Sixers Spring Clean Challenge Week 4



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, I've been meaning to say, CONGRATS on reaching the 80lbs mark!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    thanks, it sorta hit me last night while i was on here reading posts. i had told DH it says 80 now, and how much that is. i hadn't even noticed it yet until last night.
    again thanks.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Well, I couldn't get in to see the dentist, so have to wait for the fillings on the 26th. She said that they could do an emergency extraction of the one wisdom tooth, but I still have to get all 4 taken out, so I told her nevermind I'll just wait to see what happens on the 26th. Mom, I am supposed to get them taken out, but I think he is starting out small with the fillings then I'll probably make the appointment for the wisdoms.

    Haven't been eating that great today. Had bran cereal in milk and made sure it was soggy before eating it. Then a small pudding cup, and for lunch we went to Wendy's and I got a frosty and small FF, but ate half the fries because I only ate the soft squishy ones, but the frosty helped, the pain is gone right now, but it will probably be back later.

    Connie great job. Keep it up, I've noticed an impovement of attitude with my exercise, even the boss likes it.

    Pedal, I've been really tired alot lately too, but nothing has really changed, maybe the weather.

    Mom, CONGRATS!!! You are only 20 lbs away from hitting the 100lbs mark. Right on. At least one of us is getting somewhere.

    Kristen, you will enjoy the little kicks. They just help confirm that everything is OK. I used to shake or pat my belly to get the girls moving and if they didn't like it, they would deffinately let me know with a heel in the ribs.:laugh:

    Well, gotta get back to work. Good day ladies.
    Hey Ladies. Sorry I have been such a debbie-downer lately this gain just killed me (although I earned it :wink: )... but I am on day 2 of being back on track... so that is a start and I HOP HOPE HOPE by nest Tuesday I will be back in the 147 range (I think alot of my gain was water due to all the processed food I ate... so getting to 147 again would be reasonable if I stay on track all week and WEEKEND (yikes... haha) :laugh: Anyways. congrats to all the losers...!!! :flowerforyou:

    Chipper :heart: wow 80 lbs LOST... you must feel amazing!!!! That is such an inspiration... and you always seem so motivated (unlike someone I know.... me :laugh: ) Keep up the amazing work!!!!

    Pedal you may look tired or pissed-off in your pic (what ever you have decided :laugh: ) BUT you look great, your face looks really thin (in a good way) congrats...! I can't wait to lose my chubby cheeks :bigsmile:

    Everyone else, sorry I only had a minute to check in and say hello... so stay motivated and hopefully I will get to chat / check in with you later. ....and as always thanks for your continued support and motiavtion girls!!!! :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    A'ight, I took a couple of new pics. I looked tired / pissed off in the first one because I had just woken up :glasses: I don't ACTUALLY look strung-out unless I've just woken I guess!

    RedSox, I haven't totally lost my cheeks (something I'm looking forward to!). Just take it day-by-day. The first few days of getting back into it are a bigger struggle than once you're in the pattern again. I'm also hoping to see something good next Tues!

    Okay, I've been lallygagging all morning. Time to get doing something!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi Gals!!!!

    I've felt some fluttering in the tummy before, but wasn't sure if it was the little one or not...I'm guessing it was! YAY! I find myself talking to him/her all the time these days! I can't WAIT!!!

    Rhiannon...HOTT!!! You look fabulous!!!! look GREAT! Way to hit 80 pounds!!!!

    Everyone else...HELLO! I hope you are all having a FAB day!!!

    Back to work for me! I'll catch up later!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Aww Kristin, I love your ticker. Not that I haven't noticed it before, but just wanted to say :happy: SO cute.

    Well, off to the gym! :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks!:smile: I was excited to find it! And gives me something interesting to read every week!!! :smile: Mind you, I read my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book daily! I'm addicted!!!:laugh:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I highly recommend reading Sheila Kitzinger's pregnancy book - it was required reading for my Doula training and honestly it's the best, most comprehensive, most accurate pregnancy book I've found (and given my "industry", I've read a LOT of them!!)

    So I had a WONDERFUL work out at the gym this afternoon! I ran for 25 minutes and since I kept the pace slightly gentler than my race on Sunday (since my legs are still feeling it!), I ran just shy of 5k today at the gym :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: THEN, I did about 20 minutes of weights and got the major muscles in my arms and upper body. I burned over 400 cals in 40 minutes which is a lot for me these days (and most of those were during my run). LOVE IT! I also bought some punk-red hair dye to put a couple of chunks in. I've had every hair colour in the book ( but it's been a long time. I'm just going to do a couple of bits. Fun though :happy: :glasses:

    Well, I'm so glad I get to go guilt-free to Ava's soccer tonight, having worked out today! ALSO, I am super proud of my planning ahead and it paid off today: The other day I loaded up my big new bag ($10 in China town and just right for packing around all our gear!) with two special pockets - 1 with small toys and teeny books for my kiddos (with homeschooling we're regularly waiting for events or buses and it's nice for them to have something to do!), and one pocket as an out-and-about emergency pack for me. I put in some tea bags, some stevia single packs, and two scoops of my chocolate shakable protein powder in a baggie. We were out a LOT longer than I'd thought after the gym today and I was so hungry but I remembered my protein powder and shook it up in my water bottle. I stayed on track because of my planning! So tonight I'll "re-load" my baggie with more powder for the next "emergency". I swear, 90% of my success with this is planning ahead, be it meals, outings, groceries and so on.

