Seniors Golden Sneakers Club week of 3/9 -3/16



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good to hear from you Phoebe and for the update on Jim's father.
    My Vintage Diet is coming along just fine. Just got thru with my lunch and it was very filling.

    It is still cool down here but warming spell is on its way s, so they say.

    Biggramma--- What are you cooking for your son this weekend? You always have him something good cook up. If the wind is not blowing too hard I think I will get Jerry to cook a couple chickens on the grilled to eat next week.

    Barbie----Hope your weather is fine so you could get your walk in this morning. I wish we had a dog park by us. but never have heard of one here. I seen them on TV and Sammy would love to go to one and be free from a least like Mother nature intending them to be.

    sandy---Doing great girl, Keep it up. You don't have much more to lose.

    Ali--- How is our little country girl doing?I called my daughter this morning to see how they made it thru 3 days of rain. Said it was a muddy mess. They were fixing to head out to buy some grass seeds Will try to post a picture of thier house and post here---be right back. I'm back I could not get it to work Will try again later.

    Jeffrey---Have a nice weekend

    Carlene---Lookin to see you back here.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [img][/Iimg] Still can't get it??????????????????[/img]
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone! happy Saturday afternoon!
    Thanks Sandy - for understanding about that acid reflux stuff - sure was SCARY! I didn't actually feel all right until today! I was a little better each day tho, so that's cool.

    Oh man Caliecat - i can imagine what a muddy mess your daughters farm is after 3 days of rain. I know we NEED the rain but i'd so much rather have snow. It doesn't turn into as BIG a muddy mess. I'm going to try and cut and paste the link to see if i can see the picture. We're having really nice weather - i think it's around 50 today. They were supposed to be working on my house and they're not so that's kind of a bummer.

    Darlene - how's it going with counting your food and exercise? It's easy on here huh?

    Phoebe - i eat cereal a LOT for dinner. Only i eat kashi go lean crunch with lowfat vanilla yogurt and fruit and nuts. YUM! It's like my favorite supper! Hope they took your couch cover back!

    I had my first 2 times of eating out since i started this plan - i went over a little bit yesterday 'cause my daughter in law and i split a piece of cheesecake - at the Cheesecake Factory. Oh man that was good! We went and saw Phantom of the Opera down in Denver - it was SO great. Then this morning we met my son Dakota and his g/f Katie for lunch - but i didn't eat breakfast so hopefully I'll be all right. I'm getting ready to walk the dogs now. OH but the farmer who keeps cattle here in the fall put a dead one down at his pit - right by where i walk the dogs:angry: YUCH!!!!!!!

    Everyone have a great rest of Saturday! I'll check back in later tonite or tomorrow!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :smile:

    good evening, everyone:bigsmile:

    This was a very sedentary day for me.:sad: We had to be at a meeting 60 miles from here at 9AM so we got up at 5:30, walked the dogs, got ready and left. It was 120 miles of sitting in the car along with 4 1/2 hours of mostly sitting at the meeting. It was raining so I couldn't even walk outside at lunch time.

    We did a very smart thing. We brought our own snack/lunch----hard boiled eggs, apples, baby carrots, bananas, Balance protein bar, tea bags, and bottled water. It was perfect because it kept us away from the muffins in the morning and the spaghetti and garlic bread for lunch.

    We had our regular supper at the regular time and have no regrets.:bigsmile:

    I will do some on the exercise bike but my exercise will be way low today.

    Sandy:flowerforyou: I'm going to try to remember to wait 30 minutes after I eat to get on the bike (that's why I'm at the computer instead of on the bike):bigsmile:

    Marie:flowerforyou: I do the same thing you do, three meals and an evening snack. I have my cereal and either soy milk or yogurt at 8:30. It's a perfect end to my day.

    Phoebe:bigsmile: I am a big cereal fan. I have oatmeal with applesauce and a banana for breakfast and Kashi go Lean crunch at bedtime otherwise, I'd probably have it for supper.

