

  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I thought Ron was obnoxious last week.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Just LAST week??? :wink: :laugh:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I've tried to give him the benefit of doubt until then.:grumble:
    Then it was just too much.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I;m looking forward to the next episode too. Do they always do make-overs? Tara looks incredible! She's on some tabloid this week, lookin' smokin' hot!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My favorite thing is the side by side pics every week when they weigh in. It amazes me at how much these people have melted in front of us!

    I saw that tabloid last night at wally-world. SHE LOOKS SO HOT!! Love the dress she's in!
    Yup, they always do the make-overs.... It's really fun to see them get dressed up. Most of them haven't been able to do that and feel good about themselves in years! I'm kind of a sap, so it makes me so happy/good sad for them! :blushing:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I can't wait until tonight!!! I LOVE BL Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    why do they do the makeovers so early?! i mean they get these beautiful outfits that they won't fit into by the end of the show (if they keep up with everything). that always bothers me!! they should wait until the end and then get a dress they can continue to wear.

    and ron has GOT TO GO. i can't believe he is still here after all of those stronger contestants were wrongly sent home!!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    So....since it's make-over night, will someone get voted off?
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    HI! I've been a faithful watcher of the biggest loser since it I saw this topic and jumped in!LOL
    I'm rooting for Kristan!!(sp?) I just love her & her mom...they are so cute :)

    It gives me such hope when I'm watching that show...seeing the transformations just amaze me! I can't wait for make-overs tonight!

    OH, was it on last week??? My tv station was down...and I was so sad!lol
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    HI! I've been a faithful watcher of the biggest loser since it I saw this topic and jumped in!LOL
    I'm rooting for Kristan!!(sp?) I just love her & her mom...they are so cute :)

    It gives me such hope when I'm watching that show...seeing the transformations just amaze me! I can't wait for make-overs tonight!

    OH, was it on last week??? My tv station was down...and I was so sad!lol

    I LOVE Kristin too!!! She's emerging as my new favorite, because I love her attitude! Yes, it was on last week, with a REAL you might want to see if you can fid a friend who still has it saved on TIVO or something! I mean, it was a REALLY jaw-breaking episode!!!!!!!!!
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    OH I can't believe I miss it! Thanks for the info....I'll try to watch it online! :happy:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Ok...since I'm new to BL...I decided to surf around for episodes for Season 1...and stumbled upon Season 1 for Austrailia...OMGosh, I think I;m already hooked! Has anyone followed the Aussie version???
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    I have watched BL since it started , probably missed 2-3 episodes in all seasons together, that is the only show i really watch, and everyone in my circle knows that' Tuesdays- don't bother her.. she is watching BL !
    My kids are hooked to it as well... that's kind of our " family experience " .. we love it.

    What breakes my heart is Mike's brother, that kid made me cry the week they all went home, and tonight when he came to see Mike and Dad.. i mean.. OMG.. i just couldn't help it i had to cry with him i just feel so bad for him, i wish there was a way for him to jump in the next season , i would be so happy for him ..

    Ron has been awfully lucky .. i never thought he'd make it this far.. but obviously something is keeping him there..

    Laura was unfortunate with her hip injury, she had to go home .. as sad as it is, but she needed to go home to take care of that injury..

    Do you guys know is there another season after this one ? I hope they start really soon after this one is finished.. i just need this show to keep me going..
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I have watched BL since it started , probably missed 2-3 episodes in all seasons together, that is the only show i really watch, and everyone in my circle knows that' Tuesdays- don't bother her.. she is watching BL !
    My kids are hooked to it as well... that's kind of our " family experience " .. we love it.

    What breakes my heart is Mike's brother, that kid made me cry the week they all went home, and tonight when he came to see Mike and Dad.. i mean.. OMG.. i just couldn't help it i had to cry with him i just feel so bad for him, i wish there was a way for him to jump in the next season , i would be so happy for him ..

    Ron has been awfully lucky .. i never thought he'd make it this far.. but obviously something is keeping him there..

    Laura was unfortunate with her hip injury, she had to go home .. as sad as it is, but she needed to go home to take care of that injury..

    Do you guys know is there another season after this one ? I hope they start really soon after this one is finished.. i just need this show to keep me going..

