Why do you honestly want to lose weight!?



  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Also, I want to bend easier...
    …and to bend easier.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i really did start doing it to be healthy.. my blood pressure was through the roof and not under control.. my cholesterol also through the roof.. i couldnt hardly breath while walking up the stairs in my house..it was even hard to walk down the stairs..when i got up in the morning i had a very difficult time walking because the arthritis in my feet and ankles was so painful.. every joint in my body was inflamed. i had a hard time sleeping because my fat neck was suffocating me and i got sleep apnea .. when i turned 50 i realized it was do or die.. well im 80lbs down now and omg i love my life. im extremely active. i won a weight loss contest already over five nursing facilities..now im in a body fat loss contest at the gym which i intend on winning. ive come to enjoy challenging myself and am back into athletics again like i was when i was a teen. here i am at 52 and im not looking back..i have my health back and have a quality of life now. during that time i was losing weight i also went to college to finish my bachelor degree. my life has been wonderfully crazy since. i have enough energy for ten people most the time. my grand kids love me because i put them in the double jogging stroller and take them on 5 mile hikes . im also doing weight training--something i always dreamed of.. to be healthy again means i can do things again and thats why i decided to lose weight
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    What is the reason you honestly want to lose weight!? Everyone says they want to be healthy and because they want to have confidence and all that stuff! Yes I want to be healthy and have self confidence, but I really want to lose weight because of all the people that called me fat or a cow (like I don't all ready know) and whatever else rude things they said to me! I want to lose weight and look HOT and just rock it! I want my body to say look at me now and look at what you can't have! I want to make them regret everything they ever said!

    What about you?

    First of all, I looked at your pictures and you are a beautiful young woman!! You are anything but fat and anybody who says that must be crazy.
    Anyway, I have a ton of reasons to lose weight, I want to look good, and feel better about my self, I have kids now and want to set a good example, I want to get healthy for my kids and I want to wear a bathsuit without wearing shorts over it :)
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Because I want to look in the mirror and not feel hate and self loathing. I want to test my blood sugar and see good results. I want to walk in a room with my head held high, feeling good about myself. I want to not deal with diabetes side effects. I want my husband to be proud to be with me. I want him to look at me and feel love and admiration as I do for him.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    Same as you. I want to look at my body and say heck yes I look amazing! Be able to rock what I never knew I had. (:
    This! Plus I want to be healthy and full of energy!
  • vadiane1
    My reason is..........
    I had gastric bypass 11 years ago.HATED my body even as I starved it to get THE look I thought was important. Met a guy....BAD choice....was alone for awhile...Met my husband (talk about having your universe ROCKED! I got comfortable with knowing a man loved me no matter what. That was 5 years ago (as of this April). He still loves me no matter what.BUT I DO NOT LOVE ME!!!
    I hate EVERYTHING about me! HOW the heck did I lose so much ground?!
    SO, Jillian and I are now friends. as far as workouts. I need to REFIND Di..the confident, happy and secure me of BEFORE my husband....I am excited to meet the Di of now....I have my best friend as my hubby.....So look out world here I come!
    He tells me I am beautiful and I look in the mirror and say NOT....he says he likes my butt (what butt?!) and I roll my eyes...I want to get to the point I can see me thru his eyes and love Me like HE does!
  • mhamlin
    mhamlin Posts: 35 Member
    because I want to look hot naked!
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    Because I've wasted the last 7 years of my life with a man who has ground my self esteem down & I now want to feel good about myself.

    I haven't given up on Mr Right, I want to look amazing for him! :smile:
  • danimack
    danimack Posts: 18 Member
    Because I'm getting older and I feel like it's showing in my face. All the extra weight I'm carrying around isn't helping at all!!! Because I don't want my kids to ever be embarrassed of their mother due to her weight. Because I don't want to turn 37, 38, 39, 40, etc and say "I wish I had started caring for myself better when I was 37. I'd be so much thinner now." Because this is how my last 6 birthdays have been.
  • melbaby925
    At first it was to be able to not stand the sight of myself in the mirror.

    After almost 40lbs gone, I wan to lose weight so I can up my speed when I run. And to have abs and arms like Jillian Michaels. Not just to look good, but be able to to push ups and better hold a plank.

    I never thought I would actually WANT to be able to do 100 pushups, but I do. Really bad. And run a 10K in less than 1.15. I want to do that really bad too.

    And now - I love me in the mirror. Am I still considered morbidly obese? Yes, but not for long.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I was tired of feeling invisible. Tired of lugging around all that extra weight. Tired of hating how I looked. Tired of hating how I felt. But mostly I was tired of feeling like I was worth more and not having the strength to do anything about it. One day I just decided that I was worth it . . . .

    Great post !!!
  • megansalt
    megansalt Posts: 7 Member
    I had major back surgery just a few weeks before I turned 13. It's been downhill after that. The surgery didn't have the good effect that we all hoped for (my family and I). I have a boatload of arthritis, and it makes it hard to move. Some days are worse than others. A doctor said that the rod fused to my spine had been left just a little too long and that's what caused the arthritis. In order to fix it, I would have to go through another surgery and he wouldn't operate on me while I was that heavy. The doctor tried to be nice about it by saying 'you're not really that big, but it'd help if you lost weight.' After the first problem with my back, I don't really want to go back under the knife, and it took me almost a year to really kick in gear. I'd like to look better, sure. No one in my family knows what I look like other than chubby. Lol. I want to take off weight so that I can move better. Also, as a side note, I am going to be a bridesmaid in May and I'd like to look better. I know it won't happen overnight and my back sometimes limits what I can do, but I'm doing it. Good luck on your journey! :)
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    Mainly cause i want to be hot. Healthy too in the long run. But hot
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Because I hate losing it dishonestly?
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Because it feels amazing to feel comfortable again. It got to a point where I was so physically uncomfortable. Sitting down and feeling rolls. Squeezing into pants and doing squats so that they'd stretch out. I feel much better now.
  • SuzanneRichards
    cause this pic made me sick plus i want lots more tattoos and i want them on a hot body my fiance says all the time that Abby on NCIS and Danialle from American Pickers are so hot with all the tattoos i dont want an ugly body to be covered in tattoos so before i get all my plans i want to loose this nasty weight


    Thanks for sharing this! I had a very similar moment where I saw a photo of myself and went WOW! i don't want to be that girl anymore.

    The other reason I want to lose weight is that I want to look hot in a bikini. All my girlfriends are thinner than me and I'm very self conscious in a two piece. I used to feel skinny, and was more confident 30lbs ago. Time to feel good about myself again!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    A year ago my honest reasons would be to look better and to be able to shop in "regular" stores rather than Lane Bryant-y stores all the time. But in the past year, I found out that my metabolic disorder has gotten so bad with my weight gain that I am infertile, diabetic, and I have heart condition. So today, I can honestly say that it's for my health. The other stuff is icing on the cake.
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    I just want to be a nice piece of *kitten*. :D
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Oh man - what a great question.

    for me.. 1) to get on an airplane and be concerned that i wont fit in the seat
    2) to ride rollercoasters with the kids
    3) to feel beautiful and not have ppl looking at me everytime we go out to a resturant
    4) to get fit enough to pass the fit testing for active police duty
    5) to feel proud of myself
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I want to look sexy naked. I want to do things like zip lining without worrying if there is a weight limit. I want to get as healthy and fit as possible so I can get pregnant one day.