Embarrassing question but need help



  • karlak1
    There is a tea...you can get at healthfood stores...It is called Smooth Move...it is what I use to battle that when water alone does not work...drink it in the evening before bed...steep it for 2 minutes....start with a half of a cup...worked wonders for me without all the bad side effects of laxatives or the calories and bloating of "fiber" drinks.
  • jeni_Giedd
    Miralax helps, too, and your pharmacy prbably has it in a generic form. Hot liquids do something to stimulate the bowels, which is one of the reasons nursing homes serve coffee to their residents a lot. My husband swears by Mountain Dew. He says if he drinks too much it acts like Drano! ;-P:laugh:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    More fiber, more veggies and raisins.
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    You can buy over-the-counter laxatives to help or a more natural way would be to eat lots of fruit and fiber. Most supermarkets and health stores also stock natural alternatives to laxatives too, including an orange drink called Fybogel which works really well. I have IBS so often take this to help make my movements more regular :-)

    Remember though, any change to diet will affect your movements, so if you're dieting it could just be that your body's adjusting to the new regime and may sort itself out in the short term :-)
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    For immediate constipation relief, if you have not gone for a few days try prune juice and apple juice (not the concentrate)
    Take 2 -3 glasses of prune juice on an empty or fairly empty stomach after 15 - 20 minutes have a glass of apple juice. Make sure you stay near an available toilet as you will need it in less than an hour.
    This worked for my OH who does get constipation from time to time.

    The best prevention is to eat more fibre. Try grapes or melon in the evening after dinner, your constipation should easy signigicantly. Mix that with a balanced diet if not already.
  • leannemr
    Prune Juice!!! Drink the whole litre bottle!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Natural laxatives: Chia seeds, mango, tamarind (really...like whoa. I had no idea the first time I ate them), coffee, tea (or almost any good source of caffeine), apple juice, prunes and prune juice, and for some reason Nature's Own Double Fiber Wheat Bread does a number on most of the people I know.

    I usually drink coffee or coffee soaked chia seeds. The chia seeds have really helped scrub me out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Honestly, what works best for me is to just sit still and relax for a few minutes in the morning. And don't discount gravity, so sit upright!

    A lot of people swear by coffee and a cigarrette, but I think the reason that works is that those people are relaxing while doing that. But sitting still with a cup of coffee of tea will help.

    I also agree about making sire you're getting enough fat in your diet.
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
  • fitaliciag
    Try Shakeology. It keeps me good to go!
  • katherinemm31
    A few days of stool softners, the kind that are not laxatives.
  • monkeyfeetx2
    Flax seed in either oil or seed form, with a good probiotic:)
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    For most people coffee seems to help.....

    I agree...and green tea.
  • demhareis
    Could always try mineral oil, if the usual methods (fiber, etc) aren't working. Help stuff hydrate back up and slide out. Senna is also good in getting the intestines to "move along".

    An enema may also help.

    One question to ask yourself--are you constipated because the poop's too hard to squeeze out, or are you constipated because your bowels are sluggish? Determining the cause of you constipation can help determine what method to use.

    If fiber & fluid isn't working for you, the problem may not be the quality of your fecal matter, but the fact that your intestines aren't moving stuff along.
  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
    I was to the doc for this very thing. He said he thought it had to do with my lifestyle change and that fact that my bowel wasn't holding fluids. He suggested bulking up with Metamucil and eating probiotic yogurt daily. As a last resort he gave me Restoralax to take once a wk. If this still doesn't help in a few wks he's going to start doing tests to figure out whats up. As a side note I was on an antibiotic for diverticulosis for a wk and became regular. Well for that wk. Since going off it I'm back to just once a wk again. : (. So it's Restoralax for me tonight to see if that helps. Good luck with your plight. I hope you get it figured out!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Coffee//caffiene seems to help. Or a good workout. Seriously....if I'm having issues I go for a run and about 1.5 miles in (yep, about as far as a bathroom as I get) I REALLY need to go. Good news is I always have a record breaking pace on the way home!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Do you take Alli? That can really constipate you.
  • treromano
    I used to be like that all the time. I have been taking probiotics every day and am now regular. I go usually every day. They are all natural. When I first started is was gross. I had the worst gas but it got better and I try to never miss a day.
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    I have the same problem!! Sometimes it gets better for a couple weeks then it goes right back .... Good luck ...
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I use to have this problem all the time! I drink a mug of coffee everyday and i find having a bowl of mini wheats for breakfast a few times a week keeps me regular!