Have you ever met any famous people/ celebrities?



  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    When I worked at a spa at Disney a lot of celebrities would come through. One of the bigs - I saw Whoopi Goldberg naked. She hung out in the Women's locker room hot tub for a while.

    When I was young, and thin, and beautiful, i had... relations of the one night kind with Carey Heart - long before Pink and long before he was uber famous. lol!!

    I do promotions for Roadrunner Records and I've met a lot of rockstars through that. Some have ego, some are super cool, some just bored with life.

    My favourite celebrity is my BF - he's a touring drummer and gets to go all over the place with big bands. He's not famous, yet, but I'm his biggest fan. :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Marie Osmond. BEAT THAT!

    Oh, and Luis Gonzalez of 2001 World Champion Arizona Diamondbacks fame. Stopped him on his way to the can at a single A game that he was scouting.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    The Hoff (As per my profile picture)
    Boy, he's certainly seen better days, hasn't he? Wow.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I met air bud, the golden retriver from all those movies.......

    Well, I met a golden retriver ::shrugs:: Could've been air bud


    No, but seriously, I've met the guys from the band, Killswitch Engage and most of the Pittsburgh Steelers. And DeSean Jackson from the Philadelphia Eagles.

    Don't know if you'd call him a "celebrity" but I hang out with a hip hop aritist named Jus Allah sometimes. And the guys from Jedi Mind Tricks. They're kinda underground, but they have a decent following
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I got a fist bump from Ghost Face Killa at a rest stop once. I didn't know who he was but everyone was excited about it. He wouldn't let me try on his bling though.
    I have no recollection of this, but apparently I met Sophia Loren as a child.
    And, I feel like I have met someone else but I can't remember who-- it is at the tip of my brain.
  • AthennasMommy
    AthennasMommy Posts: 83 Member
    November 2010: Kat von D (LAink) ! :)

    June 2010 and May 2011: (Miami ink) Chris Núñez
    Chris Garver
    Darren Brass
    Yoji Harada

    you're so lucky ! One day I want to meet & get a tattoo by Kat Von D :)
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    I have met Jaromir Jagr, Martin Straka, Matthew Barnaby, and Tomas Sandstrom back in the early 90's.

    I am a huge Jagr fan and I had a guy come up to me outside the Civic Arena after a game and asked who I wanted to meet. I told him Jaromir and he said "stay here I know him". As soon as he walked out of the tunnel Jaromir made a b line for us. I could have passed out mind you I was 19 years old and infatuated with him. The guy introduced me and Jaromir asked if I wanted an autograph. I said of course I do he went and signed a poster and gave it to me. That is still in a frame and he also signed my jersey. 2 of my most prized possesions. BTW Barnaby is not a very personable fellow. At least he wasn't back then. People change so maybe he did. I had the best fan experience and probably the worst in the same night.

    I forgot to add I met Art Monk, Jay Schreoder, and Mark Mosely at a charity basketball game when I was about 10 years old.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    oh yeah - the entire 1998 detroit red wings team.

    i used to live with 3 roommates who all worked at a bar and they were huge red wings fans. i was the only one who got up to work early in the morning and it was like 3am and i heard a ridiculous amount of noise coming from the basement. I stormed down there - not even wearing any pants - and found myself admist a crapload of huge russian guys.
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    hrm. i've been to hundreds+++ of shows and i used to tour with some cal punk bands, so i've met a lot - probably no one anyone knows anymore.

    here are some that were more 'famous' and a little more than just seeing them and saying hi.

    ~ kurt cobain - i drank a pitcher of beer with him before a show in tempe

    ~ mark arm (mudhoney) & the boys - more pre-show bar drinking conversations in a back booth in phoenix

    ~ greenday - i was (and still am) very good friends with his then girlfriend (think 1039 smoth out / kerplunk times) and when they'd play my town, they'd stay at my house. i've cooked these guys breakfast, jumped off my roof naked into the pool holding a bottle of JD, trecool took me to the hostpital when i broke my finger, etc, etc... i ~loathe~ the band though.

    ~ jane's addiction, specifically dave navarro - hung out after a show and he was paying way too much attention to me, but he promptly walked away when i told him i wasn't a groupie.

    ~ all the guys from the supersuckers - i've just been around them so much that we chat now at their shows (started when i stayed at the same teeny hotel as them after a show and we all partied together before they disappeared into their own rooms with their groupie d'jours.

