Even though you're an adult...



  • danimarie1782
    danimarie1782 Posts: 25 Member
    Do a cartwheel, jump a dead battery (afraid I'm going to shock myself!), keep my car clean.
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    I cannot stay calm if something in the water (lake, ocean, river, etc...) touches me! Whatever it is, I swear it's a giant something with large teeth that's decided I would make a tasty snack.

    I cannot use a public bathroom if someone else is in there. It's just weird. It's even weirder if a stranger talks to you.
    I cannot make my bed every day. I can barely function until at least a cup of coffee and an hour later. At that point, I'm not at home.
  • danimarie1782
    danimarie1782 Posts: 25 Member
    Do a cartwheel, jump a dead battery (afraid I'm going to shock myself!), keep my car clean.

    And hula hoop -- massive failure
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I have no idea how to start or use our mower. I'm not complaining either :wink:

    OP: I wouldn't know how to change a tire either. That's why I have a cell phone and a husband. hahahaha jk/sort of
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    Can't touch a turkey or watch people prepare a turkey! It just freaks me out! There is not way in H-E-double hockey sticks that I'm sticking my hand up that thing!

    Oh yes, and pull the cotton out of those pill bottles. Cotton freaks me out!

    Oh my goodness, just reading this made me climb the wall! I HATE the way cotton sounds when you pull it! I also can NOT touch chalk or even think of someone writing with it.

    I am an adult but I can not step on spiders because I might miss and it will climb up my leg!
    I still do the run and jump into bed so no one grabs my ankles and pulls me under there!
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I can't seem to properly manage our finances, keep the house clean, stop putting the "pro" in procrastinator, clean up dog vomit without practically vomiting myself, walk too close to the edge of the bed with bare feet and ankles after dark, or sleep without tucking myself in all the way around and having either my husband (or if he's out of town for work) my dogs and cats in the bed with me at all times so that the devil doesn't crawl out from under there and get me...I blame this on my husband and my over-active imagination :blushing:
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Can't change my own oil or change a tire. I have the basic idea & if in a bind, could...just never have...plenty of guy friends for that **** lol

    Cannot drive a stick shift...once again, I get the basic concept, life or death I could...just no desire to learn

    Still zone out on the tv....seriously, certain shows, movies or even commercials, I don't hear you until you shout my name at me and then you're greeted with a "HUH?"
    Still watch Disney movies and like it

    And the biggie...there are a few shows on Disney I actually LIKE watching with my daughter hahaha
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I can't climb stairs ............. oh, wait ............. :laugh:

    And this ^^^ is horrible and hysterically funny all at the same time. Awesome sense of humor! :laugh:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I can't open one of those biscuit tubes that pop when you open them! OK, I've done it ... only a few times ... usually make my kids do it for me ... freaks me out too much! lol

    O.M.G. THIS!!!! I hated Jack-in-the-box toys as a child, and that's how I feel about these biscuit tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I can't do a cartwheel either.

    I would have said "I can't pop/snap my bubblegum." But I recently learned how to do that and I'm so excited! *pop, pop, pop* LOL!
  • yay lol its nice to know im not the only one =D
    my husband makes fun of me because of that

    I can't open one of those biscuit tubes that pop when you open them! OK, I've done it ... only a few times ... usually make my kids do it for me ... freaks me out too much! lol

    O.M.G. THIS!!!! I hated Jack-in-the-box toys as a child, and that's how I feel about these biscuit tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I can't tie my shoes without using bunny ears. I never learned. My way works.
    HAHA Me too, my kids make fun of e and tell me I do it wrong. Whatever, it works :)
  • RonSu
    RonSu Posts: 1
    whistle, I can not whistle with out putting my fingers in my mouth to do so.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Can't back into a parking space
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I can't tie my shoes without using bunny ears. I never learned. My way works.
    HAHA Me too, my kids make fun of e and tell me I do it wrong. Whatever, it works :)

    *I also can't swim and am afraid to learn. (husband has tried to teach me)
    *I also hate getting shocked. ex: when opening the grocery freezer doors etc..
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    I can't stop laughing at fart jokes. I don't think that'll ever go away ... no matter how much of an "adult" I am.

    Also, I STILL can't figure out which fork you're supposed to use for what at fancy joints ...
  • sarah8761
    sarah8761 Posts: 3 Member
    I can't stop laughing at fart jokes. I don't think that'll ever go away ... no matter how much of an "adult" I am.

    Also, I STILL can't figure out which fork you're supposed to use for what at fancy joints ...

    I am the exact same! I keep wondering if the day will ever come when farting is no longer funny.

    As for fancy places I remember hearing someone in a movie say "just start on the outside and work in" So far that works for me.

    Even though I am an adult I still can't cook anything that is not kraft dinner.

    I also can't peel a banana, I have to use a knife to cut the top off. I love bananas but I will never take them to work for that reason.