Stat-at-home moms 3/16-3/22



  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi I'm Lyn 30 (will b 31 in April). I have two kiddos, DS Drevan 6 yrs and DD Adara 8 months. SAHM. About 3 days a week I babysit one of DS's classmates, Payton, whom I frequently refer to as "the additional child." Hubs and I have been together for 2 years.
    I'm not into FB...I've heard mixed reviews on it and I've never taken the time to check it out. I'm on MFP, MySpace and Cafemom....that's enough addictions for me.

    Sara, I love that you make this feel more like a community rather than a dumping ground. The community feeling of this thread is what drew me in when I first found you all. I loved that you, Marla, MM (she needs to come back) and Lori would actually respond to every person that posted. It made it feel friendly and inviting. A lot of the other threads, people just come in and dump their emotions and daily events but don't take time to get to know anyone or validate that they even posted. This is a motivation and support thread and I love that I get just that from all of you lovely ladies.

    Lorna-I totally understand about losing your list of names. I've written everyone's down a hundred times and then I go to look at my list and it's gone!! UGH! I hope you didn't mail it to one of your bill collectors :laugh:

    Stacey-I don't blog or anything like that. My SIL does and I think it's great but I haven't started doing anything like that yet. I just post my life on MySpace. If anyone cares its

    I should go get my workout in. Hubs is off work this week UGH! I hope we can make it through the week without hurting each other :happy:

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    If no one mines me butting in, I am Amanda, age 33 (will be 34 in July) and I live in Idaho. I am a SAHM to three children, one ds who turned 14 last Sunday, on 8 year old dd and one four (will be 5 the 31st) dd. I am still adjusting to this SAHM job which is harder than anything I have ever done. I quit my job in August for family reasons. Sometimes I feel so guilty to have quit when people everywhere are losing their jobs and careers. :ohwell:

    It is so nice hearing about lives of other stay at home moms! i have to go my daughter's 3rd grade literature is calling. We homeschool so I am learning alot. it amazing how much one person can forget! :laugh:

    Hope everybody has a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    If no one mines me butting in, I am Amanda, age 33 (will be 34 in July) and I live in Idaho. I am a SAHM to three children, one ds who turned 14 last Sunday, on 8 year old dd and one four (will be 5 the 31st) dd. I am still adjusting to this SAHM job which is harder than anything I have ever done. I quit my job in August for family reasons. Sometimes I feel so guilty to have quit when people everywhere are losing their jobs and careers. :ohwell:

    It is so nice hearing about lives of other stay at home moms! i have to go my daughter's 3rd grade literature is calling. We homeschool so I am learning alot. it amazing how much one person can forget! :laugh:

    Hope everybody has a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

    Wait til you get to Algebra-- whoa.:noway:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Oh I am so there with algebra with the ds. We are doing Idaho Virtual Academy and thank goodness we actually have teachers that do classes on-line and they are there to help him. I remember some of it but not all. He will be to the junior high next year; he misses his social life :laugh: (honestly I think he is sick of mom). I am planning on continuing with dd at home though. He was in public school 1st -6th and excelled so I am not worried about him. Thank God for teachers!!!!! :smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Marla and Amanda, i just want to say Kudos to you for homeschooling. It's such a commitment and you're doing it. Even with laughs, Marla! :laugh:
    And there are a couple of you who do bible teaching and volunteer--again, to me adding anything to your life besides being a mom, wife, housekeeper--is just amazing to me. :flowerforyou:
    Lyn, you said such nice things about this group. It made me smile. What's cafemom like? are any of the people local, people you get together with? or is it all online?
    I tried, and there are a ton of great groups there, but most just don't work with a sahm's schedule. oh well...another time in my life.
    Lori--are you feeling better about the food thing? I hope hearing from other moms' experiences was helpful--or at least good for some chuckles.

    Btw, that pudding pie i made--oh bother! why do i put these things in my house?! the last bit is for kidlet #2 so off limits to me. really, when will i learn? :grumble:
    And thanks for all your motivation. I read about what you get done, and it spurs me on to do more. So, time to pack a picnic and stroller walk to the park (big sis will ride her bike). It'd be foolish to pass up this great weather, and we all need a change of scenery.
    So, will check on your posts later. Hope you all have a fab Tuesday!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    oh Stacey-- no, no-- food for "the kids" is soooo bad. I bought 'them" pastries yesterday-- yummmmy.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Stacey, enjoy your walk and trip to the library. It is so nice here too that we will be going for a walk today too (dd will ride her bike).
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Stacy - step away from the pie. :laugh: I do nonsense like that, too. Self sabotage is the best. :grumble: I am a pretty big blog reader, too. I write 2 of my own so that's part of the "problem" LOL

    Amanda - I'm so glad you got to enjoy the nice weather! Glad to see you on this thread! *hugs*

    Marla - I couldn't imagine meal time in your house *shakes head* That would just be insanity

    Lyn - Thank you, ma'am. :flowerforyou: I've always been curious about CafeMom, but I think I do enough junk online. :laugh: I have issues. :indifferent:

    Off to (hopefully) Zumba today! We'll see how that goes! I didn't like doing that in my living room so we'll see how it goes "live". I've heard it is MUCH more fun live than it is via dvd.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    3babybeans- what is zumba? ive heard the name but im still in the dark

    morning to everyone. I am off to church in a few minutes for Mom's at Mass. great group of ladies to be around.
    it is finally starting to warm up around here and I want to start running ( i was doing it on vacation alll be it poorly) I havent figured out who to sell my kids too so that I can though. nate isn't a biggie since i can strap him to the stroller but sammy... I may have to just run on days when he goes to school.

    yesterday was tough, i think i may have to kick Dh's but. first he bought me a dunkin donuts ice coffee with cream and sugar (yummy but not worth the cals for me on most days) then sammy wanted chips. we had just been to see a house we are looking at buying andsammy was starving. dan bought him chips, not a little bag mind you a big *kitten* bag of lays chips. then he comes home from getting gas for my car and brings home macadamia nut fudge ice cream. i asked him this morning if he wants me to stay fluffy he said no, and he did appologise but crap the ice cream is calling me

    so anyone have fun plans today. its wednesday. friday is almost here, not that it means much for us SAHMs since we dont get weekends off :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    good morning everyone--

    Rushing out to get dishwasher detergent-- and a cup of coffee--

    Good news/bad news-- my cold is breaking up and coming out, bad news is I'm coughing, hacking and spitting like a offensive to truckdrivers, naturally.

    I wonder how Queen Elizabeth gets rid of her honkers-- it's so unladylike.

    Yeah, silly me-- I wonder about this, if you call an orange an orange, why not call a banana a "yellow?" Blueberries make sense, but somebody explain gooseberries??

    Curious stuff-- :wink:

    Off to battle my day, pray that I win!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Marla you crack me up! :laugh:

    Mommachag, my dh is sort of like that. He is very supportive my trying to lose weight but willl do things like that without thinking.

    Sara, I have a blog too but haven't wrote in a long time. I tend to focus on one thing at a time and right now it is MFP and of course the IDVA website. I have to learn my third grade over again! :laugh:

    Stacy, I can NEVER eat one piece of anything sweet or lately salty and be done. I have no willpower! :ohwell: I made green Rice Crispies treats for the kids yesterday and I only ate 3. I meant to eat none. SIGH!

    Beth, have a great vacation!:flowerforyou:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    3babybeans- what is zumba? ive heard the name but im still in the dark
    I just started taking Zumba last week. Last night was my second time. It's like a dancing class but very high intensity, at least my lady is. Wow, does she kick my butt. No wonder she's so skinny. She never stopped moving. I never realized exactly how non-rhythmic I was until this class. But I'm going back because it burns over 600 calories for me. WAHOO
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Stacy – Your dessert sounds good. I’m a big sweets person. DH and my latest healthier-than-a-huge-chunk-of-chocolate-cake dessert is angel food cake with mashed strawberries. I’m not stressing too much about Harley eating. I know she won’t be going to kindergarten eating nothing but bottles of formula. So I’ll just keep trying and give it time.

    Tazzy – Sorry about the sore throat. I understand the dog stresses though. Our little dog will be a year and a half in April and she’s still crazy. Yesterday she chewed the strap of DH’s HRM/watch. She was on Daddy’s list. Part of me was upset with her. Part of me thought that DH needs to quit leaving stuff he doesn’t want chewed up laying around where she can get to them. Would you leave a box of markers in front of your 2 year old kid and then get mad when they write all over the walls?

    D’s mom – I haven’t posted on here as much lately because if I don’t have time to comment on everybody else’s posts, I feel bad just typing and leaving. I’m trying to get back to keeping up with all the other mommies.

    Amanda – I know what you mean about work. I quit in August before Harley was born and anytime we get a little tight on money I feel guilty that I’m not working and I feel I can’t complain because there are plenty of families where both parents work, some multiple jobs and still struggle. Sometimes money is tight for us but I still feel very lucky to be able to stay home and be a full-time mommy.

    Mommachag – Before my DH started watching what he ate, he’d do that too. He’d bring home sweets that I love but was trying to avoid. And it was hard to get mad at him because he remembered what I like and was trying to be sweet. Now that we’re both watching, he understands and doesn’t bring home evil goodness anymore.

    Marla – Kids are smart like that. If you ask what flavor popsicle they want they don’t say cherry or grape. It’s “red” or “purple”. Much easier.

    It's been in the 50's the last couple days so I've been taking advantage of it and taking Harley for walks in her stroller. I know the sunshine and fresh air are good for both of us. She usually looks around and babbles for the first part and then falls asleep until we get home.

    She's becoming a pro at the game "Scream until Mommies head throbs". She's not fussing, just listening to her own the top of her lungs. I just keep telling myself - This too shall pass, this too shall pass.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    I wonder how Queen Elizabeth gets rid of her honkers-- it's so unladylike.

    Yeah, silly me-- I wonder about this, if you call an orange an orange, why not call a banana a "yellow?" Blueberries make sense, but somebody explain gooseberries??

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    you certainly have a way with words, marla! have a great day! :tongue:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Stacy - step away from the pie. :laugh: I do nonsense like that, too.

    sara--thanks, pie cop! actually, i was considering eating more of the pudding part (since the pie itself is gone gone gone). but your post reminded me it wasn't worth it. also what tami said abt food not being all that important. so silly, but those little words get thru and stop the piggo train from leaving the station. :laugh:

    and now, to get a move on with my day. it's so fun checking in with all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    decided to give myself this week off need to regenerate myself. Got a busy week next week my gorgeous little girl is 4 a week on sunday and we are having a party 24 4 year olds I must be mad.

    Got cake to make I have a batch of cupcakes to make that I have sold and cupcakes etc to make for my little ones party so busy busy busy from next wed. Got to make a fondant teddy bear for her cake tonight so that it can set.

    To make life a little busier we have just got a place on the next beginners course of dog agility which starts this sat afternoon. So that mean agility sat flyball sunday ringcraft on monday aaarrrggghhh hectic. This weekend we are entered into a dog show with Taz we will see how he does this time this is show number 2 and I have to take the kids with us I really hope they behave which usually means they wont. Cant seem to get my head together at the minute I know I need to get stuff done but I cant be bothered.

    Oh well need to get the dusting done and tomorrow my father in law is coming to fit some new flooring in the bathroom I finally got sick of carpet the kids keep spilling toothpaste on it and goodness knows what else and I only cleaned it last week so it is being changed for lino at least then I can just wipe the mess up.

    Have a good wednesday everybody.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Mommachag-I totally know what you mean. Hubs just walked in with donuts...for the kids BUT he bought my favorites (maple bars) so what do I do....that's right I shoved one in my face without even thinking about it...until I came on here to log it :noway: Now I have to work out extra hard today UGH!! They mean well, those loving husbands of ours!

    Amanda-where in Idaho are you?

    Marla you have such a spin on things. Totally cracks me up

    Lori I understand. There have been many days that I just lurk cuz I don't have any comments and I don't wanna dump. It's hard to keep up sometimes. Don't feel bad about "checkin in" and not commenting all the time, it happens.

    Stacey- you asked about cafemom....I like it I guess. There are a couple groups that I'm involved in. One is a local group of mommies and we get together every once in a while. The other is not local but it is a bunch of wonderful ladies trying to lose weight just like we are. Actually that group is how I found out about MFP. I haven't done but I know there are several group here that got together because of that site. Honestly I'm on MFP way more than I am cafemom.

    Sara good luck with Zumba! I admire you for breaking out of your safety zone and braving the gym scene. I keep thinking about it but financially just can't do it. There is an Anytime Fitness just up the street. they don't do classes but they have equipment and I could go whenever it fit my schedule. Plus they have one by my mom and dad's across the state and I could use it too when I'm visiting.
    Which job? the babysitting or the processing? Babysitting is one battle at a time, processing hasn't started yet...until the housing market gets better I may not have anything to do.

    I really need to get my workout in.
    Hello to any of you that I missed.
    Have a great day.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Hello Moms! Just popping in! It's been a rough day/last night. Two of my children had the stomach virus through the night and into this morning...this is the 6TH TIME since January that some combination of my children have had the throwing up bug! I feel like a failure for not keeping them well. This has never happened before. I had the windows open all day today to try to air out the germy house. We froze but hopefully so did the germs!

    Stacy - I totally understand your temptation with the pie! I made a new recipe for cookies today because I have to bring a treat to women's Bible study on Thursday night. The recipe is great - chocolate cookies with a rolos candy inside, and sprinkled on top with crushed Heath bar. Not low calorie! I ate two and put the rest in the freezer! I am hoping I calculated the calories correctly (hard to guess) and also am hoping that the fact I ran two miles today is going to atone for it!

    Lorna - How many hours each week do you do medical transcription work at home? Is it hard to get trained to do that? I have really been wracking my brains to find a way to bring in some income from home. What kind of Bible teaching do you do?

    AnneMarie - Great job keeping your sugar in check! I am struggling with that one also! And sodium, and fat...

    Amanda & Marla - I hope you had a great day of homeschooling! I kind of wish I was homeschooling...did a little today since the kids stayed home from school but they had some schoolwork here and when they were feeling better they worked on it. I like being all together.

    Mommachag (Sorry I forgot your name!) - I understand what it is like when dh undermines the diet! He came to bed last night with a BOWL of oreos and asked me if I would like some carrots. He is one of those tall, skinny people who can't gain weight if they try. Grrr..

    Everyone else who I may have missed - I hope you are having a great day!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Kathy -

    Recipe nutriton analyzer = calories for all the stuff you guess. :bigsmile: HTH!

    My husband brought me a giant thing of ice cream from Cold Stone last night b/c I had a "bad day". :grumble: It must be in the air.

    I'll BBL to check in more detail-like.