What did your parents feed you when you were a kid?

Dad: More healthy foods, like sushi, salad, steamed veggies and rice

Mom: Frozen cheese pizza, Pepperidge farm cookies (sometimes with ice cream), Potato Chips with whipped cream cheese dip, and all the coca-cola I could drink.

Guess who I lived with most of the time 8-/


  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Anything I wanted (all we had was crap food in the house: cookies, chips & french onion dip, pizza, m&Ms)... yeah I had to learn self control on my own

    edit: my mom did cook but not always healthy stuff!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    We were all over the map... sometimes on health kicks, other times not so much... I do remember a lot of beans, bread, rice and potatoes...lots of baking. And comfort food. Ice cream fixes everything, right? Guess which habit is the hardest to break as an adult? lol
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    my mother worked alot as a single parent.. my older sister took care of me when i was a kid n shes an awesome cook!!! everything for me was fresh produce, meats, soups, healthy foods... n mother would spoil us once in a while with basteries.. i dont care for chips, choclate bars, pop or any junk food.. but when it comes to bastries i got a soft spot still haha
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I'll say this.... everyone in my family but myself had a fast metabolism and handled exactly what I was eating with ease. I got fat. Dinner was generally a fatty protien with 2 starchy sides. I was allowed to eat whole boxes of mac and cheese at a time, whole boxes of cheez its, etc. Not that they knew any better in the early 80s. It just is what it is.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Breakfast: M-F: cocoa & toast; weekends: eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, french toast
    Lunch: M-F: school cafeteria; weekends: homemade hotdish (a.k.a. casserole) or sandwiches, milk
    Dinner: meat, potato, vegetable, bread, milk

    Very rarely did Mom serve any type of processed/packaged food. She made everything from scratch.
  • The only thing I remember at home is lots and lots and LOTS of hot dogs and mac n cheese. My grandma would fix me pancakes... If I had to guess, I would say I have eaten tens of thousands of pancakes in my life. I can still put down a ridiculous amount.
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    We ate lots of different stuff. Some healthy and some not so healthy. But back then we weren't all fitness / nutrition crazed that we are all now. The biggest problem was the life lesson about the "clean plate club". No portion control at all - just eat everything on your plate, regardless of when you become "full". I blame this all on my parents.
  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    It was always crap food because my mother grew up eating crap food so that is now she fed me and still feeds my little brother. She is convinced that McDonalds is healthy because it is meat and cheese and he does not eat his fries most of the time and gets juice or milk sometimes.

    Everything in her house is always processed, frozen and comes from a box.

    The cycle ends with me. My son is only 7 months old but I am making his food myself and when whatever I am cooking is not spicy (hubby and I love spicy food), he gets what we eat because for the most part what we cook is fresh, not boxed and canned.
  • My parents made me my own separate meal every night... pasta, pizza, chips, fries, etc. Needless to say I turned into a fat marshmallow. Its definitely more difficult (though not impossible) to teach yourself how to eat healthy later in life when you've spent the first 15+ years of your life eating junk food.

    Parents: don't feed your kids crap. :bigsmile:
  • DawnOssett
    DawnOssett Posts: 21 Member
    Mainly large hearty dinners and Chinese takeaways. Trips to the cash and carry would ensure there were huge boxes of crisps, multi pack Cokes and multi pack chocolates always to hand in the house.

    Mum would use often use chocolate as a bribing tool and Dad would praise me for eating large quantities when I was little, I remember getting a smack for tipping a fried breakfast in the bin when I was about 7. Then on Mondays I would be on the next crazy grapefruit or boiled egg diet with my Mum because I was getting chubby.

    This has ensured years of unhealthy binge, purge, love, hate relationship with food. I'm still not sure when my body is saying it is full.
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    I grew up in a family of 9.

    By the time I was 18 i've lived in 20 different houses.. With that many kids we couldn't always afford the best food. My dad is a truck driver and he raised us himself. What we normally ate was Hamburger helper, a lot of hamburger helper actually....cream of mushroom chicken, ramen basically every day for lunch sometimes breakfast too. But we always had vegetables with our food.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Both of my parents were big on cooking , and everyone in my family loves to eat. I'm Puerto Rican , so we had rice almost every single day . There was also always soda and some type of sweet , which are my biggest problem.
  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    B: We usually ate a chocolate covered granola bar or my mom fried pancakes, eggs, bacon!
    S: We just grabbed some junk from the "junk drawer" which was full of all the little debbie snacks
    L: ham/butter sandwiches, sausage/sauerkraut...typical fatty german food
    D: Usally steak, pork pork chops, ham, fried chicken and potatoes or pasta followed by fruit for dessert.

    We were so active, it didn't really bother us, my parents always had healthy options available! I wanted the chocolate. :)
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    My mum was always a great cook, but she was a child minder and so we ate with them a lot, which meant eating early (guess who snacked a lot before bed) and eating processed food. My mum was also a big believer in comfort food so while she cooked good food, it wasn't always healthy food!

    Once I turned 11 and went to high school was when it got really bad, as I was given free reign and most days ate sweets instead of real food :/
  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    Breakfast was cereal and lunch was whatever the school served.

    For dinner we always had a meat, a starch and a green vegetable such as salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and turnip greens or hamburger helper and spinach. and Kool-aid. cleaning the plate was mandatory and there was no saying "i don't like this!"

    After dinner was done, we received a dessert, usually a couple of oreos or an oatmeal cake.

    Saturday was usually pizza or hot dogs or burgers and Sunday was the big deal - roast w. carrots and potatoes, cabbage and chocolate cake.

    Thanks Mom!!!!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    Fast food, tacos, spaghetti, french toast, mac and cheese.

    My Dad and I are now BOTH losing weight and eating healthy now though!
  • Hamburger Helper, hotdogs, boxed mac & cheese, and the occasional canned corn or green beans. Yeah, not such a great diet, but at least we didn't starve.
  • Sardine239
    Sardine239 Posts: 72 Member
    My mom stayed at home, so she had time to cook. We live on a farm, so most of our meet came from the farm. When you hear "down home cooking" that's what we ate. So so good, but a little bit goes a long way and a lot goes even farther...
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    For meals, it was healthy home cooked.

    But there were always lots of bad snack foods in the cupboard.

    My whole family is blessed with mostly good metabolisms - none of us are obese, but most of us are up to 40 lbs overweight. And most of that happened later in life when the metabolism slowed down and now it's a matter of retraining our thinking.
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    I'm from the south. Rice and gravy, gumbo, stews etc. Lot's of rice..