    OMG, I cried like a baby when I saw poor Max, and how he feels, my heart just breaks for him, and I want to wrap my arms around him and help him. My 16 year old son watches with me, and he gets a little laugh out of my tears for Max, but he also wants him to lose weight too. :sad:

    I dont know when the next season starts, may not be till sept.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I have watched BL since it started , probably missed 2-3 episodes in all seasons together, that is the only show i really watch, and everyone in my circle knows that' Tuesdays- don't bother her.. she is watching BL !
    My kids are hooked to it as well... that's kind of our " family experience " .. we love it.

    What breakes my heart is Mike's brother, that kid made me cry the week they all went home, and tonight when he came to see Mike and Dad.. i mean.. OMG.. i just couldn't help it i had to cry with him i just feel so bad for him, i wish there was a way for him to jump in the next season , i would be so happy for him ..

    Ron has been awfully lucky .. i never thought he'd make it this far.. but obviously something is keeping him there..

    Laura was unfortunate with her hip injury, she had to go home .. as sad as it is, but she needed to go home to take care of that injury..

    Do you guys know is there another season after this one ? I hope they start really soon after this one is finished.. i just need this show to keep me going..

    OMG, I cried like a baby when I saw poor Max, and how he feels, my heart just breaks for him, and I want to wrap my arms around him and help him. My 16 year old son watches with me, and he gets a little laugh out of my tears for Max, but he also wants him to lose weight too. :sad:

    I dont know when the next season starts, may not be till sept.

    I too cried for most of the show tonight, but yeah, Max, I cried harder when the camera went to him as bf appeared to be tearing up too and he's here with me on this site to boot! Thanks to you all for making me feel normal as I am a crier (sp?) on alot of fronts, but this one was really important to me as I have also not watched this show much....................
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    This is the first week I have actually agreed with Ron on who should go home. He usually has selfish reasons for the way he votes but this time he really took someone else's health into consideration. I think he needs to be the one to go home, but every week he dodges the bullet.

    Tara looks great.

    I love Kristin, I didn't even know she was married. She never talks about her husband. I can't stand
    Helen, she seems so fake to me.

    My 3 faves are Kristin, Tara and Mike. I hope one of them win the entire thing.

  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I have watched BL since it started , probably missed 2-3 episodes in all seasons together, that is the only show i really watch, and everyone in my circle knows that' Tuesdays- don't bother her.. she is watching BL !
    My kids are hooked to it as well... that's kind of our " family experience " .. we love it.

    What breakes my heart is Mike's brother, that kid made me cry the week they all went home, and tonight when he came to see Mike and Dad.. i mean.. OMG.. i just couldn't help it i had to cry with him i just feel so bad for him, i wish there was a way for him to jump in the next season , i would be so happy for him ..

    Ron has been awfully lucky .. i never thought he'd make it this far.. but obviously something is keeping him there..

    Laura was unfortunate with her hip injury, she had to go home .. as sad as it is, but she needed to go home to take care of that injury..

    Do you guys know is there another season after this one ? I hope they start really soon after this one is finished.. i just need this show to keep me going..

    OMG, I cried like a baby when I saw poor Max, and how he feels, my heart just breaks for him, and I want to wrap my arms around him and help him. My 16 year old son watches with me, and he gets a little laugh out of my tears for Max, but he also wants him to lose weight too. :sad:

    I dont know when the next season starts, may not be till sept.

    Well, I guess I'm cold-hearted, because I didn't cry for Max. I did cry for him the week Ron & Mike went home, because you just knew how he was feeling. I didn't cry last night, because he's had time to do something about it, but hasn't. Look at Tara's Mom! She was inspired by Tara to lose weight. Max could've done the same thing, but didn't. :

    As far as him being on next season, I don't think he should be. He's going to have 2 great teachers when Mike and Ron get home. That's almost the next best thing to being on the ranch. Let someone who has no one or anything to help them have a chance.

