Olive Oil Warning



  • invisbeth
    I don't have the patience to read every label on the food I buy. I use to get vegetable oil, then switched to canola oil. I do have a small jar of virgin olive oil but that was only bought because a recipe I wanted to try required it. Because of my disability, when I go get groceries, I'm in and out within an hour because I can't be up on my feet much longer w/o being in excruciating pain...so I don't take the time to read every label.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    My dietician suggested that to avoid confusion when buying olive oil, it should be in a plastic or crystal bottle and the oil should look yellow-greenish, not yellowish. Also, do not buy it in dark containers. Read the labels carefully. A lot of companies like to mix a bit of olive oil with other oils and sell it at outrageous prices.

    actually the darker the container the better, keeps the oil from going rancid for

    longer period, in other words keeps it FRESH!!!!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Before anyone pipes up and says that Rapeseed Oil is good for you I will leave you to your oplion but hundreds of horses die each year due to breathing problems caused by Oil Seed Rape nearby and many more people develop alergies because of Oil Seed Rape.

    Garlic is toxic to horses. Does that mean you don't eat garlic also?
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Not sure where you're getting your data from but REAL olive oil is certainly cold pressed.

    thank you! i was going to say the same!

    Simply and well said!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I read ALL food labels, and unfortunately, even that isnt good enough. I just posted a comment the other day on I Cant Believe its Not Butter spray, it says its ) calories, but the whole container actually contains over 800 calories and 91 grams of fat, the food industry has its loop holes!!

    I remember watching that show "Ruby" and she would literally unscrew the lid and POUR that stuff in her vegetables. And when her friends questioned her she said, "it says zero calories right here on the label, y'all!" :noway:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I just went downstairs and checked mine. Funny, the store brand olive oil from Giant Eagle I bought has its ingredients listed as "Olive oil." imported from various places. The expensive dipping olive oil I bought has its ingredients listed as "Canola, Olive oil." lol :P
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    ...i am just relieved that this is not a thread about remembering to count olive oil calories when cooking...

  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    Actually cold pressed, organic, extra virgin rapeseed oil is very good for you. I use it along with coconut oil and cold pressed extra virgin olive oil