Are you a GYM IDIOT?



  • rainbowbuggy
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    Ohhh I HATE the girls who come to the gym looking like they are at a damn night club, Hair all curled and makeup on, tiny little tanktop with no sportsbra. I go to the gym to work my *kitten* off and expect to look like crap doing so

    LOL...that was hilarious! Very true! I just shake my head and mind my own business but I often wonder do they "freshen up" the make up just to come to the gym?
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Those who do a couple of reps on a machine & then SIT there for another 5-20 minutes "resting" (Husband- I'm looking at you!!!) Just do it already!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Unless you're literally a complete moron, no matter what your gym etiquette is, you're eventually gonna pissoff/annoy someone with the way you workout. I frankly don't give a fck. As long as I'm doing what I need to be doing, and not messing around. For god's sake, some people get mad if you read on a machine. Really?
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Imaginary Lat Syndrome, The Personal Trainer wanna be, Curling in the Squat Rack
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My buddy is a gym idiot. He is pretty big and refuses to do any cardio. Only weights. He also wants to do the Tough Mudder this year...with 0 minutes of cardio under his belt. Good luck, my friend.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    Ohhh I HATE the girls who come to the gym looking like they are at a damn night club, Hair all curled and makeup on, tiny little tanktop with no sportsbra. I go to the gym to work my *kitten* off and expect to look like crap doing so

    The ladies that sit on the recumbent bike with their magazines and phones out. Theres one lady at my gym brings a kindle!!!

    Women who lift stupid pointless weights that make no improvement on doing the exercise with bodyweight only
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Not only the girls with their hair all curled and make up on, the ones who do one set of 20 curls using 5 pounds then parks on the bench texting for 10 minutes. If you come to be eye candy go sit in the corner and do that, I actually use that bench for my workouts.
  • hloftin32
    hloftin32 Posts: 86 Member
    Chicks with huge earrings and makeup on going at a glacial pace on the elliptical. If you leave the gym looking cute, then you didnt work hard enough!
    Also the ones with their huge fake tits hanging out, that I'm just counting the seconds for a nipple to play peek-a-boo. I'm all about a good rack, but please give them some support at the gym!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Unless you're literally a complete moron, no matter what your gym etiquette is, you're eventually gonna pissoff/annoy someone with the way you workout. I frankly don't give a fck. As long as I'm doing what I need to be doing, and not messing around. For god's sake, some people get mad if you read on a machine. Really?

    Are you preventing others from using said machine by pausing to read?
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Massive upper body and twig legs.

    Lift 3 reps of a ridiculous weight with the worst form known to man.

    Complain about never being able to gain muscle and eat once per day.

    Hours on the treadmill then straight to KFC
    Massive upper body and twig legs. Genetics may play a role in this, even when I was squatting and dead lifting double my weight for reps I still had chicken legs (thin but ripped), fortunately my upper body isn't massive, just bigger than the lower.

    Complain about never being able to gain muscle and eat once per day. What is wrong with eating once a day? As long as you hit your macros meal timing is irrelevant for losing or gaining weight.

    Hours on the treadmill then straight to KFC. Nothing wrong here if it fits their macros for the day.

    I'll rephrase...

    [Massive upper body and twig legs.] Works upper body and skips legs consistently

    Lift 3 reps of a ridiculous weight with the worst form known to man.

    [Complain about never being able to gain muscle and eat once per day.] - Complains about never being able to gain muscle and eats about 1200 calories a day.

    [Hours on the treadmill then straight to KFC] - People who complain they never lose weight, spend hours on the treadmill and have no idea what they eat.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    The version of "Gym Idiot" I encounter is when trying to job on the track. Wanna walk 3-4 wide & block both the WALKING and JOGGING lane? At least listen for the joggers. There is a thick white line dividing, with WALKING stenciled on one side and JOGGING stenciled on the other side every quarter-lap.

    This and going the wrong way on the track, when it is clearly stated which way you should be going. The track at my gym has it so the walkers go one way and joggers go the opposite. If you accidently miss the marking and there is someone on the track before you and are using the lane you are in going the opposite direction.
  • youcandoitjess
    Unless you're literally a complete moron, no matter what your gym etiquette is, you're eventually gonna pissoff/annoy someone with the way you workout. I frankly don't give a fck. As long as I'm doing what I need to be doing, and not messing around. For god's sake, some people get mad if you read on a machine. Really?

    ^^ This + who cares what other people are doing, anyway? Aren't you there to work out?
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    The version of "Gym Idiot" I encounter is when trying to job on the track.

    Hating on people who try to job on the track? Everybody's gotta make money somehow.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    Ohhh I HATE the girls who come to the gym looking like they are at a damn night club, Hair all curled and makeup on, tiny little tanktop with no sportsbra. I go to the gym to work my *kitten* off and expect to look like crap doing so

    OMG me too, my hair is pulled back, i'm a sweaty mess but there's always someone with their hair down in curls, makeup on, wearing very little and just walking slowly on the treadmill.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    Ohhh I HATE the girls who come to the gym looking like they are at a damn night club, Hair all curled and makeup on, tiny little tanktop with no sportsbra. I go to the gym to work my *kitten* off and expect to look like crap doing so

    The ladies that sit on the recumbent bike with their magazines and phones out. Theres one lady at my gym brings a kindle!!!

    Women who lift stupid pointless weights that make no improvement on doing the exercise with bodyweight only

    Um, I read my kindle while doing a stationary bike. I was pregnant, and didn't want to over do it.
  • youcandoitjess
    The version of "Gym Idiot" I encounter is when trying to job on the track.

    Hating on people who try to job on the track? Everybody's gotta make money somehow.

  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    The version of "Gym Idiot" I encounter is when trying to job on the track.

    Hating on people who try to job on the track? Everybody's gotta make money somehow.

    lol, typo on my part. I meant when I jog and find the track blocked with people walking 3-4 wide. At least pay attention for others if you want to walk beside people.

  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    I'm guilty of the makeup thing - but I go to the gym right after work, and I wear makeup to work. Weekend gym seshes = clean face.
  • likeaphoenix28
    I loathe the gym idiot - I remember back in college I was rowing crew so my upper body was really strong. Well - this dude is using the lateral pull down - probably about 80lbs - grunting and screaming "get it! get it!" and "bring it home!" TO HIMSELF! then drops the damn weights. So, for kicks I asked if he was between sets, sat down, upped the weight a bit and started whistling as I pulled down. He probably couldn't please his woman that night, you're welcome :bigsmile:

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I loathe the gym idiot - I remember back in college I was rowing crew so my upper body was really strong. Well - this dude is using the lateral pull down - probably about 80lbs - grunting and screaming "get it! get it!" and "bring it home!" TO HIMSELF! then drops the damn weights. So, for kicks I asked if he was between sets, sat down, upped the weight a bit and started whistling as I pulled down. He probably couldn't please his woman that night, you're welcome :bigsmile:

    :heart: Swoon! :heart:

    I haven't witnessed any real idiots, but I don't know how the guy squatting with six inches of hairy buttcrack exposed didn't feel a draft. Dude... longer shirt or higher pants. Maybe both. Maybe a onesie.