    Alright, enough rambling! I hope everyone has had a great one!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I actually feel sick because of what I ate tonight. My son had little league practice tonight and so I got fast food for dinner. I had a large fry and a spicy chicken sandwich from wendys. I think it was the fries that killed me.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hi there Sixers!

    Connie- Sorry about the food choice. It does suck when it doesn't make you feel good.

    Cathy- 80 is amazing!! Pat yourself on the back for me!!! YAY

    Rhiannon- you seem to be doing well. Like the hair cut and I appreciate the kid comment. I believe that's whats wrong with some people in our society too. :wink:

    Amylou- glad to hear from you

    Shanell- I wish you the best this week w/ your fitness plans!

    Katie- I didn't see you posting? Are you okay? Hows the motivation

    Lauryn- :flowerforyou: I'm so happy for you..... you are still very motivating to me. I remember your before and after picture post.... I think of it from time to time. :wink:

    I'm tired ladies... Just giving you ladies some love! Gonna hit the bed ... I didn't workout this am. But I will tomorrow and of course tomorrow will be colder.... DANG!!! I did however do a 20 min DVD at work... I meant I wouldn't be off the hook just because I didn't want to get out of bed.

    Take care!!


    P.S. Kristin- I'm happy for you and your growing baby!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    thanks for the congrats.....:heart: you guys....
    everyone looks like they are back on track and doing well. :drinker: yea for us.
    for the ones having trouble, you need to get back on your journey. it's important to your health. we all :heart: you, we all support you. if you are having problems, post for us to help you through your tough times. tough times is when you need friends the most.

    i am doing good. just plugging along. trying to do some mind rearranging. having to learn to let go of things/feelings. but, that's part of growing up i guess :bigsmile: :laugh: (here i'll be 50).

    just came outside to let the dog out. we will have to mow the lawns this weekend. NOOOO!!!! it seems like once you start you have to keep going. lots of good exercise. want a pretty lawn to go with my freshly planted flowers. chilly out here. cold front came in. only in the high 60's this week. need to get my workout done and do some cleaning. repair man coming today to fix the bathroom vent fans for us.

    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Because I feel like letting loose a bit today.......

    Here's my post from the Free Therapy: Open Letter thread----
    Dear Husband,

    I'm glad you've seen the light and are making substantial changes.
    I'm sorry it took you mistreating and taking me for granted for more than 7 years (of our 11 together) to realize how great I really am.
    I'm sorry I have nothing left to give. I gave you everything I had and now there is nothing left inside. No hope. No more chances. No love. Just ambivalent silence.
    Please leave. I need my space.
    I'm glad you are on your way to being a better person. You will now be able to make some other woman a very happy wife.
    I would say how I wished you could have changed like this before now because it would have made all the difference in the world, but I'm tired of 'wishing' and I'm tired of living in the past.
    My future is today. And I will be happy on my own.

    Your Empty Wife

    And my before photo:
    I cried and cried and cried before going to that wedding because I was 'too fat' to go. I remember the uncontrollable tears, crying to my mom and my sister.

    And my profile pic, slightly larger for viewing, taken a week ago:

    Mentally, I haven't realized all the weight I've lost. I will always be a 'fat girl' at heart, but you know, it only makes me kinder, in my opinion.

    I need to take more recent photos of me. Maybe one a week. Heh heh.

    I really do need to take a core body photo... I took one in late Nov or Dec to compare how I looked before I started training to run. (I'm still not a real runner, lol.) I need to see the difference to keep me motivated.

    Speaking of motivation, I need to get to work.
    I feel so lazy and unfocused at times.

    xo Sixers!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning friends!

    Connie...I understand about the fast food...makes me feel sick everytime...and suprisingly, with my pregnancy, it's not something I've been craving! :happy: YAY!

    Rhiannon...FABULOUS job girl!!!:drinker: What great choices! You seriously motivate me to make better choices! Although my cravings these days do sometimes block any common sense I may usually have.:blushing: BUT...I think I'm doing okay. And I'm going to check out that I said, I'm addicted at the husband thinks I'm crazy!:laugh:

    Tamm...hope you wake up refreshed for a new day!! :happy:

    Cathy...YAY for mowing! I can't wait until it's warm enough here for that! DYING for summer!!! (Although when I think about it, I will be WAY fat and preggo when it's hot out and I don't know how pleasant that will be either...but I like hot better than cold, FOR SURE!)