    As far as I know, there will be a next season. In fact, they had auditions here in Houston about a month ago. I don't know when it'll start, but I'm looking forward to it! I got hooked part way into season before last, and I love it!
  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    i felt so bad for max. he's in the exact same position as all of these contestants were in the beginning...he just doesn't know where to start!! without bob and jillian, ron and mike would still be just like max. poor max!

    i felt bad for laura even though i never really liked her. i feel like she finally snapped out of her whining ways and was really starting to put in effort and then this happened:frown: i can't believe jillian cried for her..that's the first i've seen her do that!

    tara is gorgeous!!! i love kristin, tara, and fiipe! they all have such great attitudes.
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    So for all of us that fall off of our plans on teh weekends...

    Last night was an eyeopener! One night of drinking and eating ruined each person's weigh in!!!

    I needed to see that because I am so good at rationalizing what i eat on friday at happy hour, breakfast on saturday, out to dinner on sat night and sunday dinner... ruins me every week...


    BTW-- 257 cal for large shrinp cocktail? whoa. i would not have thought that.

    I just was going over this in my head because this weekend was hell on me with Easter dinner at my mother in laws. I really tried to control myself but it was really hard and I felt very guilty the next day. I ate bake mac and cheese, collard greens, baked ham, baked turkey, cannied yams, and home made cheese cake covered in cherries.

    Then I had 3 drinks and hell if I knew what they were. My husband bartends on the weekend and he is always making some specialty drink. With all that I still lost 1 lbs so I was just saying to myself if I did not fall off like that on sunday by being weak what would have my numbers been.

    But I won't dwell I will just get back on and be the best I can be. Army style. LOL
  • newlifestyle36
    I have watched BL since it started , probably missed 2-3 episodes in all seasons together, that is the only show i really watch, and everyone in my circle knows that' Tuesdays- don't bother her.. she is watching BL !
    My kids are hooked to it as well... that's kind of our " family experience " .. we love it.

    What breakes my heart is Mike's brother, that kid made me cry the week they all went home, and tonight when he came to see Mike and Dad.. i mean.. OMG.. i just couldn't help it i had to cry with him i just feel so bad for him, i wish there was a way for him to jump in the next season , i would be so happy for him ..

    Ron has been awfully lucky .. i never thought he'd make it this far.. but obviously something is keeping him there..

    Laura was unfortunate with her hip injury, she had to go home .. as sad as it is, but she needed to go home to take care of that injury..

    Do you guys know is there another season after this one ? I hope they start really soon after this one is finished.. i just need this show to keep me going..

    omg :sad: i cried too for max then for laura for hip and then when jillian started to cry omg that was it . but i think she blames herself for laura's hip wow what a show love it:love::happy: :bigsmile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    omg :sad: i cried too for max then for laura for hip and then when jillian started to cry omg that was it . but i think she blames herself for laura's hip wow what a show love it:love::happy: :bigsmile:

    BUCKETS OF TEARS were shed in my household, with lots of mixed feeling!

    First of all: Max...did you catch that he's 17 years old? I had just been comment about Mike being 18 and only two years older than my eldest son, ehen I caught that Max is only a year older. Holy crap!

    Next: Ron...after being soooo ridiculously pissed at him, then disgusted that he beacked out of the challenge (as usual), to knowing that he still probably wouldn't be voted off...I actually appreciate he thoguth process last night.

    Okay...did you check out his wife/Mike's mom??? She appears slim and what the heck is going on at home to enabel those boys to become sooo unhealthy? I want to know. (I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I could care less abotu Ron, I'm focused on Mike and Max---I guess that's the "mom of two boys" in me).

    Laura...what a bummer! She finally gets motivated and into it, and look what happens! What I'm EXTREMELY dissapoint about is that BL missed the mark on showing her exercise program. Yes, they showed a little bit of her PT...but, here's the deal, what is she doing while she is recvoering? I am positive that she can do the hand bike, and probably aquacise of some sort. They really need to show that, not only for her with an injury, BUT for all those people out there in wheelchairs that will never have the use of their legs. I think they could have been inspiring to all of them, & those of us with working legs that get injured, but they really blew what could have been an incredible opportunity!

    I just love Kristin and her attitude...I'm so glad she's still there, and was shocked to see that she was married! Did everyone see the diffence in how much her eyes sparkle now, than when she first started? She has a healthy glow coming over her, that is so inspiring!!!!

    Okay...big admission...after seeing the tease for what's to come next week, I really hope Mike really gives it to Ron about what's been going on for all these years!!!! (I am I the only one who wants him to "go off" on his dad)?