Dealing with Racism



  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Meh, the boy probably fancies your daughter and wants her attention as mixed race children tend to be very beautiful. She should tell him "listen, I know you find me attractive so just ask me out already? That way I can say no and we can both move on..."

    I have actually thought the same thing. At that age, picking on the opposite sex seems to be an ice breaker. Who knows.

    I worked late last night and she had talked about this situation with my mother. I asked her about it this morning and she said the same thing until I mentioned calling the principal. She backtracked and said that she was talking about what happened a couple of months ago. I know she is covering for the boy (heck, she may like him for all I know), so I really have nothing to go to the school with as the previous situation has already been dealt with. Just keeping a watchful eye out for now and will continue to work with her as to how to confront racism on her own as it will be something she deals with off and on the rest of her life.

    Thanks everyone for the support...It's nice to know you can count on your MFP family!
  • SirKevin
    SirKevin Posts: 4 Member
    What filthy, bigoted, brain-dead, rat-*kitten* your daughter has for classmates! I am Roman Catholic myself and am a supply teacher in schools that are predominantly, nearly 97%, RC and Mexican-American. That classmate's parents are likely grammar-school dropouts and Godless dope fiends themselves! They obviously weren't brought up right and are bringing up their son wrong too. If they want to be bigots, they should move to the US states of Georgia or Mississippi...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    What filthy, bigoted, brain-dead, rat-*kitten* your daughter has for classmates! I am Roman Catholic myself and am a supply teacher in schools that are predominantly, nearly 97%, RC and Mexican-American. That classmate's parents are likely grammar-school dropouts and Godless dope fiends themselves! They obviously weren't brought up right and are bringing up their son wrong too. If they want to be bigots, they should move to the US states of Georgia or Mississippi...

    good grief learn that sunshiney disposition from the roman ccatholics?
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    I have 5 kids - all boys.
    My standing directive for bullies is ATTACK!
    Look them in the eye, smile, then SUCKER PUNCH!

    With girls, it's different.
    I know if the school can't handle it, I'd take it up with the punk's father with either mutual respect or capitulation on his part.
    The kid is just parroting what his idiot parents say behind closed doors.

    teaching your kids to ATTACK? thats just wrong no matter what provokes your anger
    That's the only language some people understand.
    And guess which boys never - I mean NEVER get bullied?

    No, I live in the real world, and on planet earth, jerks deserve a punch in the nose. And the times my kids were suspended for fighting, I took them fishing, to Hershey Park or some other reward for doing the right thing.

    Bullies count on weakness and timidity.
    When it was my boys' turn, they counted WRONG!

    That's how kids should be taught to deal with bullies - not sniveling and crying while they shiver in fear for some teacher to come to the rescue. Please.....

    And what would you do if when the violence by hand didn't work, so then the bullies bring knives, guns?
    I taught my brothers at an early age that they have the right to defend themselves, but under no circumstances are they to throw the first because that is being the bully not the bullied. Throwing a sucker punch, is just that... being the bully before the bully can be the bully.

    This. Self defence is fine, sure if a kid tries to beat them up they should know how to kick that kids *kitten*. It's a lot funnier that way anyway. But violence as the first answer is wrong.
    Like, hello, I'm Scottish, pride and strength are two of our biggest things, but they should be used when they need to be used, not just the instant some kid calls them a name. It also shows your ignorance towards bullying, you think it's as simple as calling a kid a name or beating them up? There's hundreds of ways kids bully; gossip, anonymous internet, stealing (secretly), sabotaging peoples stuff (secretly), "telling on them" to the teachers, exclusion... I mean, really, are your boys gonna go up to a kid and say "YOU PICKED ME LAST FOR GYM!" and punch them in the face?
    Again, it's fine to defend yourself, and fine to kick the other kids *kitten* if they' start it, physically. But one day your boys will realise that some people are far bigger/stronger than them, or have weapons, and then that sucker punch won't count for ****. What they gonna do then? ;]
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    Clearly in your mind there is no such thing as Anti-White Racism. The road runs both ways.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    I have 5 kids - all boys.
    My standing directive for bullies is ATTACK!
    Look them in the eye, smile, then SUCKER PUNCH!

    With girls, it's different.
    I know if the school can't handle it, I'd take it up with the punk's father with either mutual respect or capitulation on his part.
    The kid is just parroting what his idiot parents say behind closed doors.

    teaching your kids to ATTACK? thats just wrong no matter what provokes your anger
    That's the only language some people understand.
    And guess which boys never - I mean NEVER get bullied?

    No, I live in the real world, and on planet earth, jerks deserve a punch in the nose. And the times my kids were suspended for fighting, I took them fishing, to Hershey Park or some other reward for doing the right thing.

    Bullies count on weakness and timidity.
    When it was my boys' turn, they counted WRONG!

    That's how kids should be taught to deal with bullies - not sniveling and crying while they shiver in fear for some teacher to come to the rescue. Please.....

    And what would you do if when the violence by hand didn't work, so then the bullies bring knives, guns?
    I taught my brothers at an early age that they have the right to defend themselves, but under no circumstances are they to throw the first because that is being the bully not the bullied. Throwing a sucker punch, is just that... being the bully before the bully can be the bully.

    To be fair, the attack tactic always worked for me. I was fat. People picked up on it. I was also much stronger than most people my age - they didn't realise that until I knocked a few of their heads off of walls or kicked their legs out from under them. Bullying stopped.

    I also came out of school with very good grades and am a very relaxed, self assured person.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    I have 5 kids - all boys.
    My standing directive for bullies is ATTACK!
    Look them in the eye, smile, then SUCKER PUNCH!

    With girls, it's different.
    I know if the school can't handle it, I'd take it up with the punk's father with either mutual respect or capitulation on his part.
    The kid is just parroting what his idiot parents say behind closed doors.

    teaching your kids to ATTACK? thats just wrong no matter what provokes your anger

    So they should just turn the other cheek, roll over, and take it? Not trying to stir the pot, but last time I checked, self defense wasn't a crime.

    throwing a sucker punch as this guy teaches his children is wrong and it is not self defense
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm African American and my husband is Nigerian. Honestly, he has never sent an email stating he was an exciled prince.
    You obviously have a great sense of! :laugh:
  • brianz72
    No excuse for racism, but when it comes to religion, why pick on Catholics? All religions are equally invalid and silly.:tongue:
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I, too, am half-mexican. I grew up dealing with very similar circumstances as your child. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to talk about what my family did to get my brother and me through it and into proud, happy adults. For all the hell we went through, even being considered "half-breeds" in our church, trust me, I know how hard it can be...
  • melissanne81
    Just because we have a bi-racial president doesn't mean the media doesn't have a white bias. Also, I get so sick and tired of hearing "WELL PEOPLE ARE RACIST AGAINST WHITES TOO"

    Okay yeah, that's definitely true. And it's not okay. But when's the last time whites were the victim of racist public policy and institutional discrimination in this country?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I am glad that my children - puertorrican here - have never gone thru this. I have always tried to keep them in a very diverse setting and racism has never been a real topic in my household. In any given situation I tell my kids that the one thing that the verbal bully hates is feeling ignored.

    My son did encounter a different situation concerning bulling and i called the school 2 times - 3rd time I told the counselor i had instructed my son to knock the crap out of the kids if he came close to him again - their response "that is a threat" to which I cam back with "my child feels threatened every day he goes to school and this kids either pushes a chair towards him or does something to that effect" - finally they called the parents but the kid didn't listen - next time kid got close to my son in the locker room he grabbed him pushed him hard against the locker and told him if he was to ever even look at him, he would be sorry - bullying stopped :)