Are you a GYM IDIOT?



  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Ok.. here is my pet peeve, parents who bring their kids into the gym and leave them unsupervised. They allow them if they are 12 and up. While the parents are busy working out, the kids are "playing" on the equipment. It's one thing if the parents are helping their kids workout, but that's not the case. Last week a mom left her two boys in the lap pool area. There are limited lanes to swim in, and they were taking up two of them horsing around while she was upstairs in the gym area. This is not a YMCA.. it's a 24 hour Fitness. I'd say she was an idiot.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    With the make up thing.... I always heard that it was bad for your skin to work out with the make up on. Your pores open up, the makeup gets in and you end up with blemishes.

    I remove all makeup at night and when I go to the gym in the morning, they all see my face au naturel. I am not a person who "must" wear make up no matter what... I am pretty without it!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    The too "buff" guys that look like they are on roids that go to the gym and just walk around. There are about 4 of those at my gym, and I swear, I have never seen them on a machine, ever.

    And I hate the girls and their make-up. My sister and her friend are like that. When getting ready for the gym, it takes them 20 minutes to put make-up on. Really?!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yup...Its the only time I can get a work out in...and I do not sweat a lot (thank goodness) and I don't yup....

    I had a roommate once that also thought she didn't stink...

    ...the stench was overwhelming.

    I've smelled quite a few ladies that didn't realize that glistening has an odor too. I dont get it. I may go to sleep or to the grocery store with just a spot shower, but I'd never spend a full day in contact with people without a shower.
  • sdag
    sdag Posts: 29
    When I joined the gym, I literally had no idea what I was doing. I walked to the gym manager and said to him, "I have no idea what I am doing", hahaha. Luckily I was given a free consultation with a personal trainer for joining the gym and she helped me make a plan and showed me how to use the machines.

    When I am at the gym, I work my butt off. I sweat everywhere, but I have good etiquette. I clean after myself on every machine and am respectful to others. So when I am doing something wrong or I could be doing something better, the 'regulars' help me out and it is great.

    However, there have been a lot of new people at the gym lately and they have NO respect whatsoever! This one girl was literally just sitting on a machine texting the entire time. Usually I don't give a crap what you do - it's your time, not mine, but don't use a machine as a chair then get an attitude when I ask if you are done or resting. Jeeze, really grates my nerves.
  • GoldEyes
    I came across a few irritations over the last few days. (and I never had any issues until the New yeah...)

    One guy.. probably 18/19? Sat on a bike for a good 15 minutes... not even peddling. Just sat there taking up a bike. Then when he finally decided to do something, he went to a treadmill. He SOAKED the treadmill in the disinfectant spray. I have no problem with people wiping down the machines before they work out, but I swear he used half a bottle and sprayed it all right on the machine. The rules at my gym say to spray the spray in to the towel, not on the machine. Then he walks for maybe 2 minutes.. and stops. Stands there for another 10 minutes. Starts the machine up again.. he walks around a 3.2 speed. (I can see what he is doing, cause I am on a bike right behind him) Then a few minutes in, he bumps the machine to 12 mph! 12 mph! He obviously can't keep up and runs it for maybe 15 seconds... then slows the machine back down to 3.2 and walks for maybe 10 more minutes... bumps the machine up to 12 again. He does this three times. Then an older gentleman.. who might have been his father, comes over and he brags to him about how he ran at 12 MPH. Puh lease. That did nothing for you but make you look obnoxious, because the treadmill was ROARING over the entire gym. Just totally irritated me.

    Yesterday a woman in her 50's, fake dark dark tan, BIG hair all done, make up on, in her hot pink juicy couture track suit gets on the treadmill next to my husband. She puts the treadmill on some ridiculous incline and then holds on for dear life to not fall backwards. (she was barely power walking too.) She did this for MAYBE 10 minutes, then went to the locker room. Really??

    And the one that irritated me a few days ago. Two friends who were on treadmills side by side... having a full blown conversation for a good 20-30 minutes. I could hear them over my music they were laughing so loud. I'm sorry, but if you can hold a full conversation with your neighbor, you are not working hard enough.

    I also hate the girls who come in all nice looking and look at me weird, because my face is bright red (can't help it... I am a red faced runner.) and my shirt is drenched in sweat when I leave. Sorry gals... I came here to work my *kitten* off, not to try to pick up a date.

    I'm done ranting now, haha.
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    I just thought of another one... I hate it when people come up and try to have a conversation with me. I have my headphones on and I'm busy! Leave. Me. Alone. I don't go to the gym to make friends or chit chat. It would be one thing if they were asking a question, or if they just had something quick to say, but it's always this awkward conversation that I'm desperately trying to end.

    The worst is when they don't get the hint either - when I just take out one earbud and hold it right by my ear indicating that I'd like to put it back in. I feel bad because I don't want to be mean, but I'm an inch away from snapping at one of these people! :explode:

    There are a few people at my gym that I see all the time because we're clearly on a similar schedule. We tend to give each other a little nod/smile and go on with our workout. That is how it should be done!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just thought of another one... I hate it when people come up and try to have a conversation with me.

    Move to Boston. Then NO ONE will come up to you to have a conversation.
  • stephensmith0929
    I just thought of another one... I hate it when people come up and try to have a conversation with me.

    Move to Boston. Then NO ONE will come up to you to have a conversation.

    Im from Boston. Not sure what you meant by that!!?!?? lol
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just thought of another one... I hate it when people come up and try to have a conversation with me.

    Move to Boston. Then NO ONE will come up to you to have a conversation.

    Im from Boston. Not sure what you meant by that!!?!?? lol

    you routinely strike up friendly conversations with strangers in public?
  • mo_is_here
    Massive upper body and twig legs.

    There was a guy at my gym several years ago that had the opposite. He had insanely large thighs and the rest of his body was small. My husband and I used to refer to him as "scary thigh guy".

    LMAO @ scary thigh guy!