Is your job trying to help you lose weight?



  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    We have a program at the beginning of every year called "Scale Back Alabama." You're put into groups of five and if everyone in the group loses 10 pounds in 10 weeks, you're entered into a drawing for a prize. That's actually what got me started on here a year ago, and I'm at my goal weight now, 65 lbs lighter. So I guess my job DID help me lose weight. ^.^
    AWESOME! Congratulations!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My office has a fitness facility that charges $10 per month as well. It's got your usual treadmills, ellipticals, mats, fitness balls, nautilus machines, free weights, kettlebells, medicine balls, and some of the newer cardio machines like the treadclimber and stairmill. There is also an area with a DVD player set up so 3 or 4 of us can do something like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout together if it's not too busy.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Far from it! They eat more than any place I've ever seen. Holidays are the worst, along with employees birthdays. Some days there appears to be food everywhere! oh, & pizza is ordered often. At least I never starve if I forget my lunch or am broke. HA

    They do offer memberships to the local Y though through our work, helping employees to get discounted prices.
  • Ellen544
    Yes. I work on the 8th floor in our building (we have only 10 floors)....we have 3 elevators and none of them work. Co-workers joke that this is the company's "free" excercise program. Taking the stairs to the 8th floor really kicks my butt!!!!:indifferent:
  • afss07
    afss07 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in the military and so they always try to compel us to lose weight and stay in shape. It's hard though, as I work a desk job and have to sit on butt most of the day. I've been considering trying to get a standing desk.

    In the meantime, me and an old supervisor have been "racing" to 200 lbs. Whoever crosses that line first gets 25 bucks from the other one!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    They pay a portion of our gym memberships.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'm on the other side of this boat, I'm the acting wellness coordinator for our company, I didn't go to school for this, one day I just got elected becuase I'm happy go lucky and motivating.... (Um...ok?) And PS - I'm also not the skinniest bananna in the bunch.

    Anyway...I have no budget, or they won't give me one anyway....I hate to change the subject OP'er, but I'd love to piggy back and find out what you guys think would be good incentives to offer employees....or how could we get employees motivated to work towards health goals and or try to lose weight?

    What are some of the worst things an employer could do?

    Anything would be appreciated.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    NO. I wish. There's constantly junk food around here.
  • trudemeanor
    trudemeanor Posts: 60 Member
    My Job recently started a Biggest Loser Contest in an effort to encourage a healthy lifestyle. I plan on winning the competition :wink:
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Yes. I work on the 8th floor in our building (we have only 10 floors)....we have 3 elevators and none of them work. Co-workers joke that this is the company's "free" excercise program. Taking the stairs to the 8th floor really kicks my butt!!!!:indifferent:
    OMG! that is a workout! any plans to get them fixed?
  • jazzie2421
    Yes, we're doing a Biggest Loser thing too, our entry fee was also $10 with cash prizes for winners taken from those entrance fees. Its a buddy system so you can win that way too. I walk with my "buddy" in the afternoon and walk by myself in the morning. We are also have a wellness room. It's not a lot, but they have classes and what not in there and some light equipment. Oh, and we have healthy snack choices available in the break room so you're not tied to junk food. I've already lost 3 lbs. :)
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    My company I work for has gym at all the locations and also gives employees a discount at a local gym. Plus they have nutritionists come to the locations once a month and also have fitness assessments as well.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    We have treadmills in every break room, get $125 in our nutritional products free per month, have smoothie contests instead of potlucks, and are having a fitness challenge this quarter. Whoever loses the highest percentage of body weight wins a Samsung Galaxy tablet and is featured in our monthly magazine. Second place wins $200 and goes in the magazine too.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    We have a foosball table, ping pong, large screen TV/gaming console all set up as well, but I don't think there was any fitness/health motivation behind it...since we also have poker tables, arcade games and beer on tap (in addition to all the sugar filled pop/juice we can consume).

    I'd love for them to have a fitness room/gym or provide healthy snacks, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon.
  • jazzie2421
    I'm on the other side of this boat, I'm the acting wellness coordinator for our company, I didn't go to school for this, one day I just got elected becuase I'm happy go lucky and motivating.... (Um...ok?) And PS - I'm also not the skinniest bananna in the bunch.

    Anyway...I have no budget, or they won't give me one anyway....I hate to change the subject OP'er, but I'd love to piggy back and find out what you guys think would be good incentives to offer employees....or how could we get employees motivated to work towards health goals and or try to lose weight?

    What are some of the worst things an employer could do?

    Anything would be appreciated.

    There are tons of ideas floating around the internet. I would suggest a competition (that's always fun) - with buy in, healthy pot lucks where all the dishes have to be healthy, a recipe swap, bowling/dancing nights, things along those lines. Google "motivate employees" and you'll see a host of ideas.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    I'm on the other side of this boat, I'm the acting wellness coordinator for our company, I didn't go to school for this, one day I just got elected becuase I'm happy go lucky and motivating.... (Um...ok?) And PS - I'm also not the skinniest bananna in the bunch.

    Anyway...I have no budget, or they won't give me one anyway....I hate to change the subject OP'er, but I'd love to piggy back and find out what you guys think would be good incentives to offer employees....or how could we get employees motivated to work towards health goals and or try to lose weight?

    What are some of the worst things an employer could do?

    Anything would be appreciated.
    No Problem, I have to say that cash seems to be the biggest motivator. Last year during out BL contest alot of people joined just because they wanted to try and lose something, but the second through 5th place prizes were money!
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    No way in heck here. :noway:
    I don't think hardly any of my fellow employees routinely work out. Everyone eats junk for lunch and comments on my 5 small healthy meals a day. People bring in cupcakes, breads, donuts, homemade high cal stuff to share. The employer itself has no incentives or encouragement whatsoever. It's terrible and I'm not exaggerating. :grumble:

    But I really like my job and I'm close to home, so I'm totally cool with being the outsider. :laugh: :heart:
  • mjanet22
    mjanet22 Posts: 19 Member
    I work for a big hospital system, and there all about staying fit and active. They have a incentive program that pays you money to lose weight. You weigh in around May and you have until April of next year to lose 5% or more weight. After you lose the initial 5%of weight they pay you $10 bucks for every pound after that. I got $220 last year, and I'm back on it this year again!

    My department manager is also debating on wheather to get us a treadmill for when we take our mini breaks. Hopefully she decides to so that way I can get a mini workout during the day. :)
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    We have a foosball table, ping pong, large screen TV/gaming console all set up as well, but I don't think there was any fitness/health motivation behind it...since we also have poker tables, arcade games and beer on tap (in addition to all the sugar filled pop/juice we can consume).

    I'd love for them to have a fitness room/gym or provide healthy snacks, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

    Now that I think of it though, I have seen some more recent health driven changes...
    - corporate discounts for getting a membership at GoodLife
    - we had a fitness challenge in the summer (winning team got $100 gift card/person, second place team got $50 gift card/person)
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    We have treadmills in every break room, get $125 in our nutritional products free per month, have smoothie contests instead of potlucks, and are having a fitness challenge this quarter. Whoever loses the highest percentage of body weight wins a Samsung Galaxy tablet and is featured in our monthly magazine. Second place wins $200 and goes in the magazine too.
    oooo- that sound awesome. A smoothie contest! And a tablet for the grand prize, very nice!