Giving up...HELP!



  • kj_4
    kj_4 Posts: 50 Member
    Don"t give up - keep reading these posts, get some more MFP friends, visit this site as much as you need to during the day to help, read the success stories. Whatever it takes. Take it a day at a time - corny but true. Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week or a bad month. Be honest, log your food and just keep going. Have what you are craving, just in moderation and work in the calories. I like many of the other posts. You are worth it. You are young and you can change your lifestyle. Don't wait until 30 years from now - when like me, you have gained and lost the same 50 lbs. too many times to count. Dig deep inside yourself, girl and keep going!! You can do it and you are worth it!!