

  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Raw veggies without dip. LOTS of water. Whole grain carbs with a lean protein. Yogurt and fruit. Exercise (makes you forget about it)
  • hock87
    hock87 Posts: 2 Member
    gum is my best friend! when that doesnt work I like to snack on a single half cup of pistachios- they are the lowest calorie nut and taste so good! a serving is 170 calories and it takes time opening the shell etc. its a great snack and always keep water near by to fill you up! GOOD LUCK
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    Try a low calorie protein shake then follow it up with an apple. The protein + fiber will have you full for hours
  • lynnmarie60
    bananas usually do the trick for me; or fresh fruit in general/
  • Betsiz17
    Betsiz17 Posts: 95 Member
    apples work well for me to feel fuller (plus water, or course). Are you sure you are just not thirsty?
  • indianlarry11
    indianlarry11 Posts: 32 Member
    Try your favorite fat to curb your appetite. A tablespoon of peanut butter, string cheese, yogurt etc. Just make sure it's high in protein and fat, and not so high in simple carbs.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Reduced sugar protein bars are good too! They run about 180-200 calories each. Pure Protein is a good brand. Read the labels though. Some of the protein bars are loaded with sugar.

    Also, I like Wrigley's sugar free gum -- Dessert Delights. Some people don't like that one ingredient in it, but I feel it satisfies my sweet tooth. The gum comes in a wide variety of flavors -- love the Key Lime Pie and the Apple Pie flavors.
  • FiremanSam111
    Definitely try to incorporate protein into snacks (greek yogurt with fresh fruit is very good or even some Kashi cereal - high fiber and protein or veggies with hummus...)- can really help you to feel full. The first week or two can be hard too as your body is adjusting to lower fat choices. Let's face it- nothing like a belly full of fat to make you feel full (and bloated...and sick!) (: Also- I was told by a nutritionist that sometimes your body can mistake thirst for hunger...try a large glass of water and wait 20mins....might be just what you needed! (:
    Stick with it- it gets easier!!

    ^^^^^This^^^^^ A good article in the latest Listener magazine (NZealand) summarises some good studies that show upping your percentage of protein in meal will keep you feeling full for longer, and reduce the amount of calories you eat. So you don't have to change the calorie amount, just the proportions. Most reputable sources indicate a ratio of 50-60% carbs 20-30% Protein and about 15% calories from fat. I use the easy way. Put a plate on the table fill half with veggies, a quarter protein, and a quarter starchy carbs. The fat will be in there already. One of the protein studies found significant weight loss when subjects increased their protein ratio by just 1.5% Plus, it stops you snacking on junk. When I snack, apples and celery only last about 15 mins before I am hungry, whereas something like beef jerky or a small can of tuna will last about 90 minutes. Protein shakes are not bad for this, but make them thick so they feel satisfying.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    1. Greek Yogurt
    2. Carbmaster Yogurt (Kroger's)
    3. A serving of Baby Carrots w/ a serving of Hummus
    4. Special K Cracker Chips/ Herr's Brand Pop Chips/Baked Chips
    5. Mixed Nuts
    6. Cuties (Clementines)
    7. Egg Whites
    8. Portion of Reduced Fat Cheese w/ Veggies or Crackers
  • christinezappella
    christinezappella Posts: 34 Member
    Thansk for all your great ideas guys! I'm def going to try a bunch. @ninerbuff--I definitely had an excellent breakfast, an egg white omelet with ham, feta, and onions. And I had a big salad for lunch. It's the end of the first week and I think my body was jut in freakout "feed me" mode. Going to stock up on alot of things at the supermarket tomorrow. Thanks again.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Protein, protein, protein.

    1. Protein is needed to maintain your muscles and to grow your hair & fingernails. So not all the protein you eat will even be used as calories; so if you're going to go over your calories in anything, go over in protein (rather than fat or carbs).
    2. Protein digests more slowly than fat or carbohydrates. Carbs begin digesting before they even hit your stomach, and your body either burns or stores them quickly. That's why you so often feel hungry again when you eat potato chips or rice or popcorn. But protein digests more slowly and then is burned slowly and steadily. So it will keep you fuller longer.

    I eat a lot of protein at all my meals, so I rarely get the munchies. When I do, I snack on beef jerky, hard-boiled eggs, protein drinks, cheese sticks or cheese wedges, plain Greek yogurt (maybe with some Crystal Light powder for flavoring), cottage cheese, mushrooms.
  • AngieTheCrazy
    :D I have special K snack bar and fiber one that I eat when I'm hungry and Light yogurt. I have one of those and it keeps me from cheating. Its been hard but I'm determined <3
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi everyone. Just wondering what you guys munch on when for absolutely no reason you are starving! I had breakfast and lunch, then snacked on about a half cup of steamed broccoli rabe, then a peice of toast with a babybel cheese on it, and I am still ravenous! Any ideas for some low-cal filling snacks?? Much appreciated.
    Go for good ole peanut butter and jelly on wheat....dont deny yourself if you are feeling that way ..i tend to also reach for sugar free jello
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    What seems to fill me up most is an apple and some water. You can Google 100 calorie snacks...you'll find some good choices there as well.
  • sultanabegum91
    Nice hot cup of tea no sugar and semi skimmed milk always fills me up also it speeds the metabolism
  • NYPetite
    I actually eat fruit and veggies like they have no calories. I obviously know they do but it has worked for me with weight loss. If I feel hungry I will always grab a few cuties (2 or 3 tangerines) or some celery sticks and carrots with low fat blue cheese dressing (please be aware of serving, 1-2 TB) or a huge bowl of salad (extremely low in cals, a whole bag Fresh Express is under 100 cals) with some home made italian dressing (1Tb EVOO + 2TB red or white vingar + tsp of dijon mustard + salt and pepper).

    Good Luck! :)
  • LisaBirren
    Some of my favorite snacking foods are ranch rice cakes, pretzels, or my fave - Special K garlic & herb crackers w/ fat free cream cheese spread on each one! Sometimes just plain veggies aren't enough!
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    Up your protein and lower your bad carbs ie ( white flour and sugar) until you gain control of your hunger pangs. Protein keeps you full longer, takes longer to digest and helps a ton with weight loss.
  • ogmama12
    ogmama12 Posts: 23 Member
    My new fave is carrot sticks and 100 cal pack of Wholly Guacamole with some cayenne added. The healthy fat in the guac helps me stay full and the carrots are nice and crunchy (I really don't miss the chips, and I have have way more carrots for the half the calories).
    I also made this soup recently that's super duper filling: 2 cans rinsed beans (I use black beans or lentil beans), 2 cans low sodium crushed tomatoes, a diced onion, garlic, low sodium broth, pinch of salt, and a bunch of spices. You can add greens, too. Cook the onions and garlic while you purée the tomatoes and beans until they're smooth, then purée the onions abd garlic with the mix. Cook it all with the broth. Add enough broth until you have 6 cups of soup. A 1 cup serving has about 150 calories, 10 grams of fiber, 9 grams of protein, and it's natural!