Forgive me MPF, for I have sinned...



  • mizzgreeneyedladyy
    I've only been on this diet since January 3rd..and boy have I had some bad days.. Oops..

    My very first slip up was I had 6 random flavored Smirnoffs. :/ (The same night, I had 1 slice of pizza, 1 breadstick, and 1 honey bbq wing.)
    Then, on another day, my sister wanted me to go to Pizza Street with her, and I did. :(( (Like 3 slices of pizza, 2 breadsticks, and dessert pizza.)
    Then, one random day, I had a slice of this stuffed pizza my mom brought home for dinner.
    Then, most recently, I had a whole container of Chinese take out.

    I think it is safe to say that I have a pizza addiction.

    Oh I also forgot to mention that I had a full pint of UV Cherry Vodka, mixed with 3/4 a pint of 7up!
    (Holy calories!)
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    Not a healthy start to my day today. Breakfast was one bar of the Snickers 2 to go pack that has been sitting in my desk drawer at work forever and my normal cup of coffee. I should know better . . .
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I don't look at it as cheating.. A great friend here on MFP has taught me to have my "spike day' which I started doing on saturdays. I eat whatever I want. I still log, but well over my cals. I try to reach double the cals. I think in a way we need to "fall off the wagon" sometimes. We can't eat perfect all the time, especially in a society that wants to fatten us up anyways. So go ahead and have your not that great for you food.. just watch your portions!! =o)
  • awaito
    awaito Posts: 18
    mmmmmmmmmm peanut chocolate m&m's, frosted sugar cookies, chocolate, cheese, deep fried pickles, chicken wings... oh god why do i love bad food! I also very much enjoy healthy food.. but mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bad food!!!