What do you drink?

Before this weight loss journey I used to drink a lot of soda and juice. Now I've cut back to 1 or 2 diet Mt Dews per day and I'm trying to be more conscientious on what type of juice I choose. Juice has sooooo many calories, and I have a really hard time finding any juices at my grocery store that are more than 5%or 25% juice, and not full of sugar. I've resorted to watering down the juice that I do buy in an effort to cut down on calories but still get some of the nutrition from the juice. I dislike eating fruits and I feel juice is a way that I can get the nutrients without having to eat fruit. I also dislike plain water, so as hard as I try, I never get enough in my daily routine.
What do you all drink?!


  • pregmeg119
    pregmeg119 Posts: 151 Member
    I drink Propel flavored water and diet green iced tea (love the tea) its also said that its good for your skin :)
  • TheSarahHill
    Fruit juices are fine that are not concentrated.... Fresh juice, just drink the amount that equivalent to eating one peice of fruit :-) I like sugar free dilute pop/juice, I often add a little bit to water.

    Can you not get fruit flavoured water? Thats nice. :-)
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I drink water and cinnamon green tea. :happy:
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    I have this bizarre issue where I HATE the taste of water before 10AM-noon. It just tastes nasty to me. And I've been steering away from juice, just like you, since it has so many calories. I am a HUGE fan of Crystal Light On The Go packets and I usually use twice as much water so I only get half the calories. It's my saving grace. I also received a Soda Stream for Christmas and carbonated water can be more tolerable for me. Plus it cuts down on the waste of seltzer cans and bottles.
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    I will put some lime, orange, or lemon in my water makes it much easier to drink then just plain water to me... I also found if I drink it with a straw I drink much more water. No clue why!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I drink diet soda at home and fruit and barley squash in the office. I need strong flavour in my drink, and have been known to go a full day without a single sip to avoid drinking water. Based on that, I've decided diet soda is better for my health!
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I drink either Crystal Light or a similar low calorie drink mix in my water. Occasionally I'll have plain water and on some occasions I will have a diet soda.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    Try putting lemons or limes and cucumber slices in your water- very refreshing!

    In terms of quitting diet drinks and whatnot, I used to drink diet coke every other day or so, but I went off it cold turkey for a week and after I just didn't have a taste for it anymore.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Diet soda (aspartame, sucralose, etc) is still seen as "sugar" by the body which responds by releasing insulin and lipoprotein lipase i.e. diet sodas tell your body "STORE THINGS! STORE IT ALL!!! WOOO!"

    Drink water. Just water. Fizzy water OK, adding a little lemon or lime is great for people who don't like just plain water.
  • elysia81
    I have mint leaves and orange wedges in my water which is nice and you can keep the same ones throughout the day (just refill with water).

    Check your diet soda's as some are worse for you than others (sometimes it's better to have the full sugar one if it is actual sugar and not chemical)

    If you like juice but not fruit, you can try a smoothie! This one is amazing:

    She also has great recipes!
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    Water mostly - sometimes with a lime wedge. Always have one glass of milk (skim) per day usually at breakfast. If I'm wanting something other than water it usually end up being iced tea (but brewing my own - the only way I'll drink it - requires some pre-planning and I'm not so good at that).

    I have pretty much cut out sodas - both sugared and diet - from my diet. But there are days tthat the craving hits.
  • TheSarahHill
    Diet Mt. Dew is a real problem for me... I have cut way back, and replaced most of it with water, but daaayum I love that stuff. I will drink plain tap water during the day- but with meals I like carbonated or flavored water (lemon)!

    Still my kingdom for the dt dew!

    High five love the dew! They don't do the diet version in the UK though, and it's expensive to import! Ahh well the odd full fat one won't kill me once in a while! ;)
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    Water and tea! With the very occasional glass or two of wine.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Water, coffee, beer, wine. Lost my taste for soda years ago. Good thing.
  • areumdawn
    areumdawn Posts: 23 Member
    water, oolong tea, the occasional coke zero
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Fruit is BETTER for you than fruit juice. Whole fruit has way more fiber, which helps you stay full longer. There must be some fruit you like to eat (?). Maybe try fruit in a smoothie.

    You could add fizzie water to your orange juice, it would still taste pretty good.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I start out by drinking 1 cup chai in the morning...made the right way with milk and sugar ;)
    Then drink plain water all day. Another chai in the evening with hubby. More water.
    I love fresh juice but am lazy to make it. Carrot and apples is my favorite.
  • brianz72
    Diet soda (aspartame, sucralose, etc) is still seen as "sugar" by the body which responds by releasing insulin and lipoprotein lipase i.e. diet sodas tell your body "STORE THINGS! STORE IT ALL!!! WOOO!"

    Wait a second... this is significant. I have been drinking tons of Diet Pepsi for years, thinking it's a "free lunch". But if the above is true, then I've been really screwing myself. Does anybody have additional comment/feedback/data on the above??
  • pixiexxgirl
    Before I started to diet I drank pop and kool aid all day long, roughly about 600 calories a day in drinks alone, but for the past 3 days I've ONLY drank water with crystal light ice tea with lemon packet. Which is a BIG thing for me, Because I love love LOVE pop, and cutting it completely out of my diet has made me feel so much better!
    I also drink 1 weigh loss shake a day.
  • pixiexxgirl
    Diet soda (aspartame, sucralose, etc) is still seen as "sugar" by the body which responds by releasing insulin and lipoprotein lipase i.e. diet sodas tell your body "STORE THINGS! STORE IT ALL!!! WOOO!"

    Wait a second... this is significant. I have been drinking tons of Diet Pepsi for years, thinking it's a "free lunch". But if the above is true, then I've been really screwing myself. Does anybody have additional comment/feedback/data on the above??

    Even though diet sodas may SEEM healthy, their still bad for you. If your REALLY craving a pop like drink Try going to wal mart or sams club and getting their Clear Ameican ZERO
    its like 64 cents for a litter and its carbonated water that tastes alot like pop.