    ~ Sepultura - heh. On my 21st bday, my then bf took me to their house after dinner. We all hung out and rank 7-up and played ping pong. They are SO NOT hardcore.

    edited to add ~ Death Cab For Cutie and zooey deschanel - same ex-greenday gf married dcfc's manager and through them, i hung out with them a few times.

    The rest have all just been quick meet/greets - nothing more than that.

    I am jealous. I would be a groupie for dave navarro any day! Integrity, inshmegrity.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    Name any living country singer and I've probably met them. ha
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Ive met

    Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy) twice! hehe

    A little jealous here. I find Pete Wentz ridiculously attractive.

    I've met quite a few band members--
    Justin Pierre (singer of Motion City Soundtrack, met a few other band members too)
    Tom Higgenson (singer of Plain White T's, met a few other band members too)
    The whole band of All Time Low (at a meet and greet that I got to go to because my friends were members of their fan club)

    A bunch of my friends got to meet Sean Astin, but I wasn't with them at the time. SAD.

    All time low!?!?! I'm so jealous!! I got to meet their drummer and get a picture with him, but not the rest of them. =/

    I also met Jason Avant from the Philidelphia Eagles when we had sideline passes to a preseason game.

    And, I also met Lloyd from Young Money. (He sang the chorus in "Bedrock" by Young Money.)
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    well for anyone who who is in hockey i went to school with Bobby Orr hope some Americans know who he is?
    shook hands with Kenny rogers before his facelift...oh and ex hubbies family was related to Archibald Leach also known as Cary Grant the actor ...that's my brush with famous people

    If you read mine you will see that I know who he is. Love me some hockey!
  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    i volunteer backstage at a music festival and have met or been in the presence of (since i'm so shy i don't approach them that often):
    cyndi lauper, huey lewis, john mayer..served him his dinner,, sublime, no doubt..served them their dinner, o-town (nice boys..i served them their dinner and told them to eat their veggies), bryan adams...he was super nice and signed my backstage pass, and tons more. can't think of them all but it's a huge music festival here and i've volunteered backstage for about 10 years..so it's hard to keep track of them all. i also used to work at disney and saw met betty white who was on a backstage tour of the dolphin area where i worked. :) can't remember right now who else. i'm hungry and my brain isn't quite awake yet lol

    edit: oh..and katy perry :) i don't know what you think of her but she is actually extremely funny and beautiful. so easy going and a beautiful voice. saw her in a very small acoustic set with just her and her guitarist..of course she played too. a beautiful person!
  • Redfieldr
    I worked for a certain high end computer company which several celebs purchased their PCs from.

    Over the years I had the pleasure of speaking with: Robin Williams, Trent Reznor, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, George Clooney (We built the PCs featured in the movie Ocean's Twelve so worked with a lot of the cast), Dale Earnhardt Jr, Jack Black, and a couple other not so well knowns.

    In my travels I literally bumped into Glenn Close as she was leaving Sunset Blvd (as Broadway show).

    By profession I've been a DJ for many years and have met several bands as well: Aerosmith, Cake, Blink 182, and several American Idol contestants who have since gone big.

    It's a rough life.
  • djdelano
    LL Cool J in La Guardia, he signed a magazine cover for me that had him featured on it, Very cool

    Patrick Dempsey (I love close to where the Dempsey challenge happens) He is very cool and low key.

    One of the guys from Styx, very funny guy we discussed designing a machine that you could do situps on and take shots of vodka.

  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    LL Cool J in La Guardia, he signed a magazine cover for me that had him featured on it, Very cool

    Patrick Dempsey (I love close to where the Dempsey challenge happens) He is very cool and low key.

    One of the guys from Styx, very funny guy we discussed designing a machine that you could do situps on and take shots of vodka.

    haha.. i just watched Styx on the Rosie show last night on OWN. loved them back in the day! saw them in concert a long time ago
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    Don Mattingly (Donnie Baseball) formerly of the Yankees and current Dodgers manager used to help me with physical therapy on my feet/ ankles when it was off season.
  • rachelsf
    When I was a kid, I met the guy who played the Mayor of Munchkinland. My Dad used to work for him.

    I also met Henry Rollins, which was pretty awesome.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Jennifer Nettles & Kristen Bush ~ Sugarland (They are Soooo nice!!) :bigsmile:
    Rusty Wallace