Instead of actually trying it.... I would smell the bottle cap.... :sick: :sick: :sick: !!! So much for liking beer the way I do ham and coffee.. ROFL.. it wasnt until about 2-3 years ago that I could even think about drinking one. Now.. I maybe have 1 or 2 a year and have to mix it with tomato juice to even think about drinking it unless its a flavored ale like apricot or berry.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Kristi - Thanks!! Yes today has already been 1000000000000000x better:tongue: Wahoo 5mile run!!

    Glad your feeling better!!!!!
    5 miles!! Holy moly!! Great job!!!
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Kristi - Thanks!! Yes today has already been 1000000000000000x better:tongue: Wahoo 5mile run!!

    Glad your feeling better!!!!!
    5 miles!! Holy moly!! Great job!!!

    Thanks hun! I was proud of myself, and really happy that my knee was not hurting. I think I should slowly get back into it (mileage wise), so I do not re-injure myself!!

    I had tofurky for Christmas, and I really liked it, and the stuffing was really good. 2 Years ago I make one myself, and it tasted like crap!!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    friday sure did come quick although I have lost two pounds this week, I was supose to get my measurements but my trainer wasnt there yesterday or today so who knows maybe tomorrow?? if not no biggie I can wait til next week.. well okay I am going to be sitting on pins and needles til then... I have done a hole lot of cardio this week I am way ahead of my goal.. I have even accomplished the eliptical for 30 minutes!! and the treadmill for 25 minutes and I love my water areobics for an hour..

    Man I had very little for dinner tonight but I feel so full and bloated.. I just feel absolutely misserable..

    All I had was a 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup apple sauce 1 baked chicken leg 6 brussel sprouts and water..

    why do I feel so full and bloated????

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Kristi - Thanks!! Yes today has already been 1000000000000000x better:tongue: Wahoo 5mile run!!

    Glad your feeling better!!!!!
    5 miles!! Holy moly!! Great job!!!

    Thanks hun! I was proud of myself, and really happy that my knee was not hurting. I think I should slowly get back into it (mileage wise), so I do not re-injure myself!!

    I had tofurky for Christmas, and I really liked it, and the stuffing was really good. 2 Years ago I make one myself, and it tasted like crap!!

    5 miles!! Wow.. thats awesome....

    I want to learn to run so badly but right now I just can't seem to get past a 3.6 on the treadmill... I will keep trying...
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    shoot I cant get past 3.0 on the treadmill LOL but I keep trying.. try try and try again till I succeed!!!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    shoot I cant get past 3.0 on the treadmill LOL but I keep trying.. try try and try again till I succeed!!!

    Oh that was hard for me too... but you will do it....:wink::wink: :wink:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    friday sure did come quick although I have lost two pounds this week, I was supose to get my measurements but my trainer wasnt there yesterday or today so who knows maybe tomorrow?? if not no biggie I can wait til next week.. well okay I am going to be sitting on pins and needles til then... I have done a hole lot of cardio this week I am way ahead of my goal.. I have even accomplished the eliptical for 30 minutes!! and the treadmill for 25 minutes and I love my water areobics for an hour..

    Man I had very little for dinner tonight but I feel so full and bloated.. I just feel absolutely misserable..

    All I had was a 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup apple sauce 1 baked chicken leg 6 brussel sprouts and water..

    why do I feel so full and bloated????


    VERY cool that you can go 30 minutes on the elliptical!! VERY COOL!!! Stick with it! I love water aerobics also and usually try to hit it at least once a week or swim laps... i love my pool time!! I just got home from swimming laps and I had the pool area all to myself for the whole hour I was there..:happy: ! As for feeling bloaty... is it possible aunt flo could be visiting soon? Thats usually the answer for me the week before, then it goes away once she arrives... ugh! No wonder I get so moody.. LOL..Green iced tea sometimes helps the bloaty for me.

    oops! forgot to congratulate you on your 2#'s!! Thats great!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    shoot I cant get past 3.0 on the treadmill LOL but I keep trying.. try try and try again till I succeed!!!

    Oh that was hard for me too... but you will do it....:wink::wink: :wink:

    I start out at 3.2, then after 5 minutes crank it up to 3.5, then walk that for about 10 minutes and crank it up to 4.6 and run for a minute or two. I havent been paying attention to how long, more like how far at that speed. Once Ive gone about a 1/4 mile, I walk again at the fastest pace that feels comfortable. Sometimes its 3.4 sometimes 3.8 depending on how tired I am and weather I ate rice chex or a bagel for breakfast.. lol. I'll walk again for about 5 minutes, then run again at 5 for at least a 1/4 mile but its usually longer until I feel like my legs are gonna fall off. Then I walk again and do a cool down. Usually this takes me about 30 minutes or so to do and burns about 300 calories so once thats done I go do the elliptical for 20 minutes and burn the other 200 left I have to reach my goal.

    Keep working at it guys cuz you WILL get there. When I started up at the gym I could barely make it 20 minutes on the treadmill at 3.0... you can do it!!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    CM!!!!!hug.gif I MISS YOU!! It's good to see you!!!

    Sorry gang ~ I've been out of commission a couple of days. I am seriously looking for a job outside the house and that is so time consuming!! I did 88 situps this a.m. along with weights for lower body and some yoga with my exercise ball - felt gooood. But then got really busy and didn't cook, so we went out to dinner and I ended up a couple hundred calories over, - really just because I waited too long to eat and was starving!!! so I overate a bit - but all in all, not really too unhealthy.

    Okay, so what the heck is tofurkey???? In South Louisiana there is a dish call "turduckin" - it's a chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey - which cracks me up - I mean how much bird can you really eat? My brother loves it though. Is tofurkey like a turkey shaped chunk of tofu? You know, food is a seriously strange thing if you really think about it.

    Well, have a great night all - see you at the weigh in!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Anita - Just start jogging for even a minute really slowly between not push yourself just go really slow (while still jogging) at the beginning, and work yourself up from there!

    Oh lulu! No it is not trying to be a turkey shaped!!! It is just a vegetarian substitute for turkey, and has stuffing it it it is just a round little ball thing (best way to describe it), I made it with the veg gravy I make (really good!), and it was really yummy!:smile:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member

    Oh lulu! No it is not trying to be a turkey shaped!!! It is just a vegetarian substitute for turkey, and has stuffing it it it is just a round little ball thing (best way to describe it), I made it with the veg gravy I make (really good!), and it was really yummy!:smile:

    I was just checking in again before going to bed - and this made me laugh. Chantybear I sometimes wonder how nuts you must think I am:wink: Now, the veg gravy sounds very interesting - is it like a tomato gravy? Do share!