Embarrassing question but need help



  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    Well, it might be embarrassing, but you are sure not alone! :) I recently learned of psyllium seed husks. A friend recommends 1.5 table spoons in water at night before bed. But she cautioned that you need to drink it right away because otherwise it starts to solidify. She claims she wakes up and is ready to "go" with it. I'm going to try it. Apparently it is bought from health food stories. Here is a link for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psyllium_seed_husks

    I take 2 tsp every morning. You can also buy the psyllium husks in bulk food stores, the price per Kg (or lb) is pretty scarry but they are very light. Do make sure you drink lots of water afterward they will absorbe a fair bit.

  • Try Miralax. It works great.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I have IBS with constipation. I use over the counter Miralax daily and it works. It is not a laxative or a fiber pill.. it is a stool softener. I also take Amitiza by prescription but I have found that as long as I keep up with Miralax, I can miss a day or two of the Amitiza and still be pretty good. I would suggest getting that first.. good luck.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I was told to take Psyllium Husk
  • Coffee and a couple of sweeteners. Doesnt mess with your diet either.
  • Katemorling
    Katemorling Posts: 25 Member
    Well, it might be embarrassing, but you are sure not alone! :) I recently learned of psyllium seed husks. A friend recommends 1.5 table spoons in water at night before bed. But she cautioned that you need to drink it right away because otherwise it starts to solidify. She claims she wakes up and is ready to "go" with it. I'm going to try it. Apparently it is bought from health food stories. Here is a link for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psyllium_seed_husks

    These are wonderful - In Australia you can buy Psyllium in the supermarket (not sure about the rest of the world). Usually with the health food stuff or museli/cereal. The best thing about Psyllium is you can add it into your cooking. I use it when a bake cookies (low fat low sugar of course) or muffins etc or even just mix it into a smoothie. It has vertually no taste so you dont notice. Its very high in fibre. Works a treat.

    Always drink plenty of H2O if you use the coffee method (as coffe dehydrates) - which again works really well for me. Baked beans are another brilliant little helper. Some of us just really need to have high amounts of fibre in the diet.

    I worked on an organic farm in Germany during my travels and we would have Goats Kaifier (a natural probiotic like yakult etc - but really fresh) I found this combined with the organic food helped too.

    Hope that helps. Make sure you stay on top of it as a lazy bowel can cause serious medical problems. You must empty the bowel at least once a day. Its something we dont usually talk about which means many people underestimate how important it is! Good on you for asking the question...

    And thanks for helping me procrastinate a little longer... Damn... back to my report :(
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    For most people coffee seems to help.....

    Yes it does, thank goodness. Wish I'd found out about that earlier.
  • ok heres the thing you need to remember now i was looking at your food journal and although it didn't have fiber listed it seems that you ate getting lots. however you either don't list your water intake regularly or you are not getting enough water. fiber only works if you drink enough water to help "push it through" otherwise it will just add to the problem. And contrary to what what some people think coffee and tea and especially pop (diet or regular) COUNTERACTS water. they are diuretics. for ever cup of coffee you should drink 2 cups of water. so if you are at all like me and get most of your fluids from coffee, there may be your problem. other than that, since you say laxitives don't work for you (and i don't know if i would get that extreme yet) there are some very good stool softeners out there that could help. but first i might try increasing water intake and decreasing caffeine and caffeinated beverages (if you are drinking some)

    however be prepared that if it doesn't happen you may need "the apperatice" yes i know it's a nasty word enema but there may be a blockage in there that just needs to get unblocked or it could do some very serious harm to you

    best of luck
  • ljmccune
    ljmccune Posts: 15 Member
    I chug 15-20 ounces of water every morning before anything else goes into my mouth. That along with eating things like homemade yogurt, fruits and veges throughout the day usually keeps me right on track.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Coffee helps me, but if it is really backed up, a greasy burger usually does it, especially if I have been eating low fat with lots of veggies.
  • 77Maria
    77Maria Posts: 90
    Gastrointestinal issues can be a problem for sure! I am a fan of probiotic as it has helped others I know. Yogurt on a daily basis to keeps you regular also. I have oatmeal nearly every morning. Lots of water, water, water :heart:
  • smem21
    smem21 Posts: 4
    some Branflakes!! xx
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    :-( I love all of that fiber one stuff that may help, the brownies are pretty good
  • yep!! that works best for me
  • maybe TMI but the other morning I ate raisin bran for breakfast then my cup of coffee. I thought I was having a colon cleanse!!
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    Try Shakeology. It keeps me good to go!

    Was going to suggest this too. Everytime I drink my shakeology shake it straightens me right out. :) Maybe try a MILD laxative to help immediately, but there are some great suggestions above. Prune juice is a good one. Also, eat more fiber in the future, but Shakeology can cover all that for you.
  • krista896
    krista896 Posts: 76 Member
    try having a few beers, always seems to work for me.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    exercise should help!
  • margiemommy
    margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
    i take fiber choice with probiotics and that seem to help... you need probiotics for ur colon to function properly if it continues i would call ur doctor u could have mild ibs or just a lazy colon but like i said if probiotics and fiber don't help call the doctor
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    This is an old timey rememdy from my mother-in-law from when she was a youngster in the hills of Mo. If a child was constipated they would take a knife and cut off a small sliver of soap and use it like a suppository. It caused so much irritation in the rectum that evacuation was inevitable.:blushing: