


  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    [To be honest, I skimmed a lot of the replies]
    Did I miss a reason you can't get up earlier to workout?
    Get up at 5am, or earlier. You'll be happy you did.

    I have actually tried that for a week and I ended up being exhausted the end of the week I couldn't get out of bed I was so tired.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    My kids are almost 2 and 3.5, they both have late bedtime 9pm-ish, and we sit with them until they fall asleep. I get up at 5:45 - 6am to get ready for work, so there is no way I am getting up early to work out. My kids want to exercise alongside with me and get in my way too, and DH basically just has to take them to DD's room to play. I do shorter workouts that are only 30 min long everyday. Some nights when I eat too much calories, I will do 15 - 20 min of stationary bike after they go to bed. I also take walks during my breaks at work. I figured that every little things add up.
  • We started brushing hers 2x a day when she was 1. We let her brush hers first and then I brushed them. She didn't have a problem with it. Then all of a sudden it changed. So I got her the spinbrush for Christmas and she loved it. I won't let her get away with not brushing. My father growing up never made us brush ours when we were little etc. I had to get a few pulled when I was 13. She's not getting away with it. It gets so frustrating. I told her this morning we are doing a stickerboard. We will see if that works. I hope so.

    Good luck with the stickerboard! It sounds like she's just a typical 2 year old trying to assert her indpendence. She'll see that with persistence, it's pointless to fight. I remember going through this same type of thing for a little while with my son and like all phases, it passes. Hang in there and keep up the good work!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    We started brushing hers 2x a day when she was 1. We let her brush hers first and then I brushed them. She didn't have a problem with it. Then all of a sudden it changed. So I got her the spinbrush for Christmas and she loved it. I won't let her get away with not brushing. My father growing up never made us brush ours when we were little etc. I had to get a few pulled when I was 13. She's not getting away with it. It gets so frustrating. I told her this morning we are doing a stickerboard. We will see if that works. I hope so.

    Good luck with the stickerboard! It sounds like she's just a typical 2 year old trying to assert her indpendence. She'll see that with persistence, it's pointless to fight. I remember going through this same type of thing for a little while with my son and like all phases, it passes. Hang in there and keep up the good work!

    Thanks! it's so frustrating at times.
  • Hey :) I have a 2 year old daughter, who will be 3 in March. It's really tough to work out at home (I'm a sahm). I tend to do things that she can do along side me, like Zumba, push-ups, jogging in place, stretching, etc. That way we spend time together and I'm getting in some much needed exercise. Any of you mommies can add me if you'd like :)
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I hear you!!! My 3 year old is a pill to get to sleep at night. I can't do it at night, I am too tired (I have 6 kids, lots of running around). Earlier I heard Dr. Oz say that the most important things for your health in order are:
    1) Your sleep
    2) your diet
    3) Exercise

    I decided to work out only 4 times a week instead and have not felt as tired (I do have to get up at 5:30 to do my DVD bc I have to make lunches and help other kids get off to school the rest of the morning and then have 3 others at home all day.) I am not as hungry either. I think sometimes we stress the exercise too much (don't get me wrong, it is important). I know I will not be able to do Bob Harper DVD's forever, but I can have healthy eating habits forever. I guess what I am saying is workout 4 times a week and eat better, that may help take some of the stress off of you. You may not lose as fast as you want, but slow and steady wins this race.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    This is off the subject but how do you guys get your little ones to brush there teeth. I got my 2 year old a spin brush at first she loved it now we have to force her. We have bribed her we let her brush her teeth first and then we do it. It's so frustrating. We have held her down. I don't knwo what else to try. I am going try to let her brush ours and see if that will help. I may do a sticker board.

