Couch to 5k Plan? Anyone done it?



  • gcstlla
    gcstlla Posts: 3 Member
    I am not doing the Couch to 5k persay but have started jogging/walking interval training over the past month. Walking and jogging at a local track right after work with a friend from work. I don't let myself go home first because I get home and don't want to do one more thing! Plus it has kept me from not working late on those days of the week which I have a tendacy to do. I am now doing about 15 miles a week and training for a 9 mile run soon. I know I won't jog or run the entire way but it is a goal for me to just complete it. I feel better immensly and it has cut down considerably on my stress level and I am sleeping great. My sister is doing the couch to 5k and it works great. I do anywhere from 4 to 6 miles a few times a week and I feel great! Good luck! :)
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I'm already running, but have very little endurance, in other words I walk more than I run. I've done a couple of 5Ks already and a 4 mile Turkey Trot and I call myself a runner, but I'm planning on starting this plan to see if it will help me build endurance! Tomorrow is Week 1 Day 1...I thought about starting net Monday, but WHY WAIT?
  • MelsFitLife
    MelsFitLife Posts: 106 Member
    I started it this week...yesterday was Week 1 Day 1 and I loved it !
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    Wear GOOD SHOES. And good socks.

    I did it about 30 lbs ago with my OLD running shoes and crappy socks. And I have bad knees. So I only lasted about 3 weeks before my knees couldn't take it anymore. And I lost two toenails!

    I'm might try it again now that I'm in the 150s, or maybe when I hit the 140s... The program is WONDERFUL. There is an android app that you can use while listening to pandora.

    I might just not be a runner, with my knees and all. But I have several friends who have used it to become regular runners and then went on to run longer distances.

    You can even repeat weeks and stretch it out. I like that option and I think if I do it again I will do that.

  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I started it this week...yesterday was Week 1 Day 1 and I loved it !

    Snap! I did week 1 day 1 last night as well. Didn't find it that hard, am quite hopeful I can actually do this if I keep it up.

    Next one is due tomorrow, but I'm away, so will have to be Friday instead.
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I did it and LOVED it! Have bad knees too but just decided I was in it to "finish" the race and not "win" it. Wouldn't ya know when I ran my first 5k in October I placed second in my age group. Pays to be old, I guess! I had some surgery in December...and yesterday was actually my first day back on it. I started out in week 4. Hope to do another 5k on March 31!

    Good luck to'll be amazed at what your body will and can do!