    Elli:flowerforyou: I haven't tried going out to eat yet since I started planning my meals. We're going to do that tomorrow and I hope I can be as successful as you. We're going to a Vietnamese restaurant so there won't be any cheesecake.:wink:

    Keep up the good work, everybody, and stay on the sunny side.:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli I am trying one more time. This is their house before it was finish. I will take pictures at Easter when we go back out there I forgot my camera this past week end. also a picture of their Longhorns

    Hey it work. even tho it did not say I needed to sign in I just did and it work.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Marie - YAY!! Thank you for the pics!:flowerforyou: It looks like SUCH a great place! So they bought the land and then built their house? How FUN!

    Barbie - sounds like you did a great job bring your own food to the meeting. it can be SO easy to mess up when the only choices are ones we shouldn't be making! Oh - when i first lost all my weight one of the very first places i ate out at was a VIetnamese restaurant. I ordered cashew vegetables and only ate half - i didn't feel like it was "bad" at all! Good luck tomorrow night!

    I stayed under 1200 calories today, but all i got to do exercise wise was walk the dogs. I'm hoping to get to hot yoga tomorrow evening unless my friends want to work on sanding wood in my house.:ohwell: I'm back in most of my size 4 jeans now, so I don't have THAT far to go, it's just that those last few pounds seem SO hard to get off!

    OK everyone - have a good night! And a happy Sunday morning. Talk to you all soon! elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh elli A size 4 Wow I never seen a pair of 4's/ How much lower do you want to get? Don't go to low. Need some meat on them bones. Just kidding, I admire you for sticking with it. And I love reading your posts. Dont' leave us when you get to where you want to be.

    I am just hoping to get to a size 12. OK girls and guy what size do you want to be.?

    gonna get warmer today, maybe I can get out of my sweatshirts.

    Haven't got my Menu ready yet. Lazy Sunday Morning be back later with it. I like making it up for I can copy it aand put it on my fridge I did follow yesterday plan to a T.* I get a star.* Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love to all Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning Marie and all! well - i know that sounds little, but i'm only 5'2" - so i'm supposed to be little! :laugh: I only want to lose 5 or 6 more pounds - between 115 and 120 is where i'm the most comfortable. I joined mfp because all my life i've lost the weight and then gained it back. THIS time i joined after i gained 12 pounds instead of the whole 40! So i'm excited that maybe FINALLY i'm going to figure this thing out! I'm SO going to stick with you guys even when i lose it all!

    I'm having a tough time getting started this morning. I should REALLY go over to my house and start sanding wood, but i REALLY don't like this part of the renovatng - the sanding.:frown: So - i'll read the paper and drink a cup of tea for awhile and then hopefully get moving!

    Happy Sunday everyone!
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD MORNING....Today is a day of mixed emotions for me...Twenty seven years ago today my grandson, Kasey, was was a wonderful day..........However I am very sad :cry: that he is not here to see this beautiful Sunday morning......

    We lost him on December 7th 2001 at the age of 19....But I feel very blessed to have had him in our lives for almost 20 years....I also feel very blessed that he did not suffer...he was killed in a car accident and died before reaching the hospital....So God was good....

    I will probably spend some time with his mother, my daughter, because she still has a very hard time with this...:brokenheart: ..Time does not seemed to have dulled the pain for her...So I hope you keep her in your thoughts and prayers today.....

    I hope you all have a very blessed Sunday....:flowerforyou:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh gee BG. I'm SOOOO sorry for you and yours. :cry: I'm sending you and your daughter big love and prayers this morning...........i can't even imagine, i just can't. I'm glad for your daughter that she has you to help her through. l, e
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    biggramma--- My heart ache for you and your daughter. What a sad time. what a terrible pain for you to bare. Your friend Marie.

    Ok Elli I looked at your pictures on your profile . So tell me Who is who and also is that your house you are fixing up. I like it . It look so homey/
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Biggramma, I send my warm thoughts to you on this sad day.

    Elli, one of the things I like about my new friends on MFP is that we support each other no matter what goals we have.:bigsmile: If your clothes don't fit well it doesn't matter whether they are size 4 or size XXL. Right now with so much weight to lose, it is coming off surprisingly fast. Hearing from you helps me understand what the challenges will be as I get closer to my goal.

    I don't want to quit just because my 16 pants are getting baggy.

