Recommendation To Wives and GFs Out There



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Where'd the OP and his wife go anyway?

    Seeing as he's married to a woman named Jen, and judging by the posts of a mysterious "Jen" on page 2, I'm guessing divorce lawyer.
  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    @killagb - EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    There are things that cannot be unseen. Thank you for the flashbacks.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Seeing as he's married to a woman named Jen, and judging by the posts of a mysterious "Jen" on page 2, I'm guessing divorce lawyer.
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    I cook all the time :)
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Awww, I'm sorry that your efforts weren't appreciated!! :( That sucks.

    My hubby makes dinner every night since he started working at home, and when I come home with the kids and there is a lovely hot dinner made, I am very appreciative and I try to make a point to ALWAYS say thank you and once in a while tell him how much he is appreciated.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Where'd the OP and his wife go anyway?

    Seeing as he's married to a woman named Jen, and judging by the posts of a mysterious "Jen" on page 2, I'm guessing divorce lawyer.

    It has to be said, my husband is a great cook.
    I have bipolar (ii) disorder and my meds make me feel almost permanently tired, so he ends up cooking more often than I do.
    The only problem is that sometimes the food can be veeeery spicy. He cooks according to his palette, not ours, so we often have steam coming out of our ears!
    Saying that, I would never turn down a meal that he had made without at least trying it first. That would be rude. If he did it to me I'd be quite upset.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Anybody complains of my cooking can clean it off the walls after I sling it across the room.
    I don't much care for a food critic....:angry:
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    IM sorry but if i dont like something im goin to tell my hubby. As he will tell me. Its not very often that he or i dont like something we make each other but when it happens ill speak up. i do tell him thank u and i greatly appreciate it. I dont see how that is wrong to do. Married for almost 7 years and been together for 10..
  • Unless there is something in the food that my husband knows I will not eat (fish is really the only thing I'm that passionate about) then I'll try/eat it.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Why is this advice only directed at women?

    You're should be directed at both sexes. However, I am a man, and I'll admit I was speaking from the stereotypical perspective that the wife/woman is usually the one responsible for meals. Conversely, it is atypical of many men to try to cook something, especially, if they don't know how to cook in general.

    Sorry, I'm venting a bit. And I'll admit, I'm probably more sensitive about this because of other feelings of being unappreciated and taken for granted in general.

    Also, for the record, she didn't have a stomach ailment or anything that would preclude her from eating...she told me to my face that she didn't like the sound of it and wasn't going to try it (which is something I would have NEVER done).

    What's funny is that all the top chefs in the world are men....
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    My hubby cooks ever week night, I cook weekends!!! I adore my husband cooking he takes such time/care to cook everything from stratch and to be honest his cooking is probably better than mine, but please don't tell him that! lol Myself and our children can never turn our noses up at his cooking, seriously that good! :heart:
  • TerresaJ
    TerresaJ Posts: 187 Member
    He should be happy to get a meal!!! :)
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Where'd the OP and his wife go anyway?

    Seeing as he's married to a woman named Jen, and judging by the posts of a mysterious "Jen" on page 2, I'm guessing divorce lawyer.

    Yikes! I think you're right!
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    My husband does not cook often, but when he does it is soooo good! And he can cook anything! And i am always very appreciative! :bigsmile: He is also a much better cook than I am but he always eats what I cook even if it is not that great! :smile:
  • I can't be honest when someone cooks for me. I will smile and grit my teeth and drink lots of water. My ex husband used to make this god-awful spaghetti sauce. I don't know how you can ruin spaghetti sauce, but he did. It tasted like burned garlic and salt. I HATED it. He never knew though- he was just so dang proud of it.

    The only time I will be honest about not likeing something is if you serve me green beans. I hate them, I won't eat them. Anything else- I'll deal and thank you for it. Thats just good manners. Of course, better manners would be eating green beans, but I'm not that much of a lady I guess.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Where'd the OP and his wife go anyway?

    Seeing as he's married to a woman named Jen, and judging by the posts of a mysterious "Jen" on page 2, I'm guessing divorce lawyer.

    Yikes! I think you're right!

    Little tip for some of the fellas. When you're having an online affair on a site that your wife is also a member of.. you MAY not want to start threads about how she doesn't like your cooking. You gotta let some S slide!
  • On day two of my attempting to eat healthier my hubby gets up early(usually doesn't get up until 12-1pm) and freaking makes biscuits and gravy.

    No I didn't eat it.
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    Why is this advice only directed at women?

    You're should be directed at both sexes. However, I am a man, and I'll admit I was speaking from the stereotypical perspective that the wife/woman is usually the one responsible for meals. Conversely, it is atypical of many men to try to cook something, especially, if they don't know how to cook in general.

    Sorry, I'm venting a bit. And I'll admit, I'm probably more sensitive about this because of other feelings of being unappreciated and taken for granted in general.

    Also, for the record, she didn't have a stomach ailment or anything that would preclude her from eating...she told me to my face that she didn't like the sound of it and wasn't going to try it (which is something I would have NEVER done).

    Ouch! Sorry to hear that. My husband doesn't do much cooking at our house. But recently I've been working a bit later so I give him intructions to start the meal and he's doing really great and I make sure to tell him. Especially since he thinks he's not very good at it. With men I find a little encouragment goes a long way. Next time, light a candle with the chili... if she still refuses tell her it bothers you that you put effort into something and she doesn't make to effort to recognize it. Good luck with future meals!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    There are things that cannot be unseen. Thank you for the flashbacks.

    Is this in the MPF database? it sounds like a fun thing to try out. Do your eat these plain, or pour syrup on them? Personally I like to spray some whipped cream all over before I sink my teeth into it. Lip smacking good!