    All my other ladies...GOOD MORNING!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am at work, feeling good! I am SO loving being pregnant gals! I can't even describe! Now that I have that belly that I can rub and talk to...I just love it! My mom and I picked out a stroller travel system which i am very excited about, and one of my co-workers showed me that yarn she's gonna make me a baby blanket out of! AND I'm made pregnancy announcements to send to all our family and close friends! YAY!!! I wanted to post them on here, but they aren't in a format I can get to work. If I figure it out, I will for sure share!! ANYways...I need to get started on some work, but we'll chat again later! Have a great morning ladies!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    And are FABULOUS! SO inspirational! And you have made such great progress!!! Keep it up! You are beautiful!:flowerforyou:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey girls!!!!

    Doing alot better today. Got back into routine today. I got my exercise in. Still not tracking the eating because of my teeth I can only eat on one side, so been eating soft foods. But feel loads better then yesterday.

    Mom, I know what you mean. I mowed the backyard a couple weeks ago and it needs it again. I may do it this week if it doesn't rain, or if I feel like it, maybe today even.

    Lauryn, you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're eyes look so much bigger and you look glowing and happier. Keep up the great work.

    Kristen, I did the same thing with my first. I wanted to read on what was going on in my tummy everyday. Have fun and enjoy it.

    Connie, it's OK. Every once in a while it's OK to slip, just don't make it a habit. I know yesterday when I had the frosty at Wendy's my tummy didn't feel to good either.

    Dr Tamm, Hope you got a good nights rest and keep up the great work. How is you sister enjoying her cruise? Hope your having fun Tiff.

    Well, gotta get back to work before I get in trouble. Later girlies!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Did my Bosu class this morning. I forgot how hard it can be sometimes. Especially all the darn squats off of the darn thing. I had to move to the floor to finish them. I think she squatted us to death today. I mean we did regular squats, squats and then a knee, squats and a leg to the side, squats and leg to the back along with the squats off to the side of the bosu. But I feel good now. I didnt then. LOL

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn, GREAT for you!! :flowerforyou: The whole open letter idea is a really good one. I've often wondered to whom I'd write. I love all of your personal and physical progress. Just THINK of what you're offering not only yourself but your daughter as a role model!! You are so inspirational :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Kristin, I'm not just saying this because I make them, but honestly the only truly ESSENTIAL piece of "gear" (of all the loads of baby gear one can accumulate) was my sling. I don't know how people keep their sanity without one. I could breastfeed whenever I needed to and still have a hand or two free, it helped calm them through the evening fussy period that all babies seem to go through, it kept them so much more confident and calm because they were against my body in new situations... I won't go on any more but I'll post my link. This is NOT pressure to get one, it's just got lots of info. I think it can make for a much more bonded and smoothly-transitioned parenting experience so of course I want to share that with a friend :happy: Just know I've not sold a sling to a friend since the year I started out (because most people around here either have one or get one as a hand-me-down or as a shower gift!) so I seriously have NO expectations! (there's a tab at the top of the page that says BambiniBags Baby Slings and if you hover there's a drop-down menu with other info) I'm so glad you're enjoying this! It's a miracle, isn't it??

    Connie, yay for bosu! Glad you went! Squats are such a great exercise. I used to push a lot of those in my classes too :wink: Some teachers (like me!!) really get energy from the moans and groans of the participants :laugh: Terrible, I know!

    Shanell, good for you getting your work out in. 1 out of 2 is better than none!

    Cathy, cold snaps are cruel! We're still in one :ohwell:

    Tamm, it sounds like you're settling in nicely to your new area!

    Everyone else, HELLO! And if you haven't posted, get your butts back on here! Whatever your excuse is that you're making to yourself, ignore it and hit REPLY :flowerforyou:

    We're off for a swim at the rec centre this morning. TTYL my friends!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rhiannon...I have definetely thought about the sling, and am planning on registering for one. I will probably be coming to you for advice and what-not with them since it will all be new to me! I would LOVE to buy one of yours, but right now it's not in our budget. We are trying to save every penny to pay off some loans. (We need a new vehicle.) I love looking at your website...the pictures with your little ones are adorable! Makes me even more excited!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Well...back to some work for me. Lots to do, and hoping to get out a little early today! Have a good afternoon gals!
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Pedal- okay, okay, I'll post!
    Sorry ladies, I have been reading, just kinda hectic and nervy about my driving test (tomorrow!!!!! Eek!)- so much so, I've lost my appetite. My housemate (also on MFP) has been nagging me to eat. It's been some time since that sort of thing happened! (Don't worry- I have a potato in the oven and I'll do some chicken with it as well.)

    Kristin- glad everything is going well with your pregnancy.

    Connie- Bosu? What's that? Sounds tough- good on you :smile:

    Shanell- sorry to hear that you're in pain- glad it's a little better. Hope it's a lot better for you soon.

    Lauryn- WOW!! You look amazing- and that was a very moving letter. I'm glad you've chosen to do what's best for you. :flowerforyou: