Even though you're an adult...



  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    Brave the dark or sleep soundly through the night =\
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    Can’t write in cursive? Can’t drive a stick-shift? Don’t know how to make mac-and-cheese?

    Even though i'm an adult, I don't know what any of those things are.

    No, really, can someone enlighten me? I'm not au fait with the Americanisms!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I can't drive a stick shift...

    I wish there were days that I could throw temper tantrums like my 3 year old
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Even though I'm an adult, I can't swim. Terrified of it actually. I literally start to hyperventilate if water gets above my belly button.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I can't tie my shoes without using bunny ears. I never learned. My way works.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Keep on top of the laundry.

    Also, I haven't yet passed my driving test. But since I'm Irish I can still drive. Crazy f***ed up country I live in :laugh:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    ... reach the top shelf without climbing on a chair or a stool.
    I'm not short, I'm fun-sized! :bigsmile:
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Even though I'm an adult, I can't swim. Terrified of it actually. I literally start to hyperventilate if water gets above my belly button.

    Oh and ^ this.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Balance a checkbook. I've never used a checkbook register!

    I know some people who have to balance their checkbooks to the penny every month. I never understood that.

    ^^^ THIS. I finally said, SCREW IT. This is what electronic banking is for.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Wow, I thought I was the only one who couldn't ride a bike! I just never learned because I had a bad experience when my parents tried to teach me. I also lived in a neighborhood where I could walk to the places i needed to. Riding a bike is still one of my life goals, though!

    I also can't:
    -Change a tire
    -Sleep with the lights off if I'm alone
    -Parallel park unless I have an empty street and 10 minutes
    -Take any vitamins other than chewable children's ones because they make me throw up
    -Save money (working on that)!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Can’t write in cursive? Can’t drive a stick-shift? Don’t know how to make mac-and-cheese?

    Even though i'm an adult, I don't know what any of those things are.

    No, really, can someone enlighten me? I'm not au fait with the Americanisms!

    Cursive - joined up writing in UK
    Stick Shift - manual transmission
    Mac and cheese - Most popular brand is from Kraft, macaroni noodles mixed with a 'cheese' powder that is bright orange, with some milk and butter.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    Roller skate. :bigsmile:

    Yep, this^^ :blushing:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Can’t write in cursive? Can’t drive a stick-shift? Don’t know how to make mac-and-cheese?

    Even though i'm an adult, I don't know what any of those things are.

    No, really, can someone enlighten me? I'm not au fait with the Americanisms!

    :laugh: Cursive is a style of writing that they force you to learn in American grade schools that's a horrible waste of time and effort because print is much neater and no one ever writes in cursive anyone. At least, no one I know.

    Stick refers to a car's manual transmission where you have to shift the gears yourself. I do not know how to drive a car with a manual transmission.

    Macaroni and cheese is a delicious bit of American culinary fare. It involves, of course, macaroni pasta and American cheese. And a little milk. It's not really a hard dish to make, but it does take a little talent to get the texture right.

    That is your American culture lesson for today. :bigsmile:
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Change oil in a car
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    act like it! :tongue:

  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    ... change my own oil.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Manage my finances or keep my house clean!

    This!! :)

    As above, guilty as charged.

    I always write in cursive, as I think it makes my handwriting look nicer.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    ... change my own oil.

    I did it once. The newer cars are being made so that it is almost impossible to do on your own anymore. It cost as much to do it myself as I paid in the store.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    Aha, thank you very much for the lesson! :happy:

    Oh yes, mac = macaroni - I just kept thinking Big Mac :ohwell: All makes sense now!

    Ok, so sticking with the theme, i'm an adult and I can't drive an automatic car :ohwell: I tried once, but kept having a massive panic when I went to put my foot on the clutch and it wasn't there... i'm sure i'd get used to it, but manual is the norm over here so i'll stick with it :bigsmile:
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Stop referring to my friends as "girls".