June 1 is in 20 weeks!



  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    I would love to join. I am hoping to meet my goal by May 15th which will be my 17th Anniversary. and I want to wear a particular dress to go out to dinner with my hubby.
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    How is everyone doing? St Patrick's Day has really crept up on me! I've been doing pretty poorly the past two weeks. I won't be making my mini-goal for St Patty's but I do still think I can make me Easter goal. I need to get myself back on track!

    I start Zumba next Monday 2-3 nights per week which I think will help a lot!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    I'll join you! I want that hot beach bod when I go on vacation this summer.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    Count me in!!
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    im feeling depressed, june 1st is in 11 weeks- and i would LOVE to be at or under 200, but 2 pounds a week seems far beyond my reach... is it a realistic goal or have i set my sights too high?:indifferent:
  • tuckersmommy14
    Count me in. I would like to be down 30 pounds by then...I'm only 14 pounds away....would love to be down 35 but I won't push my luck. Feel free to add me
  • woodstockmom
    woodstockmom Posts: 29 Member
    I am really happy that I met my mini-goal for St. Pattys Day...I was really not sure if I could make it...but I squeaked in by loosing 8 pounds for a total of 24 pounds. Gotta think about the next mini-goal! Good luck everyone!!! We can all make it if we just take it one decision at a time. I'm cheering for us all!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    Aww so I didn't make my goal but I'm hoping to do better and still make my June 1st goal. Good luck everyone!
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    =] Congrats to everyone who lost weight between Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day, and congrats to those who made their goals!!

    I certainly didn't. But today is the beginning of my anti-slacking campaign. I have two weeks left in March and I am determined that this month not be a total waste! Next mini-goal I have set is Easter (April 8th) and I need to get my butt in gear. I hope to lose 1.5lbs a week to be under 133 by Easter.

    I had to log a gain this week!! Only .2 pounds but it really sucks! I haven't had to do that before. =[
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    im feeling depressed, june 1st is in 11 weeks- and i would LOVE to be at or under 200, but 2 pounds a week seems far beyond my reach... is it a realistic goal or have i set my sights too high?:indifferent:

    2lbs a week at that weight is totally doable! But you HAVE to meet your calorie & exercise goals most of the time. =] I suggest trying something new every week... a new exercise class or dvd, a different piece of machinery at the gym, a new ingredient for dinner. I like to drive away from my house before I take a walk because it livens things up! Set mini-goals & join challenges! It helps a lot. And add positive, helpful people!

    =] Good luck! Feel free to add me/update us on this forum with your progress!
  • donnamorad
    donnamorad Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join you! I actually have a goal of 30 lbs. by June, so, this is great. I have 14 lbs down so far and any and all motivation is welcome! Add me!
  • lshabazz
    lshabazz Posts: 28 Member
    How is everyone doing? Anyone getting close to that 20 pound mark? Hit me back and let me know, OK *¨*•.¸♥ *• •*¨*
  • smousley
    smousley Posts: 60
    I want to join! I would LOVE to be at or under 200 lbs by june 1st. My sister is getting married mid-June and I want to feel better about myself by then! I am currently about 225 so its a bit ambitious, but hopefully it keeps me motivated!
  • vtcjtj
    vtcjtj Posts: 3
    You all can add me! I am new here & would love to make friends & support each other!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I will be moving a lot tomorrow as I visit the Peace Park in Hiroshima. I will eat a healthy lunch at home before I leave so I don't get sucked into those Japanese sweets I can't seem to keep my hands off of! I haven't made my goals, but I'm determined to turn this around and go in the right direction. My next benchmark is going to be May 1st. One month before the goal! I'm hoping for 155 by then, but I honestly don't think I can make it so I'm going to shoot for 158.

    Good luck everyone!
  • fran1515
    fran1515 Posts: 130 Member
    At our halfway point 10 weeks thru our challange (5 weeks away) Friday March 23, I want to drop 24 more lbs and this will put me at 265 lbs.. I will get a massage when I make my goal.


    I weighed in a little late (I always do a Sunday weigh in) and I met my goal weight of 24 lbs lost, I weighed in at 265.
    Down a total of 60 lbs since the 1st of the year. I am right on schedule to met my target weight for June 1st.
    We are a little over the halfway point so we have less than 10 weeks, it is time to buckle down.............
  • sschoolfield
    I would love to join for the rest of this challenge. I am setting my June 1st goal weight as 160, which is around a 15 pound weight loss. I'm really hoping to beat that goal...but we'll see. Here we go!!!
  • Roseisadreamer
    reyyy, 1st june is my summer ball and my first big weight goal - I wanna be 152 by then, I'm currently 164 :)
    lets do this!
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    Alright, setting my sites on a new mini- goal. May 1 (May Day!) will be coming up in 5 weeks. I'm hoping to be down another 7 pounds by then, getting me to 159. It has been maybe five years since I've seen that number and hope that I can see it again soon!

    I'm crazy busy these next few weeks and know that I will be full of excuses regarding no time to work out. I'm posting here to hold myself a little more accountable!

    Does anyone else have a mini goal for May 1?
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm doing a Cinco De Mayo mini-goal! But only because my normal weigh-in day is Sunday and that gives me a little extra time... plus it is exactly one month before my June 5th birthday.

    =] My GOAL for May 5th is to be 129. 130 is probably more realistic but the point of a goal is to push yourself!! =]