    First off, glad you and your husband figured out a routine. Secondly on the tooth brushing, you have to be consistent and have a routine. I used to be a Pediatric Dental Assistant, so I'm passionate about this subject. LOL The real key is to start young so that it's just normal for them. For me, it's not an option so it gets done no matter what. 2 year olds are too young to brush their teeth efficiently so you need to do the "real" brushing. Let them brush too for fun, but you have to get in there 2x's a day and brush all of their teeth. For my daughter, I brush first and then she has her turn. I've done this since she was about 10 months old, so it's so routine she doesn't even think about it. If your little one is fighting it, I would try rewards. Tell them if they let you brush teeth nicely without a fit, you will read them a story afterward or do the sticker chart if you want. Tell them if they fight you, then they won't get the story or sticker. Let them know that you will be brushing their teeth no matter what and that you want to do it the nice way and not the hard way. There will probably be resistance at first, but if you stick to your guns every time, they'll come around. If you're not consistent, then they'll know they've gottcha! LOL Also, to make it fun, I sing a stupid song about brushing teeth to the tune of Row, Row, Row your boat that I made up. hahaha

    We started brushing hers 2x a day when she was 1. We let her brush hers first and then I brushed them. She didn't have a problem with it. Then all of a sudden it changed. So I got her the spinbrush for Christmas and she loved it. I won't let her get away with not brushing. My father growing up never made us brush ours when we were little etc. I had to get a few pulled when I was 13. She's not getting away with it. It gets so frustrating. I told her this morning we are doing a stickerboard. We will see if that works. I hope so.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    oops, I did something wrong. Okay, on the toothbrush thing, we have issues with other stuff and I have started paying my kids a penny. I know, pathetic, but it works. My daughter gets 2 pennies if she goes to the bathroom with out me helping her. It worked for a few weeks, and then she forgot about the pennies, so I stopped paying her. Good luck. Money talks with my kids. You could give her poker chips or some kind of token and when she earns enough she gets to do something special, something like that. Good luck.
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    I have always had a hard time getting motivated to work out. I would start something and get quickly burned out. There just always seemed to be something better to do than "waste" my time exercising. I have an almost 5 year old and a 17 month old. Last January after the holidays my baby was 5 months old and I still had 15 pounds of pregnancy weight to lose. I belonged to a gym that had great child care and on a whim I took a look at the class schedule and saw "Fit Body Boot Camp" I figured I would give it a try. After the first class I was completely addicted. The instructor is phenomenal and I met lots of incredible people so it made working out that much more enjoyable. I have actually lost 30 pounds and I am in the most incredible shape of my life. The instructor actually ended up leaving my gym in July to start his own business. I love his class so much that I ended up cancelling my gym membership and following him to his new place. He doesn't have childcare so the only time I am able to go is at 6:30 in the morning Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 8am on Saturdays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays (when the weather is nice and my older one is in preschool), I stick my baby in the jogging stroller and go for a run. (I was NEVER a runner by the way before I started this boot camp). Don't get me wrong - I am NOT a morning person and it never gets any easier to drag myself out of bed, but I never regret doing it. I think the key is to find something that you truly enjoy and look forward to doing. I Don't look at it as a burden that I "have" to do. It has become something that is all mine and is a treat to myself. Taking time for myself makes me a better Mom and wife and really improves my mood.
  • I'm in a similar situation. I have 4 kids, 11 and 7 yr old girls, 20month old boy and 6 month old baby girl.
    2 nights a week I go to water aerobics, my hubby works away from home so when he's not home my mum babysits while I go to the classes, when hubby's home he has them. Then every other night I wait till they're all asleep ( this sometimes isn't untill 9.30- 10pm with the baby) and I get on my treadmill for an hr, most nights i'm not in bed untill midnit... Or sometimes during the day I put the little ones in the double pram and we all go for a walk and get some fresh air.
    It can be exhusting, especially when hubby is away. But I just do it because I know thats what I have to do if I want to loose the weight and get fit and healthy.
  • furbs905
    furbs905 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been full of excuses on why I couldn't exercise but finally came to the conclusion last week I needed to do something. I'm a SAHM to 3 little ones, a 6 year old, 4 year old and a 17 month old. I also run a daycare from home so I am busy. DH works full-time and has a long commute so I can't rely on waiting for him. I also still co-sleep with the baby so I can't wake up earlier or else she will wake up too. I got a 20 min Biggest loser workout video and started doing it in the mornings after I have got my 6 year old to school, my before/after school kids to school and my 4 year old to preschool. 3 days of week hes gone there so those 3 days I just have one 3 year old daycare boy and my baby. I exercise around them. They either take off and play in the playroom or the little guy will try and do it with me. I'm usually hoping over my baby or trying to peel her off of me, but its 20 mins. Its not much but its a lot better than what I was doing before and i feel so much better having done it.
  • I work full time also and have three kids. Really, my only options are early in the morning or late in the evening. It sounds like yours are the same.

