HCG diet, anyone?



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Dear Posters,

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that our users follow the calorie guidelines automatically assigned by our site, unless they are under the direct supervision of a doctor. We are currently reviewing the medical literature on the HCG/500 calorie diet and reserve the right to moderate against discussions of this diet at any time in the future.

    For the time being, HCG discussions remain an option for members in the Groups section. Please remember that even in Groups, all site wide rules must be correctly moderated, or the Group runs the risk of deletion. Specifically, endorsement of purchasing prescription supplements or medications without a prescription is in violation of the MyFitnessPal posting guidelines, which can be reviewed here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines

    Thank you all for your concern. We're definitely looking closely at this issue.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    im waiting to see responses to i was in the first forum about hcg and it is so not worth it ..
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Yeah, I did some research on the diet because I was interested but when I saw some of the HOSTILE responses to other people's questions I decided to abandon asking on this board anyway... People can be harsh and some even judgemental... Good luck to you anyway!

    It might come across that way but we are trying to give good advice, as the diet is a bad idea and unhealthy no matter how you slice it. warning someone about a harmful diet is more supportive then cheering on the unhealthy behaviour.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    Not healthy, not sustainable, and to be honest, I'd rather be fat than drink pee. I guess from above responses this is quite the hot topic. I am sorry if you don't feel supported on this, but I can't support something I don't think is good. We all have opinions and if asked will share them. I think your friend is lucky to have you there for her, though.
  • tataliciousd89
    Damn, sorry youre getting such crappy responses. Come on guys, there is a time and a place for everything. Leave the girl alone. For the record, I know more that a couple of people who have lost a ton of weight on it and continued to lose weight since finishing. They are healthier than they ever have been. Yes, doing it with diet and exercise is the best way, but some people need a little help to start off with.
  • seehawkmomma
    Damn, sorry youre getting such crappy responses. Come on guys, there is a time and a place for everything. Leave the girl alone. For the record, I know more that a couple of people who have lost a ton of weight on it and continued to lose weight since finishing. They are healthier than they ever have been. Yes, doing it with diet and exercise is the best way, but some people need a little help to start off with.

    The only reason why you lose weight is because they are eatting 500 calories day.

    HCG is not why they lose the weight it only is there to help that little voice in your head that says "I'm Hungry"
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Damn, sorry youre getting such crappy responses. Come on guys, there is a time and a place for everything. Leave the girl alone. For the record, I know more that a couple of people who have lost a ton of weight on it and continued to lose weight since finishing. They are healthier than they ever have been. Yes, doing it with diet and exercise is the best way, but some people need a little help to start off with.

    Agreed---although we dont approve--we should opt to be tactful in our approach
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Come on guys, there is a time and a place for everything.

    And this is not the time nor place for OP to be using HCG.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Short answer is no.

    Here's a link for the long answer.... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/390151-should-i-do-the-hcg-diet
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am going to be as nice as possible and simply tell you that I *highly* recommend that you re-think this.
    Aside from the hormones and all that other nastiness, there is the fact that your body cannot get adequate nutrients on so few calories. That is my biggest problem with very low calorie diets. Your body needs more nutrients.
    Also, you are almost guaranteed to gain the weight back once you go back to eating like a normal human being.

    There. I think I was fairly nice, but I hope you'll listen.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    I love the people who assume that there is no work involved while taking HCG. I started the stuff on Tuesday and have been to hell and back on a damn emotional roller coaster because I am a compulsive eater. I see food I want it...I didnt eat ANYTHING at my husbands birthday party, the day after I got off my binging days. So to all of you who say "it's for lazy people" miff off ok? Yeah, it's a diet assistant...just like Hydroxicut, or Alli, or any of the other diet pills THAT HAVE WORKED FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Just because they didnt work for YOU or through scientific tests and studies does not mean they do not work. Anorexia and Bulimia WORK, why? Because I was bulimic, no it's not healthy...by no means am I condoning my teenage actions, but for crying out...

    Just because science says something does that make it completely correct? How much stuff have they gone back and retested only to find that their 'inadequate tests' were done all wrong and that the stuff either existed or actually worked? So seriously...Ive seen this diet work for many people, some people NEED instant gratification with weight loss or the vicious cycle of depression and destruction continues. I am one of those people, I have tried eating right, and exercising...I would spend 2-3 hours in a gym and eat 1000 calories and lose nothing! And if I say something to anyone they automatically become self righteous and say I'm doing something wrong. Oh I'm sorry...let me bow down to your awesome knowledge!

    I'm sorry...but after being a part of the Ana/Mia community...a lot of people here are not very accepting of someone else's choices. Yes letting someone know of the potential dangers is great, thank you for your concerns! But telling someone that the choices they are making are plain out WRONG...well that makes you look like a jerk. My body is not your body...what works for you may not work for me and vice versa.