    I had planned to stay off the scale all month, but with my clothes fitting better and some of my ribs seeming to be closer to the surface, I decided to do a mid-month check. The news was good. I lost 5 pounds since March 1which makes a total of 9 pounds on MFP and 13 pounds since I started planning meals on January 14 (our 20th wedding anniversary).

    Enjoy your weekend and don't let the weather, restaurant meals, or too much work around the house get you down.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great Barbie on your loss. You have already made your goal for the month of March. A job well done.
    I haven't made it yeat but I am working on it.


  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh BARBIE! you are doing AWESOME. You go girl! no no - don't quit just 'cause your size 16s are too big - go out and get some size 14s (while i was losing my weight i bought clothes at the second hand store 'cause i KNEW i was going to have to keep on buying different sizes for awhile) AND - get RID of those ones that are too big! Congrats on your weight loss! Oh, I also wanted to tell you how fun i think it is that you and hubby travel around in the motor home - i love the pic of you and him! ALSO - you are married to the love of your life - WOW! it makes me so happy when people in our age group say that!

    Marie - on my main picture it's my son Dakota (22), his girlfriend Katie and myself on a trip we took to Hawaii 2 years ago. We were going ziplining through the trees and over the canyons. SOOOOO fun!
    There's a picture of my soldier/son, Dillon (27) and his wife Andi and myself too. OK, so to post pictures (let me see if i can explain this - it may take someone more computer savvy) you go to your profile, to pictures, to add pictures and then hit browse and go through your pictures on your computer and choose the one(s) you want and hit upload. I THINK that's kind of how it goes, but it's hard for me when i'm not actually DOING it. There's a tech support section on mfp that's real helpful as well. Good luck! Oh, and yes - that is my house with the addition started. It's SOOOOOOO much work but it's going to be fun when i can live in it again! elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - sorry, on your home page - under your current picture just go to edit photos! it'll walk you right through it!:smile: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks elli. I haven't fot if fiure out yet, but I will. soner or later.

    Here is my menu for today

    Breakfast---1 egg, 1 sl of toast, 1 orange
    Lunch----2/3 c cottage cheese. 1 c dole frozen fruits [ Which was really good. the peaches was soft, 1 sl. of toast
    Supper----baked chicken, French style green beans, pickle beets sbaked apple. yogurt
    Snack---Yogurt And sthat complete my require food.

    See you guys tomorrow,

    this thread is really rocking,, Love it----caliecat
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Time to get up all you seniors.
    This is a brand new week. Let's make the most of it.
    Everyone is doing such a terrific job here.

    Breakfast:--- Egg with some veggies cook with it., toast. uogurt and a orange .

    Lunch----: Tuna salad, sliced apple ,, Toast,, yogurt

    Supper:---- baked chicken, Pickle beets, green beans, Mixed fruit,

    nitetime snack---Yogurt

    Have a great and happy day.
    Lovwe Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Marie,

    What do you put in your tuna salad? I love tuna and want to include it more often.

    I'm off to the dog park. I'll write more later.:smile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning everyone! It's supposed to be 70 degrees here today. MAYBE someone will come work on my house!

    Marie - sounds like you have a good plan going for today, doesn't even look hard to stick to!
    I tried that laughing cow cheese for breakfast - with a bagel alternative (110 calories for a whole, small bagel!). That and some fruit made a great breakfast!

    This is my morning to weigh - i lost a pound this week. It's slow, but i'm going to hang in there. I know I have a better chance of keeping it off if i lose it slow. I still have 7 pounds to go.

    OK - I better get to work now! Happy Monday everyone. Let's get the week off to a great start! Hopefully everyone will get their exercise in today. I'm going to the gym after work.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Marie,

    What do you put in your tuna salad? I love tuna and want to include it more often.

    I'm off to the dog park. I'll write more later.:smile:

    Barbie, in my tuna salad i used a big bowl of shedded lettuce. 1 Pkg of tuna.,Thinely slice appes with skin .That the basic then I might add some non starchy veggies of what I have on hand and 2 T. light ranch dressing. That and a sl. of whole wheat toast and yogurt is a good filling meal and healthy.
    Another good salad I like is a big bowl of fresh spinach. Cup of slice fresh strawberries, chicken.and 2 T light rasberries dressing along with 1 sl of toast and yogurt. another good satisfying meal. Marie