How do you beat late night snacking (binging?)



  • kissers84
    kissers84 Posts: 6 Member
    I struggle big time with it too. I can do good all day, but as soon as I put my son down for bed I'm itching for something to snack on. My husband is a GM for a restaurant and always comes home late...with yummy food. So when we are able to connect late at night he has huge wonderful servings of food that I obviously want but shouldn't have. He's the type of guy that will snack throughout the day, but eat a meal when he gets home. It sucks. It sucks even more when he is kind and brings me something to eat as well. Which is often. I need to get serious about snacking at night. Otherwise, this stress and disappointment I'm putting on myself is just plain self inflicted. SOLIDARITY SISTER!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    do not have junk around, make it carrots and celery
  • NaughtyinCali
    Im not trying to be funny, but how about sex? Takes the edge off and I sleep better, afterwards.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I struggle, a lot, with late night snacking. By late night I mean 8pm - 11pm (after the baby has gone to bed). I'm not exactly sure what the root of it is... boredom, habit, emotional eating; and I know a huge part of the battle will be figuring out the "Why" of it all.

    Any tips you guys have for different ways to curb the snacking would be great. I've tried not buying things but I still manage to find something/anything to snack on.

    Plan for it.

    If you know you are gonna hit the snacks, then carve out the calories earlier in the day, so you ahve room for the snacks at night.....

    Or keep a bag of carrots or broccoli on hand.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Holy Thread Resurrection Batman!! lol Wonder if after a year and a half the OP managed to curb her late night snacking??? :ohwell:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    That was my biggest issue when I was 50 lbs heavier. I just gave it up cold turkey as it really had contributed to my weight gain. I go to bed pretty early during the week as I get up super early so it's not so bad when it comes to cravings. On weekends I'll have the occassional night snack (stick with something healthy) or a cup of coffee, I just fit it into my day.
  • rhhince
    rhhince Posts: 4 Member
    I do too, but I found if I actually take the time to weigh what I eat, I really see what goes in. I am a sucker for shelled peanuts and nacho chips. One thing that comes to mind and helps is, " I ate myself into this mess over the years, I can only eat myself out of it." It motivates me. I don't do exercise. Why? Because it is not not doing exercise that got me heavier, but eating more than necessary. Therefore, a little exercise of the mind, does the same thing. I found Fitnesspal quite accurate in its plan, although I always go over by about 25-30% of calorie intake, but am able to hover where I want. Very small goals, a couple of pounds every 5 weeks until desired weight is reached. You can't be too hard on yourself, it has to be fun as well. It is all about a lifestyle you want to have. You can do it!
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Having easy healthy snacks is the key. You have to make it easy to (for example) grab some celery sticks you've previously cut or baby carrots along with perhaps some hummus, or maybe have grapes to snack on so you don't grab that cookie(s) or potato/tortilla chip(s). (The unhealthiest snacks sadly tend to be very easy to grab).
  • MatthewLewis81
    MatthewLewis81 Posts: 59 Member
    A double-dose of Metamucil helps me a lot. But be aware of other potential effects...
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I also make sure dishes are washed and all food is put away right after dinner. I am less likely to take a bowl of ice cream if I have to wash dishes again. Laziness wins.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I log ahead, and make an allowance for a big snack in the evening (usually a big bowl of popcorn with butter). I also don't keep "trigger" binging foods in the house if I know I can't control myself.
  • burbacka1132
    burbacka1132 Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same issue. I try to make an allowance for some snacks, since dinner is usually my larger meal of the day, plus I have to budget in a glass of wine...etc. Brushing your teeth early also helps though.