Please tell me I am not the only one



  • Vickied84
    Vickied84 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm sure we have all been.. I know I sure have been. I work at a retirement home where the baker makes goodies all the time and she sets it on the breakroom table and I swear they talk to me saying "oh just have one really you can limit yourself, right?" well no wrong delicious looking brownies, I can't! Since I've started using the site which has only been about a week I've completely withdrawn myself from treats. SO hard! I'm afraid that if I eat one...I'll surely eat all.
  • rufflestx
    it is like the "The 6th Sence" if there is a cookie in the house I won't be able to walk across the room without thinking I hear it, and how close those cookies are and how they are just there , , , above the canned soup... ... calling me.
    I blame my dentist. When my kids were young the dentist said the best way to get rid of Halloween candy is to just let them eat it all in as few days as possible to get the candy gone, teeth are better off that way than nursing the candy over several weeks. Must work with treats for diets too?
    Well, again, thank God for strong days. I just threw out all of my Christmas cookie exchange leftovers and felt sorry for them . . But, between you and me and the dietitians desk, I have two cranberry bliss bars hidden in the back room refrigerator. Saving them, they promise not to be too loud.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    this is actually a form of addictive reasoning. it's something to be careful of.

    Please tell me I am not the only one to agree with this.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I am the same way, and my resolution this year was that if (WHEN) I slip up, that I will not wash my mistake down with more bad eating and no exercise... we make mistakes, we move on.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    You're not the only one! We all do it.
    She may not be the only one, but no...we do not ALL do this.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    this is actually a form of addictive reasoning. it's something to be careful of.

    Please tell me I am not the only one to agree with this.

    Nope. I agree, too.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I recently had an engagement party and a lot of my guests brought me a bottle of wine as a gift. We also had a lot of left over beer. My kitchen counters and fridge were full of booze!!!!:drinker:

    For most people, that's a nice problem to have.... but I have wanted to drink it all quickly so I can get back to an alcohol free house!! :laugh:

    See, now booze I have no problem with! I have a 3/4 full giant bottle of vodka, 1/2 full bottle of rum, 2/3 full bottle of tequila, and a 1/4 full bottle of amaretto... and really, I'm never tempted by it. I've been craving wine lately or any kind of alcohol, but unless I can hit my protein goal AND have a drink, I'm not touching it. I used to hit the amaretto hard (and hard for me, is once a week - lol) but it's high in calories so that 1/4 will last me a while! lol
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    this is actually a form of addictive reasoning. it's something to be careful of.

    Please tell me I am not the only one to agree with this.

    I agree. The reasoning doesn't make sense to me.

    I do not do this. When I think things will tempt me, I throw them in the trash.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    i like to save the best for last so i eat it slowly over a week or so to make it last
    example: i currently have 1.5 gallon baggies filled with the most amazing popcorn in the world (garrets) but i only eat a couple cups a week because its so bad for me but i also get to enjoy it forever!

  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Yep, I do the exact same thing. Eat it all as fast as possible...
  • anchorageb2
    anchorageb2 Posts: 55 Member
    Not only am I guilty of it but I am also guilty of encouraging my little girl to eat it too :( However the doctor is always complaining she is under weight and that is why I do not feel bad about it. She is also one of those kids who if she can not have it will sneak it all and if you let her have however much she wants never touches it. So all in all I guess it does not really matter just good to know I do not have to eat all alone.

    Most of the time I do put it up or at least in the kitchen in a bowl and I have to go in there to get it. Here lately I have been buying individually wrapped candies so I can tell myself I am allowed one and the others will be fine till another day and will not be wasted.

    I also am reading a book that talks about waste and says that food is wasted in your body or in trash can where would you rather have it?
  • hfminerva72
    You are NOT the only one. But you can try to combat it.

    First, just say NO to yourself when you're in the grocery store and don't BUY the things that you're weak for...
    If you can't get away with that, because, say, your husband or children like a certain thing so you have to keep it around, then try to portion it out ahead of time once you get it back in the house. Buy a box of little snack baggies and divide whatever you bought into single serving sizes into the bags and keep them in the pantry. Then, if you reach for one, take ONE single serve baggie and walk away to enjoy it. So for example, they like Oreos. You buy a package and separate it immediately into single servings once you get in the house...3 cookies per baggie. If you can't resist the craving, take a cup of tea, ONE single serve bag, and go have a sit on the couch and enjoy it with some trash TV!!

    If whatever's eatin' ya (pun intended) is a result of something given TO you, then bring it to work. It's so tough around the holidays because people are always dropping off cakes and candies, so I'll have a taste and bring the rest of it to the office and share the goods. That way it's not teasing me from my fridge or pantry.

    Good luck!
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    No need to feel alone. I have done the same thing. My father gave me a box of chocolates for the holidays and I ate it in one day. I just can't leave things sitting around especially if it is sweets.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I'm the complete opposite. I can have a box of candy or tub of ice cream forever and never touch it - but if there ISN'T a stash of something junky available, I'll stress and obsess until I either eat something to excess or at least replenish the stash.
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    I know how you feel. Ice cream is my weakness...and cookies...and cakes. Best NOT to have it in the house. I think one of The Biggest Loser contestants gave a tip towards not eating/finishing off a piece of cake "Pour LOTS of salt on it". Then you can't eat it at all.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I definitely do not do that! While I do eat things sometimes that are far from perfect, the kind of foods I like the most would just be bizzare to eat until they are gone. Like steak. If I had 6 steaks and ate them all at one time I would probably end up in the hospital.
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    TOTALLY do this!! The frenzied eating to get it done and over with. God forbid I would throw it away or give it away ;)

    Whew, I'm not the only one. haha!!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    You definitely are not alone. I had a container of small gummy bears that I'd been snacking on continuously. On the last night, I had a bunch left, and just scarfed them just to get it over with. I was sick of the temptation.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Every time I feel like doing that, I ask myself if it's worth NOT fitting into my (insert desired pants size here) jeans within the year. The answer is almost always no.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    i havent been that way for about 4 days lol...:smile: