Stat-at-home moms 3/16-3/22



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Posting quickly so I can keep this in "My Topics". Thought I didn't have time for the gym today, but an appointment canceled, so I'm squeezing it in between everything else. Then off and running to volunteer at my daughter's class, a little more work/laundry, homework with kids, then bible teaching tonight. (Exhaling long breath).

    To all and everyone, have a happy Monday. Sorry I can't post separately. Maybe tomorrow. But I hope your weeks start okay and everyone is on or hanging on or running along side the health wagon.

    Talk to you soon.

    BUSY day for you! I hope you make it through unharmed! Talk to you tomorrow!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Morning Mommies.

    I started Harley on baby carrots the other day. One day she ate then :drinker: The 2nd she blew raspberries with mouthsful of them. :grumble: Today she just pushed them out with her tongue. :huh: I heard that it takes something like 7 or 9 times of trying something new before babies like it so we'll keep trying.

    hehehe Welcome to the world of baby food. I make my own baby food so I spice things up a bit sometimes. Tabitha has been by FAR our pickiest eater, though. She doesn't even like bananas. She LOVES meatloaf joke, but get a banana in front of her fact & she'll grab it & throw it on the floor. It's awesome. :indifferent: Good luck & wear a rain coat! :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I'm glad to see I am not the only one struggling in "I don't care mode!" This is what always happens to me...I started here two weeks ago, have lost 5 pounds and have lost inches on my waist and hips...but I just want to eat bad food now and LOTS of it! I also know that from here on, the weight does not come off quickly. I've noticed a few others of you are down to less than 10 lbs. left to lose. How do you stay with the program?

    I look at how far I've come & how GOOD I feel about it. I've been known to sit down with pencil & paper & write down my goals & WHY they are my goals this way they become "real", kwim? Just keep moving forward. You'll thank yourself for it later! Sure, it is hard, but nothing worth doing is easy!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    i don't feel productive either. such a sore throat for days, and finally much better--but then theere' s the catch up housework. and here i am typing not doing!! really gotta get #2 to school and me and #1 and 3 to the Y. ....
    can i have a maid, a chef, a nanny?? oh yeah--i do have one-ME!

    Don't you love it when you realize that you ARE all those things! Nearly depressing some days. *hugs* You'll catch up with the housework. It is always there. :grumble: I hope you make it to the Y & have a great workout! YAY for feeling better!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    since i come here the most, i was wondering if y'all want to post up your real name (first only), city or state, and # kids
    i know i could find some of it by clicking each person, but... plus i'm not a facebook kinda gal and real names are more "real" than screen names for me.
    if you're interested in sharing the info, send it on.

    I am Stacey, age 37, sahm to 3--#1 is 8.5 y.o. girl; #2 is 4.75 y.o. girl, #3 is 2 y.o. boy
    We live in Las Vegas (tho used to live in Salt Lake City, and Denver, and grew up in the suburbs of Chgo).

    3BB--you're so great at keeping up with all the parts of the thread! And the Y was pretty good--workout cut short b/c baby pooped. but that's ok. that stuff doesn't bug me anymore.
    1 more hour till nap's over and we get #2. then it's the "how do i make it to bedtime part of the day." :laugh: anyone else feel like that??
    later chicas--
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    LOL I'm a FB addict, so I know what you mean, Stacy! and thanks. :blushing: I try to keep up with the posts b/c that way it feels more like a "community" to me than an "unloading zone", kwim? If you're gonna listen to me b!tch once in awhile, I like to think that I can give you some attention when you need it, too! :drinker:

    Sara, age 26, SAHM to Z (boy, 3.5 yrs), M (boy, 2 yrs), T (girl, 11 months), we live in Ohio & we both live within 7 miles of where each of us grew up. It is a blessing & a curse in the same breath. :laugh:

    Also, I'm LIVING the "how do I make it to bedtime" part of the day right now. 2 hours & counting! Hubby's working late so the kids are clawing at the windows. It is like they can sense when I'm on my own a little longer than normal!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    since i come here the most, i was wondering if y'all want to post up your real name (first only), city or state, and # kids
    i know i could find some of it by clicking each person, but... plus i'm not a facebook kinda gal and real names are more "real" than screen names for me.
    if you're interested in sharing the info, send it on.

    I am Stacey, age 37, sahm to 3--#1 is 8.5 y.o. girl; #2 is 4.75 y.o. girl, #3 is 2 y.o. boy
    We live in Las Vegas (tho used to live in Salt Lake City, and Denver, and grew up in the suburbs of Chgo).

    3BB--you're so great at keeping up with all the parts of the thread! And the Y was pretty good--workout cut short b/c baby pooped. but that's ok. that stuff doesn't bug me anymore.
    1 more hour till nap's over and we get #2. then it's the "how do i make it to bedtime part of the day." :laugh: anyone else feel like that??
    later chicas--

    i'm Beth, 30 years old, sahm to 2 boys(5 and 2). originally from massachusetts now live in maine. bedtime is usually the best part of my day! i love my kiddos, but by bedtime it's like "enough already!" this week i am so much less stressed cause dh is on vacation :love:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm-- well...nevermind....kinda obvious.

    I never get to be mysterious-- no fair. :grumble:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    But just to be clear, "64" is my birth year....NOT my age. :noway:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi, I know some of you on here, Sara, Beth and Marla! Just wanted to say hi to other SAHM moms. :smile:
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I'm Kathy...stay at home mom to three kids - all in school! Nathan (12), Brianna (10), and Braden (8). My SAHM-ness is kind of weird because my dh is a pastor, we live in a parsonage about 20 steps away from the church, and I don't technically "work" there...but with the kids at school all day, I find myself popping back and forth and functioning as a secretary/administrative assistant for my husband on a volunteer basis. But I'm not really I don't know where I belong! Long story, but that's it!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    But just to be clear, "64" is my birth year....NOT my age. :noway:

    I thought it was the number of kids you have. :laugh:

    I'm Lori, I'm 26. (I'll be 27 in April.) I have a 6-month-old daughter, Harley Pearl. I live in western PA about 30 minutes-an hour northwest of Pittsburgh.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    But just to be clear, "64" is my birth year....NOT my age. :noway:

    I thought it was the number of kids you have. :laugh:

    I'm Lori, I'm 26. (I'll be 27 in April.) I have a 6-month-old daughter, Harley Pearl. I live in western PA about 30 minutes-an hour northwest of Pittsburgh.

    No, Loree-- it only sounds like it at mealtime.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi, I know some of you on here, Sara, Beth and Marla! Just wanted to say hi to other SAHM moms. :smile:

    Hi Amanda!!!!!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    But just to be clear, "64" is my birth year....NOT my age. :noway:
    :laugh: :laugh: my sister was born in 1964 too. her bd is in may. :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    not to brag to all you winter wonderland folks, but it's beautiful here--sunny, not windy and 74 (not summer hot!) and the kids are playing nicely in the back "yard". hooray! i say "yard" b/c ours is a patio and then rocks since this is the desert and dh has zero desire for yard maintenance. there is a swingset and other toys and the kids get used to it. running thru the hose in rocks is "normal" to them. :)

    so now i made a pudding pie (sugar free fat free vanilla pudd with fat free cool whip)--and devoured a big piece. mmmm
    i've made dessert and rolls--probably should do a main course huh? i hate that part! :tongue:
    but i'm reading a cool article in redbook about making new girlfriends at this stage in life (ie, not high school, college or work). and i thought of this group. i joke to other people that it's not real, it's a website, but at the same time, i love hearing about your lives and so appreciate having a place to come chat. kwim?
    sara, i imagine you know it better since you're a self-described facebook addict. what do you do there??
    do any of you have blogs? just for family or out there or on a specific topic? i just journal occasionally in my old-fashioned paper one. but there's one i like called i realize it's not exactly helpful given our goals, but i like the writer. she comes across as normal/real, at least the handful of posts i've read.
    alright, off to figure out dinner. have a great evening all!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    I am Vicky I am 29 (30 in nov this year) I live in the cold Isle of Man (between england and Ireland)

    I am a SAHM of my boy Jordan age 7 and my girls Charley age 3 (4 next week) and Paige age 2.

    I have 2 dogs Clifford and Taz

    Sore throat this morning and the dog made a big mess so didnt get time to go for jog will do shred later when I have a bit more energy but think I am going to try and rest bit today had a lot going on physically and mentally and feel a bit drained at the mo.

    Send me some moitivation please I am flagging this week.
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I am Lorna and am 34. Live in Maryland.

    I am a SAHM who also works from home as a medical transcriptionist (not as glorified as it sounds). I have two beautiful babies, Shaelyn age 8, and Christopher (Pher because that's what his sister at 18 months cuold pronounce), will be 7 in four weeks.

    And I'm married to a wonderful man who was loving enough to take on one crazy lady and her babies and love them with all his heart. (Three year anniversary in April).

    Welcome to all I'm missing. At one point I wrote everyone's screen name down with their real name as I learned them, but it's probably in the pile of overdue bills somewhere, so sorry.

    Tonight/tomorrow morning is weigh in, but i'm not feeling it this week. Same old, same old for my day. Work now, kids to school, teaching the bible until pick kids up at 3. Then finally a much needed 1.5 hours at the gym.

    *****I just wanted to say you guys are amazing. I listen to your days and what you are doing and are inspired and in awe many times. ************* :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Have a great one!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    hey guys thanks to all of you for the encouragement. i needed it .

    better day yesterday. stayed in my calories and for thhe very first time EVER i stayed under on sugar. huge for me since I often go over by 100 or more. so that was cool

    I'm annemarie i live in Mass and I am 31. I have 5 kids (one of them adopted us.she is 17 going on 12) the other four are boys
    13,(14 next week)10,4.5 and 22 months. my house is often like romper room on speed
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    But just to be clear, "64" is my birth year....NOT my age. :noway:

    I thought it was the number of kids you have. :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: