Teacher Criticisms...(rant)



  • VegesaurusRex
    unions aside, i think this sums up very well why education overseas can run circles around us. do take a moment to watch. if you are on this thread, you will appreciate it.


    HOT DAMN! She is my ideal! Love her!

    You are right. That is exactly how all teachers should behave.

    thought you'd get a kick out of that. in america, we would be sued for everything we've got if we did that to a student's phone.

    a couple of years ago, the teachers in our county made a uniform decision that cell phones would not be allowed in the classroom under any circumstances. if students had them in their bags or purses for before/after school use, that was fine. but if they had it out in class, the teacher would take the phone, turn it in to the office, and it had to be picked up by a parent.

    this lasted about a week and a half before the school board turned that decision over for us. they had too many complaints from irritated parents who didn't understand what the big deal was if their dear-hearts were talking/texting/gaming in the middle of their classes.

    sad but true. :grumble:

    Well, then both students and parents should be sent to reform school. Or alternatively, use the Asian method, smash the phone then they won't have to bother the parents to pick it up.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I like the smash the phone version reather the taking it away :) I found that most of the time when I "take it away" and the parents never come to get it......the kids have a new phone within a few days, they tell their parents that the phone was "lost", and they get a new one (same is true for game systems) so the parents never even know that the teacher took the phone because the sweet angel was using it in class. I had a closet full of phones, PSPs, etc that I donated to the homeless shelter last year.