The Opposite of Body Dysmorphia



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I think the fashion industry and the media has done alot to give people negative body images, years ago I had no idea what a BMI was and never had any scales, you just ate what your mam put on the table, never knew how many calories were in it. Other than sweets been bad for your teeth so we couldn't have too many!

    For clothes we'd go to the market or car boot sales, either try some on or mum would take out measurements and go get something whilst we were at school. once you were one size whichever shop you went to for that size would usually fit!

    Now I have PJ's and T-shirt in 14 that fit easily, a 16 top that still doesn't fit, 14 jog pants with tiny waist thats more like a 12, a 14 woolly jumper thats the same size as my 18/20 woolly jumper etc.. all different brand names.. all different fits.

    XL & XXL used to be over 20 now your XL if your a 16 or 18, in some cases 14.. I'll look st clothes go to sizes and sometimes there's nothing about a 12 or 14 and thats large, now to be small you have to be double zero, and stick thin to fit in clothes, no spaces for curves, tummies! .. models look like skeletons and celebrities, singers, tv presenters and they wonder why kids are becoming anorexic from 6yrs old?

    thinking of recently Fern Britton, looked better a little bigger in my opinion, Stephen Fry seems to be getting thinner with every new episode of QI, Dara O'Briain (irish standup comedian/tv presenter) who was a big bloke.. ie very tall, big build but didn't look 'fat'.. seems to be getting smaller everytime I see him on something..even Gordon Ramsey looked slimmer in last thing I saw him on.. either they created a special camera lens that makes everyone look thin or they've been told to slim down if they want to stay on telly!