How do you reward yourself???



  • lilapr
    lilapr Posts: 9 Member
    When I lost my first 10lbs, I bought new running shoes. It was a reward, but also a tool to keep me on track. When I lost ten more, I got new underwear, from Victoria's Secret, no less!! True, it was the 5 x $25 kind, but still a really nice reward. When I finally loose the last 10 lbs to reach my goal, we are going on vacation!!!! That was the original goal and I am so close, thanks to MFP.

    I think the rewards for mini-goals are important to keep you going.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    stepping on that scale and seeing them numbers go down is reward enough for me. i buy what i want regardless if im overweight or not so buying something isnt really a carrot for me.. being a person who gravitates to challenges i challenge myself with my weight loss and if i win then well i get to brag about it .. i won a weight loss contest out of five nursing facilities last year and got my name up in lights .. and this year im hoping to win a body fat loss contest at the gym for the same reason... of course theres some significan monetary winnings for it too but its not really my motivator ..i just want to say i won
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    the higher and more wicked , the better.:wink:
    And who knows, an interesting night out?
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    OOOooo I love the shoe idea! Heals are starting to be more comfy and I feel less like I am drilling for oil!