Parenting Advice (Yikes!)



  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    Crawling is really good for babies, it helps with their hand eye coordination.
    The longer they are left to crawl, and not encouraged to walk before they are ready, the better.
  • mo_is_here
    I definitely think the hardwood floors are a factor here. Eventually she'll figure out how to stand up on her own and just start walking. My youngest (I have 3) just got up and started walking when she was 9 months, no crawling.

    Funny story but when had my first baby and he was 6 months old I came into work all upset. My office mate asked me what was wrong so I told him "my baby isnt rolling over, I think there's something wrong with him". Ok looking back I must've sounded like a real oddball! Anyway eventually he did roll over (I mean he's 23 now so it had to happen evetually right?) BUT, I am still in contact with this old co-worker and he still teases me to this day about that. :) So just relax, it will all happen when she wants it to happen.

    Enjoy the journey. :)
  • JustLena75
    Don't worry too much. Your child will learn to walk, I promise. It's not a race.

    Plus why rush it? You know my favorite thing about when my daughter was that young? When I put her somewhere she stayed there. That's a gift you should be cherishing!

  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    I miss it when they didn't move...

    "Sweep the Leg" when she starts walking :wink:

    Giggle...sweep the leg...that's good. I THOUGHT I was exhausted when they were babies, then they learned to walk and I realized what exhaustion was.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    My son never crawled, just up and walked at 13 months....but if you take grippy socks and cut the toes off and slide them up the leg over the knees that should work for some traction
  • Froggy1976
    I agree with what several others have said. Don't rush her too much, mine crawled at about 9-10 months and walked right at a year. Once they start walking, they never stop!
  • Man_in_Motion
    I agree with much of what's been said here-- as a new parent myself, I know how much I overanalyze everything when it comes to my little girl. I have to stop sometimes and repeat to myself, "She's fine. Stop worrying. She'll get it when she's ready."