gym pet peeves



  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Holding onto the treadmill...I just don't get it for 90% of the people I see holding on.

    I know!!!! AMEN!
  • Myhighway2
    I exercise in the pool they have a place for kids to play but they get in my area and splash, guess if your going to go in the water plan on getting
  • kyjohnwall11
    People who sit on one machine for way too long without even doing the exercise.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    This is not really a pet peeve, perse, but I saw a girl bring in her iPad with her and sat down at the leg press and tried to balance the iPad on her lap. I was terrified she was going to break it. She dropped it, but it did not break.
  • wyldweazel
    wyldweazel Posts: 41 Member
    I hate when people don't wipe machines down.

    I hate to see someone cheat themselves by cutting corners on using the elliptical.

    The thing that drives me nuts the most is the 1 guy at my gym that does a set of 5 lifts (grunting and tossing the bd weights in the process)... then walks up the the tv area and watches football for 5 minutes between sets. Never wipes down anything, and is generally rude to all the other people. God help you if all the Cardio TV's are in use and not on a football game. ;)
  • HealthyHappy120
    When people aren't really using their machines.. (walking 2.0 on the treadmill) someone else could use it if you're not committed!

    and TEXTING!!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    my gym doesnt allow pets....
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I hate to see someone cheat themselves by cutting corners on using the elliptical.

    Describe this?

    ON the grunting thing: There are legitimate grunts from simply working hard and they don't annoy me. The ones that annoy me are the "Look at me, check out how much I'm lifting" grunts. They are distinctively different.

    When a guy or girl gets right beside me on the elliptical or bike and feels like they have to outrun me. If the competition helps, great, but when I'm running level 5 (elliptical) or level 10 (bike), just because you're spinning your guts out on level 1 to carry more RPM doesn't really show anything. Up that level, make it BURN!


  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I hate when people are really sick and insist on working out and coughing all their virus-filled mucus coughs all over the equipment. Stay the eff home!! I do enjoy the male eye candy in the weight area though. ;)
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    People never deracking barbells; guys acting like a tough guy for quarter squatting 225 on the smith machine; nobody knowing how to spot a bench press right.
    Women wear way too much clothing.

    And this.
  • SuddenlyPickles
    I don't care what you do at the gym as long as it doesn't impact me or my workout. So you want to bring in your laptop and blast Snoop Dog from your tinny speakers? Fine, I can turn up my iPod (yes, this happened on Saturday.)

    But when you come to the gym, smelling like you took a bath in Chanel #1 or Axe, that's not cool. It's also not cool when you jump off the bike and strut out the door... Sans wiping the machine down. Yick. That's ball sweat, dude.

    Also, to the man who gallops on the elliptical at a bazillion miles per hour on LEVEL ONE, making a sound I can only equate to a freight train: I HATE YOU.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member

    It's annoying to watch guys pump really fast on a machine with tons of weight like 6 times, then go break for 2 minutes and text girls on their iPhone. Really?? Work, damnit!

    "Machine" is the only word here which might mean you have a point. But if someone is doing a compound lift for high-weight, low-reps, you usually NEED a break to recover between sets. Not everything is circuit training.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    it's so funny to see how many "MEATHEADS" have got offended by this topic hahahahahahhahahh (too many steroids= bad mood)

    There was all of 2-3 responses with it, only one actually being angry.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Also, to the man who gallops on the elliptical at a bazillion miles per hour on LEVEL ONE, making a sound I can only equate to a freight train: I HATE YOU.

    Had one of these yesterday, hence my post earlier. Wanna race? At least get off of level 1, make it a challenge!!!

  • kaleber
    kaleber Posts: 21 Member
    When people don't clean the machines they use. That's mine. =]

    Especially when the trainers training a customer dont clean it...even WORSE!!!
  • SuddenlyPickles
    Also, to the man who gallops on the elliptical at a bazillion miles per hour on LEVEL ONE, making a sound I can only equate to a freight train: I HATE YOU.

    Had one of these yesterday, hence my post earlier. Wanna race? At least get off of level 1, make it a challenge!!!


    YES! And I'm SO racing that guy next time I see him. #JustCallMetheFlash
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    When people don't clean the machines they use. That's mine. =]

    This and when people decide to sit on a machine forever chit chatting while others are waiting to use it.
  • juan23sfa
    There is this one guy at the gym that all he does is try to talk to everyone. Especially women at the gym. Everyone tries to avoid him, but he insist on standing next to people who are trying to workout and begin talking. He tried telling me how to do a workout yesterday, but he is in horrible shape, probably due to his talking i just nodded and didnt say a word. I love getting advice, but only from people who are in shape. He annoys me...and he's there everyday.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Holding onto the treadmill...I just don't get it for 90% of the people I see holding on.

    If you ever do max incline (15 on most of them) at like 3.5 walking.... You will see why people hold on... For dear life for me in some cases.... To me its one of those work outs where you like your doing nothing but man that is a burn, 15 minutes into it my body starts to argue with me if I should continue or stop... thats when my hands are usually on the top
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    people who get on the treadmill right next to you when your the only one there and there is 20 others they could use
    related to that, people who smell- not BO cos i know we all get that but just a real stink

    Umm can we extend this to people that do that in bathroom stalls as well!! drives me nutty!~