I just had to post this. I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Trust me, I live under no rock.

    I just happened to see it on the show.

    I second you. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean that you're living under a rock.

    I'm appalled by this. Really, what are they going to come up next? The internet leaves me wondering.

    Thanks! :)
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    How many times have I heard people on this website say the feel ugly or unattractive at the weight they are. Surely if you find yourself unnatractive why would you expect your SO to feel any differently. You can still love someone but if they change dramatically you may not find them attractive sexually anymore, (trust me I know first hand) and that can spell the end of a relationship. I am not endorsing cheating though. Cheating is a symptom not a remedy.

    I do agree with you. If someone is no longer attracted to their partner then they should leave. Not cheat.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I'm not shocked at all. Considering it's a site designed around cheating spouses. I'm sure there's the equivalent one of brad pitt vs some gargoyle looking of a dude too.


    Seriously, Brad Pitt is not that great. Sheesh, LOL
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    It's sad really. It's so easy to get married and just as easy to divorce. Nobody takes their vows seriously anymore.

    My 6 yr anniversary is tomorrow. We've had our ups and downs. Like...bigtime. We've both put on weight. I'm on a mission to get healthy for myself and I'm determined to make it happen...with or without my husband.

    That website is pretty sad. It's even more sad that they have 12 million people using it. But...I'm a believer in karma. What goes around, comes around. In due time....one way or another, it'll get back to them.

    I never understood cheating. You're unhappy? You hate your life? Then leave your husband or wife? Either separate or get a divorce. What's the purpose of cheating? At least be the bigger person and admit when things are over. And leave. It's as simple as that.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It's sad really. It's so easy to get married and just as easy to divorce. Nobody takes their vows seriously anymore.

    My 6 yr anniversary is tomorrow. We've had our ups and downs. Like...bigtime. We've both put on weight. I'm on a mission to get healthy for myself and I'm determined to make it happen...with or without my husband.

    That website is pretty sad. It's even more sad that they have 12 million people using it. But...I'm a believer in karma. What goes around, comes around. In due time....one way or another, it'll get back to them.

    I never understood cheating. You're unhappy? You hate your life? Then leave your husband or wife? Either separate or get a divorce. What's the purpose of cheating? At least be the bigger person and admit when things are over. And leave. It's as simple as that.

    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member

    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?

    IMO, what you're talking about isn't cheating. That's an open relationship. If you and your spouse have agreed that your relationship is over and you're basically roommates, I don't consider that cheating. Everyone's situation is different and if you two agree on this together, then that's up to you.

    For me, I don't believe in staying together for the kids. My parents did that and finally split after 22 yrs when my sister and I were both in college. We heard every fight. We'd sit upstairs and cry listening to everything. We felt the tension at home and in publix. There was no benefit to them staying together for our sake.

    People split up all the time. It disrupts everyone's lives. But sometimes it's for the better. Plain and simple. Nobody should live their lives unhappy. Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

    Again, only my opinion on the matter. To each their own.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    It's sad really. It's so easy to get married and just as easy to divorce. Nobody takes their vows seriously anymore.

    My 6 yr anniversary is tomorrow. We've had our ups and downs. Like...bigtime. We've both put on weight. I'm on a mission to get healthy for myself and I'm determined to make it happen...with or without my husband.

    That website is pretty sad. It's even more sad that they have 12 million people using it. But...I'm a believer in karma. What goes around, comes around. In due time....one way or another, it'll get back to them.

    I never understood cheating. You're unhappy? You hate your life? Then leave your husband or wife? Either separate or get a divorce. What's the purpose of cheating? At least be the bigger person and admit when things are over. And leave. It's as simple as that.

    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?

    Oh yeah, great morals to teach to your children. (sarcastic)
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member

    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?

    IMO, what you're talking about isn't cheating. That's an open relationship. If you and your spouse have agreed that your relationship is over and you're basically roommates, I don't consider that cheating. Everyone's situation is different and if you two agree on this together, then that's up to you.

