What do you drink?



  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I drink water and maybe one glass of milk a day. I'm not a big fan of juice or flavored water. And I probably drink a pepsi about 2-3 times a week.

    And YES, diet soda is BAD for you!!
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Diet soda (aspartame, sucralose, etc) is still seen as "sugar" by the body which responds by releasing insulin and lipoprotein lipase i.e. diet sodas tell your body "STORE THINGS! STORE IT ALL!!! WOOO!"

    Wait a second... this is significant. I have been drinking tons of Diet Pepsi for years, thinking it's a "free lunch". But if the above is true, then I've been really screwing myself. Does anybody have additional comment/feedback/data on the above??

    Well if this study is to be believed (check the images) then yes, aspartame and stevia both cause the body to produce insulin: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20303371

    And here's a review of two recent studies (not yet published) by the American Institute for Cancer Research: http://blog.aicr.org/2011/06/29/diet-soda-and-weight-gain-in-the-news/
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Try water with ice. It makes it so much more refreshing!
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Only water and unsweetened fennel tea. Can't drink sodas or juices. My belly blows up like a balloon.
  • daiskismom
    I drink Crystal Light and water. If I get tired of plain water, I will add a fresh lemon or lime. If I'm craving something sweet, I will add a little splenda to my lemon/lime water. I used to drink a lot of Pepsi...I mean a lot! My Pepsi addiction is so bad that I would get severe headaches whenever I would go a day or two without having it. I realized I was consuming so many additional calories by drink pop. I also think that the obsessive amount of caffeine was causing me to have chest pains too. On occassion I will still have a diet pop that contains caffeine, but I really have to keep it to a minimum.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Diet soda (aspartame, sucralose, etc) is still seen as "sugar" by the body which responds by releasing insulin and lipoprotein lipase i.e. diet sodas tell your body "STORE THINGS! STORE IT ALL!!! WOOO!"

    Wait a second... this is significant. I have been drinking tons of Diet Pepsi for years, thinking it's a "free lunch". But if the above is true, then I've been really screwing myself. Does anybody have additional comment/feedback/data on the above??

    Well if this study is to be believed (check the images) then yes, aspartame and stevia both cause the body to produce insulin: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20303371

    And here's a review of two recent studies (not yet published) by the American Institute for Cancer Research: http://blog.aicr.org/2011/06/29/diet-soda-and-weight-gain-in-the-news/

    Well Crap!! I have Type 2 Diabetes(A1c are now 5.4) and have been drinking 2-3 24oz. bottles of diet pepsi a day and some how managed to lose 293 lbs. Wish I would have known this sooner!! (yes this is sarcasm..... but I'm still not giving up my Diet Pepsi)
  • 20Renee12
    I gave up soda at the first of the year .... { 2012 }
    water is all I drink ... milk with my cereal ...
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    Water all day & 2 4 oz cups of black coffee each day. I'm too cheap to buy soda or juice.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Diet soda may cause issues for some people, a very small minority. For most of us, its totally fine.

    I just have tea and coffee all day. Havent had a glass of pure water in years...no need. :)
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    water, coffee, unsweetened tea, flavored water, and an occasional diet soda.
  • paleojamie
    I only drink water
  • StatutoryGrape
    Water, and occasionally a glass of milk if I get a craving for it.
  • Mom2PAK
    Mom2PAK Posts: 27 Member
    Water with lemon, and occasionally water with Mio or Crystal Light.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    At the moment, only water. In the past I used to drink absurd amounts of mountain dew, sprite, and other junk with faar too much sugar and carbs. Sometimes I'm surprised I didn't get much larger than 215 lbs
  • ohpilot
    ohpilot Posts: 73 Member
    I've been putting a bit of POM juice in plain water to liven it up a little bit :)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Even before MFP we weren't a soda house. Unless I'm mixing it with some rum I generally avoid it and it's not very often I have a mixed drink. I drink coffee, tea, and water for most of the day. It helps that I don't like cream or sugar in my coffee or tea so it is pretty calorie free. My drink downfalls are beer and wine. I love IPA's which are generally 200-300 calories a beer and once you have one the second and third look like a much better idea. And before starting MFP the hubs and I were splitting a bottle of wine most every night with dinner. Now we keep Sam Adams Light in the house (119 cals) for when we really want a beer and still leave room in our food budgets for the occiasional split wine bottle but try to limit that to a night or two on the weekend and not an every day thing. And on the rare occasions I go for a mixed drink it's Coke Zero and Captain Morgan for about 60 calories.
  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    Stop drinking poison...diet pop is so bad for you. It also increases your appetite not to mention the damage it does to your brain. Juice is full of sugar. READ labels. Drink water. Plain old simple water. Do your body good.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I drink:
    Water with lemon juice
    Crystal Light type powders
    G2 (low calorie gatorade) powder
    Lipton Iced Tea on the go (either citrus, peach, or mango powders)
    Hot tea
    Diet soda
    Diet hot cocoa
    Milk with carnation breakfast essentials

    Mostly I just drink plain water out of my camel bak bottle, but I consider all the above acceptable in my lifestyle!!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Water is what I drink 99% of the time. The only juice I ever drink is orange juice and it is 100% juice. Simply Orange, it's very yummy! At 110 calories for 8oz I don't think that's bad to have once in a while. If I go out to eat I will drink a diet coke. And the week before TOM eat almost always have either a regular coke or regular mt dew, I just crave it and have to drink it. Other than those things though I live on drinking plain ice water.