    I get up at 4:30 am and workout and am usually asleep by 9:30 as a result. Seven hours of sleep per night is healthy and I function well during my day. Yeah, that 4:30 alarm sucks but not as much as feeling guilty about missing my workout. Personally, I would never do my workout I I left it to the evening. Maybe some people have more energy at night than in the morning but after rounding up kids, working, making dinner, cleaning up, laundry, blah blah blah y'all all know how hard it is! I have zero motivation to work out at night.

    If you do something 3 weeks, it becomes a habit. Those first 21 days are tough and yes, you'll be tired at the end of the week, but you know you will be tired because you have done something good for your body.

    Best of luck!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    [To be honest, I skimmed a lot of the replies]
    Did I miss a reason you can't get up earlier to workout?
    Get up at 5am, or earlier. You'll be happy you did.

    I agree, I'm up at 5 everyday, if you want it bad enough you have to do it! Treat it like a job, set you alarm and get up, you wouldn't call in "too tired" to work, so don't call out too tired on your workout! I have two kids, two jobs, a volunteer job, and am taking 24 credits in school this term, so I'm definitely not someone with a ton of extra time.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    [To be honest, I skimmed a lot of the replies]
    Did I miss a reason you can't get up earlier to workout?
    Get up at 5am, or earlier. You'll be happy you did.

    I agree, I'm up at 5 everyday, if you want it bad enough you have to do it! Treat it like a job, set you alarm and get up, you wouldn't call in "too tired" to work, so don't call out too tired on your workout! I have two kids, two jobs, a volunteer job, and am taking 24 credits in school this term, so I'm definitely not someone with a ton of extra time.

    I actually do better in the evenings for some reason. I am doing them at night now.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    [To be honest, I skimmed a lot of the replies]
    Did I miss a reason you can't get up earlier to workout?
    Get up at 5am, or earlier. You'll be happy you did.

    I agree, I'm up at 5 everyday, if you want it bad enough you have to do it! Treat it like a job, set you alarm and get up, you wouldn't call in "too tired" to work, so don't call out too tired on your workout! I have two kids, two jobs, a volunteer job, and am taking 24 credits in school this term, so I'm definitely not someone with a ton of extra time.

    I actually do better in the evenings for some reason. I am doing them at night now.

    awesome! my husband likes to work out in the evenings, I totally can't do it! Which is a bummer because it'd be nice if we could work out together!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    [To be honest, I skimmed a lot of the replies]
    Did I miss a reason you can't get up earlier to workout?
    Get up at 5am, or earlier. You'll be happy you did.

    I agree, I'm up at 5 everyday, if you want it bad enough you have to do it! Treat it like a job, set you alarm and get up, you wouldn't call in "too tired" to work, so don't call out too tired on your workout! I have two kids, two jobs, a volunteer job, and am taking 24 credits in school this term, so I'm definitely not someone with a ton of extra time.

    I actually do better in the evenings for some reason. I am doing them at night now.

    awesome! my husband likes to work out in the evenings, I totally can't do it! Which is a bummer because it'd be nice if we could work out together!

    When I was in high school I could get up in the am's and do my workout no problem. Now it's so hard for me to. I don't put much of an effort in the mornings that I do at night.