    For me, I don't believe in staying together for the kids. My parents did that and finally split after 22 yrs when my sister and I were both in college. We heard every fight. We'd sit upstairs and cry listening to everything. We felt the tension at home and in publix. There was no benefit to them staying together for our sake.

    People split up all the time. It disrupts everyone's lives. But sometimes it's for the better. Plain and simple. Nobody should live their lives unhappy. Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

    Again, only my opinion on the matter. To each their own.

    Totally agree. I had to deal with the same thing with my parents. It was a relief when they finally split. Should have done it sooner.
  • deliciousappleblue
    deliciousappleblue Posts: 23 Member
    I remember when I first saw a commercial for this site, years ago. I was like "that CAN'T be a real thing" and went online to see for myself. Then my boyfriend saw the computer history. He was so pissed. :laugh:
  • kimiec
    kimiec Posts: 62
    Cheating is cheating no matter how you look at it, if you and your other half have to stay the same just for you to love them then you didn't love them only what you see. Don't make excuse for your reason for cheating. You are cheating because you can get away with it, that is untill you are found out then what heppen you use the blame game. Just more excuses to be hurtful to your other half. As the old saying goes don't make excuse make results. If that means you and your partener have changed and one of you are no longer happy in the relationship then get out. Yes it does happen people change but guess what that's all part of life. We get old our hair turns gray, we get wrinkles and some time even gain weight. I am a woman of 47 and in the years my BF and I have been together I have gained weight no I am not happy about it but he isn't the same person either but I would never go looking outside of our relationship because of it and if I found out he did he would be gone in a second I don't put up with excuses. People use these type of sites because they are unhappy with who they are more then they are unhappy with there other half and they think this will make them happy but if thats so then how come they gor from one person to the other. Oh that right your waiting to find that person who is going to make you happy well sorry no one is responsible for your happiness. So please don't make excuses it is so belittleing to yourself.
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    Wow that's shocking!
  • 20katiemccook11
    20katiemccook11 Posts: 10 Member
  • branflake5
    I had never heard of this site either, and it is sad. Whatever happened to vows? For better or for worse. I think if you are one of the people who feel that way then don't get married! Everyone changes. Sure not everyone gains weight or gets fat... but everyone will eventually grow old get gray hair wrinkles etc. And if you love someone truly I don't think it is even possible to cheat on them, so the logic of the website really makes no sense. So for those who think there is nothing wrong with it take this scenario you spouse gets cancer and obviously this terrible disease can take a major toll on the way it's victims look etc so you should just say F them and go hook up with someone else. The people on that site are narcissistic a**holes in my opinion
  • branflake5
    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?

    ^^was a quote from someone else not sure why it didn't come out right.^^

    I think splitting up would be better for the kids in the long run. What lesson would they being learning "oh mommy has a date tonight" or "daddy is going to get laid" I mean seriously that would mess them up a lot more than the parents getting divorced.
  • Galletakek
    EL o EL................................................................................................................................................... I don't even know what to say .. . O_O lol..
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    More proof that marragie between a man and a woman is sacred and should stay between an man and woman
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    what if you have two young children...you and your spouse are still good parents but no sex spark remains....you want to stay together for the kids sake....cheating is worse than splitting and disrupting the kids life?

    ^^was a quote from someone else not sure why it didn't come out right.^^

    I think splitting up would be better for the kids in the long run. What lesson would they being learning "oh mommy has a date tonight" or "daddy is going to get laid" I mean seriously that would mess them up a lot more than the parents getting divorced.

    uh...wow...I did say "still good parents" I never said anything about telling the kids mom has a date tonight...you cant slam comments if you are going to totally change the context
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    Im not even mad.. this just makes me sad.

  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    I saw this on The Doctors and was very offended as well! I knew the website existed but their new tactics are pushing limits. And why is it always a woman? Why can't a man be overweight? I'm not saying that I'd cheat on my husband for any reason, let alone weight, but why are woman targeted? My husband said it's because 11 million of the members are probably men.

    Either way, I'm repulsed!