    I am on HCG, and I made the conscious choice after months of researching it and how it affected people. Got to watch the diet work for my aunt who lives right up the street from me and 3 friends who I see on a weekly basis. 500 Calories diets are dangerous because they destroy lean muscle mass....HCG is produced by pregnant women to protect the unborn fetus...if the mother goes into starvation the fat cells are broken down to protect the fetus and the mother. It is a naturally produced hormone from the human body...and it's not like you take the thing by the gallon, no...50ml per day in the drops, which I believe are diluted slightly. So to the OP and anyone else on HCG, add me, we can support each other since not many other people want to accept the fact that there are different ways of doing things, and just because they dont agree it must be wrong...because science/goverment/whoever says so.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    My personal opinion would be to have your mom join you on MFP and just utilize the food diary and exercise. So many have been so successful here. The community is VERY loving and supportive (just not with this diet or many other fad diets). Eating so low calorie is not going to make anyone lose weight --- you may lose some initially but it will come back. MFP is such a blessing and helps in so many ways. I'd love to see you both using the site together and losing weight without injected hormones and starving. I hope that doesn't come off mean, just want to see you succeed. Good luck.
  • tataliciousd89
    I do absolutely agree that you do not have enough to lose to do this diet. Bad idea. There, you guys happy?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    WOW! I was looking for support, not bashing... I need to lose 25 lbs, not 10 (10 kg is TOTALLY not the same as 10 lbs). I guess I will abandon my own topic, now! How weird is that?

    Actually I thought the responses were pretty tame compared to some other threads that have popped up on this topic. Just do your research first. People may seem harsh but it's because we really believe this diet program is dangerous.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    The only reason this diet is so popular is because it cloaks itself under the guise of science and promises rapid weight loss.... something about being miserable eating only 500 calories while taking strange injections/drops seems extremely unappealing to me.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member

    hair loss, 35% body fat and a shot immune system are just some of the side effects you may want to consider!
  • seehawkmomma
    WOW! I was looking for support, not bashing... I need to lose 25 lbs, not 10 (10 kg is TOTALLY not the same as 10 lbs). I guess I will abandon my own topic, now! How weird is that?

    Actually I thought the responses were pretty tame compared to some other threads that have popped up on this topic. Just do your research first. People may seem harsh but it's because we really believe this diet program is dangerous.

    I think the only reason its "Tame" is because some of the responses have been deleted.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I love the people who assume that there is no work involved while taking HCG. I started the stuff on Tuesday and have been to hell and back on a damn emotional roller coaster because I am a compulsive eater. I see food I want it...I didnt eat ANYTHING at my husbands birthday party, the day after I got off my binging days. So to all of you who say "it's for lazy people" miff off ok? Yeah, it's a diet assistant...just like Hydroxicut, or Alli, or any of the other diet pills THAT HAVE WORKED FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Just because they didnt work for YOU or through scientific tests and studies does not mean they do not work. Anorexia and Bulimia WORK, why? Because I was bulimic, no it's not healthy...by no means am I condoning my teenage actions, but for crying out...

    Just because science says something does that make it completely correct? How much stuff have they gone back and retested only to find that their 'inadequate tests' were done all wrong and that the stuff either existed or actually worked? So seriously...Ive seen this diet work for many people, some people NEED instant gratification with weight loss or the vicious cycle of depression and destruction continues. I am one of those people, I have tried eating right, and exercising...I would spend 2-3 hours in a gym and eat 1000 calories and lose nothing! And if I say something to anyone they automatically become self righteous and say I'm doing something wrong. Oh I'm sorry...let me bow down to your awesome knowledge!

    I'm sorry...but after being a part of the Ana/Mia community...a lot of people here are not very accepting of someone else's choices. Yes letting someone know of the potential dangers is great, thank you for your concerns! But telling someone that the choices they are making are plain out WRONG...well that makes you look like a jerk. My body is not your body...what works for you may not work for me and vice versa.

    I am on HCG, and I made the conscious choice after months of researching it and how it affected people. Got to watch the diet work for my aunt who lives right up the street from me and 3 friends who I see on a weekly basis. 500 Calories diets are dangerous because they destroy lean muscle mass....HCG is produced by pregnant women to protect the unborn fetus...if the mother goes into starvation the fat cells are broken down to protect the fetus and the mother. It is a naturally produced hormone from the human body...and it's not like you take the thing by the gallon, no...50ml per day in the drops, which I believe are diluted slightly. So to the OP and anyone else on HCG, add me, we can support each other since not many other people want to accept the fact that there are different ways of doing things, and just because they dont agree it must be wrong...because science/goverment/whoever says so.

    I will agree with you that everyone is different. However, this "lifestyle" change we have all accepted does not need to be so restrictive. When proper diet and exercise is implemented (calorie deficit, macros inline) then there is no reason why you would have to turn down that cake. People stop trying to better themselves when they deem the nutrition part of the new lifestyle is too difficult, i.e. restrictive and not fun. This should be a great time of your life while you are improving yourself. Not making yourself miserable deciding what not to eat.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    ...but after being a part of the Ana/Mia community...

    You can stop right there. This statement completely voids your defense of a 500 calorie diet.

    Injecting or injesting a hormone derived from the urine of pregnant humans solely for vanity is just plain out dangerous and stupid.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I am going to be as nice as possible and simply tell you that I *highly* recommend that you re-think this.
    Aside from the hormones and all that other nastiness, there is the fact that your body cannot get adequate nutrients on so few calories. That is my biggest problem with very low calorie diets. Your body needs more nutrients.
    Also, you are almost guaranteed to gain the weight back once you go back to eating like a normal human being.

    There. I think I was fairly nice, but I hope you'll listen.

    ^ agree! And Cory (^) has done an AWESOME job in proving that the mfp calorie count approach works and keeps you healthy. Why lose weight if it leaves you in worse health that being at a higher weight? Best wishes in whatever you chose. Tell your mom we are a great group here and she should give us and calorie counting/diet a real shot. :)
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