I just had to post this. I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    More proof that marragie between a man and a woman is sacred and should stay between an man and woman

    i'm hoping this is a joke.
  • MikesMuffin
    That site just makes me shake my head tbh. When people cheat they need to blame the partner to make themselves justify it in their own heads.... 's/he doesn't understand me', 's/he has changed' etc. Its just another reason for self justification.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I just had to share this because it's eating me! Very shocked!

    Watched this today show that talked about this website called http://www.ashleymadison.com.
    The creators of this site actually say if your partner gains weight (or as they put it, gets fat) and/or their appearance dulls, it's not only alright to cheat on them but completely justified. There are almost 12 million members on this site! They had guys backing it up saying that if "I'm not attracted to my wife cause she's gotten fat or ugly, then I'm going to find someone that I am attracted to". I'm amazed! Wowzers!

    This is seriously their AD. Unbelievable!

    look at it this way, when you look like the 1st girl from top to bottom, a lot of guys will have affairs with you ;)
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    you get married...(man or women) and then change dramatically? like in letting yourself go (get fat) and things change...life is short...why be unhappy?

    Thinking along these lines I guess the marriage vows shouldn' t say in sickness and health til death we part and instead say only till I get tired of you or you get fat?
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    Surely you love the whole person, not just the packaging? That's pretty shallow!
  • proudmommylmb
    proudmommylmb Posts: 39 Member
    ETA: That website is only good for one thing: using it as evidence of adultery in a divorce case. Most likely the person filing for it will be a woman, and most likely she will get at LEAST half of your assets. :)

    I pity the partners of the people who condoned this website. They must be blind or stupid to be with you as you are obviously selfish and self-centered.

    What if your partner is getting fat because she is emotionally hurt or something else is going on???

    Women who have PCOS will gain and lose weight off and on.

    Women who have children will gain weight that they may never be able to work off.

    Men and women can get cancer that would definitely make your life seem depressing. Gaining weight would be a walk in the park compared to couples who deal with this. Does that mean you cheat on your Husband???

    What if you partner was paralyzed from the waist down???

    Getting fat is not something a woman or a man does voluntarily (for the most part) it can be mostly emotionally triggered and sometimes the partner needs help losing. But cheating is easier than being there to support them.

    Thank god we have a website like that one, actually. It's better if all you selfish and crude people go out with other similar minded individuals rather than hurt good people. I would recommend every first date you make sure your partner is going to cheat on you too if you get fat, physically scarred, or worse.
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    This makes me so sad. This pretty much sums up our sad little world to a T.
  • Captian_Dathon
    Things like this are actually the reason I really wanted to lose weight.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    And this country won't let me marry my partner because of narrow minded people. However, married men and/or women can just choose to join a website to cheat on their spouses because of weight????? Yeah gotta love this. Good thing my skinny partner over there <<<< loves me regardless of what I weigh. Actually I weighed 260 when I met her and I can proudly say neither one of us have ever cheated with anyone else. But yeah my "gay" marriage will corrupt our country. They can blow it out the *kitten*.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    disgusting unless they want to also reverse that for wives disgusted with husbands...
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I predict the shallow people who believe it's ok to "upgrade" your partner will be old and alone, die in their apartments and be eaten by their 50 cats because no one will notice they died. Kind of sad really!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I think those are the ones my ex uttered in his head during the ceremony
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    you get married...(man or women) and then change dramatically? like in letting yourself go (get fat) and things change...life is short...why be unhappy?

    Thinking along these lines I guess the marriage vows shouldn' t say in sickness and health til death we part and instead say only till I get tired of you or you get fat?

    Good point. I thank God that my husband didn't choose to only love me when I was thin. Imagine. Hey babe, your hairline is receding a bit and I think that's a little unattractive, so I am going to find some hot guy with hair I can run my hands through. You understand right?

    If that's what you wanted- why get married? Just date.
  • mwood777
    mwood777 Posts: 18 Member
    The major problem is this society is prone to not committing to anything! Also, we are on a "happy" high. If this doesn't make me happy I quit, if she/he doesn't make me happy quit, this healthy lifestyle no longer makes me happy quit. The vow is For better or for worse, till death do us part. Not for better, or worse, or unless they become really unattractive and you are no longer happy. People have been married for 50 years who have had many unhappy days but they are committed, to make it work.

    Relationships aren't hunky dory everyday, there are periods of trials, and days when you just don't want to see their face. However, the committed part is the love part. You don't fall out of love with someone because they gained 30 lbs, to me you were never truley loved that person, infatuated, lustful yes!

    We have to get the focus off of what hollywood says is sexy, or these lingerie ads says is sexy and we must have a value system set far above what they force feed us on a daily base. I understand that not everyone is Christian in this room, but I have to say, this society needs a healthy respect for the Lord and his word, before we can defeat foolishness like this ad!

    I'm just sayin'...
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    More proof that marragie between a man and a woman is sacred and should stay between an man and woman

    That has absolutely nothing to do with it, honestly. This is encouraging anyone in a relationship/marriage to cheat. Men cheating on women seems to be the primary directive of the website. It has absolutely nothing to do with gay marriage or gay rights.
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    And this country won't let me marry my partner because of narrow minded people. However, married men and/or women can just choose to join a website to cheat on their spouses because of weight????? Yeah gotta love this. Good thing my skinny partner over there <<<< loves me regardless of what I weigh. Actually I weighed 260 when I met her and I can proudly say neither one of us have ever cheated with anyone else. But yeah my "gay" marriage will corrupt our country. They can blow it out the *kitten*.

    I love you. (Not in a creepy way, but the support/admiration way.)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Welcome to planet Earth.
    This whole absurd concept of fat acceptance has detached us from reality.
    After an accident, I gained a ton of weight, and was just an elephant.
    When I was fat, I was unattractive.
    My wife, instead of having an affair, told me I should lose the weight or our marriage would end.
    And I don't blame her one bit.
    So, I got busy, lost the weight and all is well.
    Most people are not going to be that direct. I am thankful that she was honest with me about this.
    For any relationship to work, sexual compatibility is a must.
    And weight gain ruins that no matter what lies you are being told about how it doesn't matter.

    It matters - believe it!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    you get married...(man or women) and then change dramatically? like in letting yourself go (get fat) and things change...life is short...why be unhappy?
    It's time to get real folks!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    And this country won't let me marry my partner because of narrow minded people. However, married men and/or women can just choose to join a website to cheat on their spouses because of weight????? Yeah gotta love this. Good thing my skinny partner over there <<<< loves me regardless of what I weigh. Actually I weighed 260 when I met her and I can proudly say neither one of us have ever cheated with anyone else. But yeah my "gay" marriage will corrupt our country. They can blow it out the *kitten*.

    I love you. (Not in a creepy way, but the support/admiration way.)

    Thank you Kat and know what you mean. LOL My partner and I have been solidly commited for 11 years and yes we have trials and tribulations like any couple but we work them out. We dont go to the nearest bar or website to hook-up for meaningless sex. I actually have a sister that is gay also and she and her partner have been together for years and years. Our parents love us all and treat our partners just like their own daughters. We are in the middle of a hostile work environment/gay exploitation case right now with my partner's workplace for allowing an employee to video tape her while working on his cell phone and posting it on the web that "that this is what a big old *kitten* looks like". We've been receiving harrassing phone calls ever since and my partner is on medical leave due to the stress from work. But yeah a good old man and woman marriage with cheating is considered better than our devoted and commited partnership. Thank you USA and all the do-gooder voters that wont allow me to marry in MY state.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Very sad! If my wife felt this way I would have been divorced a long time ago!