

  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    that was a GREAT re-cap/. . .THANKS !!! I liked Mandi too. . . And her sister what an eye opener. . . always doing stuff for other people. maybe she will find herself !!


    Thanks! I had to do a little digging in the brain for sure! hahhaha :tongue:

    Yeah, love Mandi! You should have seen her after picture, she looks wicked good! I think she's lost 89 lbs so far! Kristen is the one I want to win though.... There's something about that girl that just seems, well, good and kind - genuine! IDK, I totally dig her! :heart:

    I cant' beleive she wants to get to a Size 2...she looks fabulous now!!!!!!!!!!! And HEALTHY!!!!

    I was concerend about the Black Team derailing so much in one makes me wonder what they will do when the show is over and done. Was anyone else wondering that too????

    Oh yeah, totally! Everyone falls off the waggon, but they ALL did the extreme! And the whole time saying that they're stll going to beat the blue team..... Although I guess they did, but they were so smug with themselves!
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Has anyone noticed Ron?
    I think he's been flying under the radar for awhile now. I don't like how he said what he said to Mandi's sister. Who is he to say who's time it is to go home.

    I think Helen has it right about him. The italian Godfather. I think he might be doing some manipulating.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Has anyone noticed Ron?
    I think he's been flying under the radar for awhile now. I don't like how he said what he said to Mandi's sister. Who is he to say who's time it is to go home.

    I think Helen has it right about him. The italian Godfather. I think he might be doing some manipulating.

    I agree...I think he's manipulating people to protect Mike.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Has anyone noticed Ron?
    I think he's been flying under the radar for awhile now. I don't like how he said what he said to Mandi's sister. Who is he to say who's time it is to go home.

    I think Helen has it right about him. The italian Godfather. I think he might be doing some manipulating.

    I agree...I think he's manipulating people to protect Mike.

    I third.... I was really taken back by what he said to Mandi too! "It's your time" WHAT?! - IDK, I know he needs to loose weight, but the blue team needs to start "playing the game". Black team obviously started weeks ago. Mike's just weighing them down - literally! :laugh: :tongue:
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    I was kind of suprised about the luxery night out. I KNOW they've seen previous shows. I would have given it up.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    You have to wonder if the producers push the contestants to make dumb, er, unwise choices.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Any thoughts on last night's show?????
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    well Ron sure as heck didn't volunteer to leave now did he?! He lost the most pounds AT HOME and someone else ends up leaving. Come on!

    OH HELEN why did you do it? why did you eat the cookie? I'm fine that Tara didn't get the money I just know Helen is gonna be in hot water now. I wish she would call me I'm dying to talk to her. I soooo would have done that mini marathon with her. I wished I could have been there.

    I wonder if the producer's are going to do anything about Sione and his cousin working out with Bob. I feel somthen a brewen.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    well Ron sure as heck didn't volunteer to leave now did he?! He lost the most pounds AT HOME and someone else ends up leaving. Come on!

    OH HELEN why did you do it? why did you eat the cookie? I'm fine that Tara didn't get the money I just know Helen is gonna be in hot water now. I wish she would call me I'm dying to talk to her. I soooo would have done that mini marathon with her. I wished I could have been there.

    I wonder if the producer's are going to do anything about Sione and his cousin working out with Bob. I feel somthen a brewen.

    Ron couldn't leave could he? he was the biggest loser of the week, so he was immune.
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    Yea after Ron said it was her time to go he lit a fire inside of me. He has dragged the team down and cant complete anything i think its time for his butt to go... and what a mother to leave for the sake of the other 2 girls...
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Ron was lucky he had immunity this week. He needs to go home. He can't do the workouts. I lost respect for him when he told Mandi that he thought it was time for her to go home. He has a lot of nerve! I'm not a big fan of Tara, but I think she has the most drive and determination to win this thing.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    well Ron sure as heck didn't volunteer to leave now did he?! He lost the most pounds AT HOME and someone else ends up leaving. Come on!

    OH HELEN why did you do it? why did you eat the cookie? I'm fine that Tara didn't get the money I just know Helen is gonna be in hot water now. I wish she would call me I'm dying to talk to her. I soooo would have done that mini marathon with her. I wished I could have been there.

    I wonder if the producer's are going to do anything about Sione and his cousin working out with Bob. I feel somthen a brewen.

    Ron couldn't leave could he? he was the biggest loser of the week, so he was immune.

    If he was 1/2 the man his son is he would have given the immunity away like his son gave a year full of groceries away.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Does anyone know if the earlier seasons are out on DVD, and which season is this one? I'm new to it, and WOW, I can't beleive I've been missing such a great reality show!!! Thanks!!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks...I had checked Netflix...but only saw the Season 1. Maybe I need to be more gereral in my search.
  • newlifestyle36
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    WAIT!!!!! :noway:
    They are having their makeovers tomorrow??!! OMG, so glad you told me! I've been waiting for that episode! That's always my fav....
  • newlifestyle36
    OH YA !! I LOVE IT !!!!!!!! :happy: .... WISH I COULD GET A MAKE OVER AFTER IVE LOST ALL MY WEIGHT !!:ohwell:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    LOL, I know right?! But who's gonna to pay, who's gonna pay................ :tongue: :laugh:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I;m looking forward to the next episode too. Do they always do make-overs? Tara looks incredible! She's on some tabloid this week, lookin' smokin' hot!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My favorite thing is the side by side pics every week when they weigh in. It amazes me at how much these people have melted in front of us!