I almost ate pizza!!! :(

Today i was not home and i didnt have my meals really planned out for today. My boyfriend almost convinced me to eat a big greasy slice of pizza! I wanted it because the cheese!! For the last week i have been doing great and limiting my cheese,bread and pasta intake. Cheese is my favorite!!! So, he put a piece on a plate and was going to give it to me then i had a mini intervention within me that stopped me and told him "i cant! That i have gone this far i want.to be able tto say i havent quit something! I would be doing a double whammy in one meal having cheese and bread! ". I over came my.temptation and had cauliflower and tomatoes .


  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Yay for you and your will-power victory! You should be proud!

    Mary Ann
  • Moma_Do
    Moma_Do Posts: 108 Member
    Girl you so strong!
  • Strivn2day_4aBtrTmrow
    Key word is almost. GOOD JOB. lol its like with drugs JUST SAY NO ! ;p
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.
  • angevee
    angevee Posts: 55 Member
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.

    I agree. If you deprive yourself then you are less likely to keep it up. As the old saying goes "a little of what you fancy does you good".
  • elbeanio
    elbeanio Posts: 2 Member
    Pizza is the food I crave the most! Along with curry! But I have been converted to wholemeal pitta pizzas! Wholemeal pitta, passata, light mozarella and some tiny strips of pepperoni. It's yummy and it's really low in calories. So I still get my pizza fix at the weekend :-D

    Well done on turning down the big cheesy slice. It's tough! x

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.

    I agree. If you deprive yourself then you are less likely to keep it up. As the old saying goes "a little of what you fancy does you good".

    I agree with you both. Maybe you could designate a day that you do get to eat pizza like saturdays every other week or something. Or you could have accepted the slice and patted the cheese down with a piece (or several pieces) of napkins to soak up some of the oil, or you could have asked the pizza guy to split the pizza in half or into baby pieces so you could have some and share the rest with your boyfriend or share it with a bird outside hehe. But in the end, I'm glad you felt strong in your determination in eating healthier and that it was a victory for you to be able to say no to the slice of pizza.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.

    I agree. If you deprive yourself then you are less likely to keep it up. As the old saying goes "a little of what you fancy does you good".

    Totally agree. Deprivation diets normally end up in binging later.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    Good for you :smile: I do agree with everyone else as well. Dieting doesn't have to mean depriving yourself of the things you love. I always try to find new ways to decrease the calories in my favorite dishes so I can enjoy them. My DH and children would be miserable if we didn't have a pizza or taco night. When I make pizza, I either buy a very thin crust pizza and pair it with a large salad, or we make our own pizza and I add a ton of veggies and light cheese to a thin crust. You can enjoy a decent serving for the amount of calories in one small greasy slice of take-out pizza. There are lots of great recipes and ideas on the spark people recipe site. That being said, you should be proud that you we able to turn down a trigger food. It shows strength and commitment to your weight loss :happy:
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I had pizza yesterday along with a giant salad. It was delicious.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.

    This....^^^^ This is your life and NOT a diet. It isn't about deprivation. It is more about moderation. Having a slice of pizza isn't the end of the world. You can't live your life having foods that are off limits or telling yourself "No! You can't have _____". This will lead to resentment and eventually? You'll likely have a big ole binge on all the "No" foods.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    WHAT A GREAT JOB!!! Actions like this are what will give you results!

    I can't believe people are telling you to eat pizza! That cracks me up! This is a lifestyle change. You are doing great.

    To all who told her to eat pizza as a reward....she said she is trying to NOT eat cheese and bread for awhile. I'm sure she does treat herself every now and then, but this cracks me up. You cant always eat what you want.

    Abs are made in the kitchen...eating clean foods....
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I've had Belgium Chocolates, pizza, Chinese food, Mexican food--and I've lost a pound a week. So don't deprive yourself. Just work it into your calorie intake and you'll do great. I plan more "indulgent" meals on days I'm doing my long runs and my more tame ones on my rest days.
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    I don't think it would have been completely dentrimental to have the piece of pizza, but good for you on bein able to say no! Maybe next time you could eat the pizza and then cut back on your snacks or something else? Life is to short not to enjoy some of the "bad" food! :)
  • cadler
    cadler Posts: 1
    Your boyfriend needs to support you instead of tempting you!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.

    I agree. If you deprive yourself then you are less likely to keep it up. As the old saying goes "a little of what you fancy does you good".

    Yes, if you desire pizza eat it in moderation. When you start depriving (aka punishing) yourself, you are setting yourself up for failure! This is about LIFESTYLE change, not quickie weight loss and then going back to old ways. Learn to change old habits so you can have a normal life without deprivation!

    Good luck!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I think you did great by not eating the pizza. I actually cannot believe people are saying you should have had the pizza! I think i read someone say " You should have ate the pizza bc now you will give into your cravings" If that was true..you would have ate it!

    Our bodies are not meant to eat processed foods. Eventually after not eating processed foods, your stomach will shrink and your body will not hold so much sodium. I agree in having a cheat meal every now and then but you should still PLAN your cheat meal and not devour something bc your hungry.

    Congrats are being strong. These types of actions will bring your results!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    For some of us, there is no "just have a little bit" with certain foods. Good for you for being strong! You can't change your eating habits if you give in to every craving, right? :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I like to keep options around so I can still enjoy the things I like without feeling like I have to fight temptation at every turn. Like I'll keep some of the Lean Cuisine individually portioned pizzas in the house and every once in awhile have one for lunch. Easy portion control, no leftovers tempting me, and I get to enjoy something I like. Or I'll make a lower-cal version using a tortilla and measure out the things I add to it so I don't go overboard. I have to agree with the 'this is a lifestyle change, not a diet' sentiment - any time I've tried to 'diet' in the past I've failed b/c of temptation. With MFP and calorie tracking I don't have to give up everything, I just have to learn moderation. Moderation might mean a smaller portion size, not eating a particular food quite as often, or adjusting other parts of my day when I want to fit something in. There are lots of ways to make it work without ruining all your efforts, it just takes a little extra planning. Maybe the next time he wants pizza, you guys can make individual pizzas at home and that way you can control what goes onto yours and how many calories it has, so that you can still enjoy the meal with him but have yours YOUR way so that it works with your plan.

    ETA: I forgot, there are actually some pretty decent recipes out there that use alternatives to the crust - like cauliflower or zucchini crust (might be right up your alley especially since you like cauliflower :-) ) or even miniature eggplant pizzas. There are ways that you can still get that 'pizza' flavor without taking the hit from the grease and high calories, if you get a little creative. :-)

    I do agree your boyfriend should be more supportive and not try to tempt you if he knows you're trying to avoid certain things.
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    I had pizza yesterday along with a giant salad. It was delicious.

    Me too! I went out with my boyfriend and his mother to a pizza place. I knew that I was not going to make it without at least a slice, so I had a slice of pizza and a giant salad. I ended up not feeling deprived and still had self control. Normally I would have 4 or 5 slices. I don't want to completely deprive myself of everything because I know that's not sustainable for me. Learning portion control and making healthier choices is sustainable for me.