HCG diet, anyone?

Hi, everyone!
I have just started the HCG diet, and was wondering if anyone else here is on it. Let's help eachother out!


  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    You will get a lot of responses - probably not many you want to hear.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Search the forums for this topic.
    Just so you are forewarned, MFP does NOT support these kinds of "diets" and you are bound to get some not very nice reponses.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    I have just started the HCG diet, and was wondering if anyone else here is on it. Let's help eachother out!

    Why would you do this diet when you don't even have a lot to lose?
    This diet is meant for morbidly obese and is not safe or healthy. Please reconsider doing this the healthy way (eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise). With HCG a lot of your weight loss will be from lean muscle, which means when you are done your metabolism will be slower than when you started and it will be easier to gain weight back.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    What's your reasoning behind choosing this particular diet set up?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    From your profile it looks like you're only trying to lose 10 lbs? Why not just do it through a moderate caloric deficit and maybe throw in some exercise for toning up? It's much more satisfying and really does work.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I have a question for you: Why did you choose the HCG diet over monitored food intake and exercising? Is there a specific health reason? I'm just really curious about this particular diet.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    If you use the "search" feature and type in HCG Diet you will find old threads and also find that it does not go over very well here. Most of us are here to lose weight the healthy way, which is good diet, a calorie deficit and exercise.

    This my not go the way you are thinking it will
  • Mary067
    Mary067 Posts: 31
    I tried that last year. It works and all, but just know that it is still very strict for a while when you are done. People gain it all back cuz they don't realize that you have to eat basically the same but needs to be 1500 cal a day with alot of cardio, then after like a month you can start working in some of those no-no foods they wouldn't let you eat. I also noticed when I started my second bottle, that my boobs started to hurt and I got VERY moody and emotional, like PMS from hell.

    It didn't work for me, but I hope you have better luck than I did :):)
  • SassyJuliana
    SassyJuliana Posts: 96 Member
    WOW! I was looking for support, not bashing... I need to lose 25 lbs, not 10 (10 kg is TOTALLY not the same as 10 lbs). I guess I will abandon my own topic, now! How weird is that?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Sorry, your profile shows you want to lose about 10 lbs so naturally I assumed you were trying to lose 10 lbs. Still, 25 lbs may feel like a lot (I get it, I came on here to lose 40 and so far have lost 33) but it's still competely doable the old fashioned way without having to be so strict about the diet.
  • SassyJuliana
    SassyJuliana Posts: 96 Member
    Oh, and the reason I am doing it is to be mymom's diet buddy, as she needs to lose 70 lbs, has tried everything and was willing to give it a shot, but affraid that she would not be able to do so on her own. Since I had my 25 lbs to shed, I decided to do it with her.
  • Ldubb007
    Yeah, I did some research on the diet because I was interested but when I saw some of the HOSTILE responses to other people's questions I decided to abandon asking on this board anyway... People can be harsh and some even judgemental... Good luck to you anyway!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lol. Just eat 1600-2k and work out! Its that easy! You guys think too much about this crap!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I admit ==i tried this diet in the past--it worked..but when i completed the course, I gained the weight back. My suggestion is do it the MFP way--this site has helped me see that diet and exercise is the healthliest and most efficient way to lose weight. Good Luck!
  • deliak2010
    LOL I'm waiting for all the comments as well...

    But to sum up what everyone is probably going to say about HCG..

    BASICALLY, if you read into the details of the HCG diet it tells you that you that you need to take the HCG serum while sticking to a very strict 500 calorie per day diet.. again, that's 500 CALORIES PER DAY. Now, I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure if you're gonna be losing weight on this diet that it's gonna be from the ridiculously low calorie intake rather than the hormone. FYI, my husband and father are both board certified Physicians and they have both told me that the HCG hormone does nothing to promote weight loss as it is simply a hormone that is produced by pregnant women. They also said that it can have some really negative side effects since it is a HORMONE THAT IS NOT FDA APPROVED.

    (In December 2011, the FDA and Federal Trade Commission issued warning letters to seven companies marketing over-the-counter hCG products labeled as “homeopathic” for weight loss. The letters warned the companies that they are violating federal law by selling drugs that have not been approved, and by making unsupported claims for the products.- webMD Article below)

    Read these articles for more information: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/truth-about-hcg-for-weight-loss
    and http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hcg-diet/AN02091

    Good luck on your weight loss journey and please take caution and do your research before starting this. And feel free to add me for advice and/or support! :)
  • mbethune34
    mbethune34 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey girl.. I almost did it as well... until I talked to the Nurse who would give my my first injection, and then she told me I have to inject the others AHHHHH that alone scared me... She also told me..." I i did this diet and was starving all the time" ..

    HCG is a placebo... The only reason you are losing weight is because you are only eating 500 calories. I could inject myself with milkshakes and lose weight eating 500 calories.....

    I ran far away from the "clinic" and started this fitness pal thing. I'm on 1200 calorie a day diet and in one 1 week have lost almost 5 pounds!!!!!!!

    To each there own... but It was not for me
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Oh, and the reason I am doing it is to be mymom's diet buddy, as she needs to lose 70 lbs, has tried everything and was willing to give it a shot, but affraid that she would not be able to do so on her own. Since I had my 25 lbs to shed, I decided to do it with her.

    The exact methods of a person that needs to lose 70 lbs may not be appropriate for a person that needs to lose significantly less though. There are some pretty significant side-effects that can come along with eating a very low amount of calories, it's not something to jump into just to be someone's buddy. But it's your own choice to make. Some people do it and love their results, others have pretty bad side effects and wish they'd never done it. I wish you and your mom the best of luck on your journey. If it turns out to not be as great as you'd hoped, the old fashioned way will still be here waiting for you. :-)
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    WOW! I was looking for support, not bashing...

    We will support you, just not a dangerous scam like the HCG diet.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    WOW! I was looking for support, not bashing... I need to lose 25 lbs, not 10 (10 kg is TOTALLY not the same as 10 lbs). I guess I will abandon my own topic, now! How weird is that?

    That still would not put you to the level of morbidly obese. This diet is a bad idea and should never have been created. That and HCG is not allowed on the public Forum on MFP anyway.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    There is far too much sitting back and watching in this thread and not enough education.

    The HCG hormone is approved for use in fertility and hormone replacement in teens. It has never been proven to do anything it claims. It will not suppress hunger beyond a placebo effect. It will not affect the type of weight lost. You will lose weight because you will eat less than the average anorexic. You will lose lean body mass, not fat. You will permanently destroy your metabolism.
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