Anybody else have trouble eating breakfast in the morning?



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Coffee and a *kitten* for me. Breakfast doesn't kickstart anything, and to me is just a waste of calories. Id rather have then late at night when i really want them. :)
  • star7092
    i'm not a breakfast person either. I'm a teacher so when my students have their snack time in the morning thats when i have been eating my "breakfast". I have been eating dried fruit or fresh fruit if I have it and a Fiber One chewy bar. I have found that it actually has been helping me to loose weight because it is boosting my metabolism. My breakfast and lunch times are short and so I'm not eating as much those two times. My problem area is dinner time. I am way hungry at night. That is what I'm currently working on. On the students are seeing me eat healthy during snack time and they have started eating heathier food as well!:smile:
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    I can't eat right when I get up in the morning, but I usually have my morning latte and a yogurt or slice of toast about an hour after I get up and then a light (100 calorieish) snack around 10. If I don't eat breakfast and the snack, I eat way to much later in the day.

    One thing with MFP is that when I wake up now, I'm actually hungry - I'm no longer still full from my dinner the night before.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    I don't do Breakfast either. I try, but i rarely have an appetite first thing in the mornings, and I'm really busy, and on the go until about 11 or so, and by then it's almost lunch. I drink a cup of coffee and a bottle of water..that's my breakfast :)
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    If you really want to eat breakfast and are having a hard time doing so, here is what I suggest. It will take some commitment. First, you'll need to get a night job, or take classes at night. Then you need to place foil over all your windows. Make sure you are not exposed to actual sunlight for a couple weeks. You body will need to adjust to this. During the adjustment period, change the times on all the clocks in your house and all your watches, cars, audio/video components, etc. Also make sure you cover any clocks at school or job. You don't want to know the real time. After all this, you are ready. Then when you are hungry, sit down and have a big meal. Call it breakfast.

    Or, you could just eat when you are hungry and follow your calorie and macro goals.

    I love this post. (and I love your adorable baby)
  • monty_williams
    If you don't want to eat breakfast, then don't. Maybe intermittent fasting is your body's natural feeding rhythm. If you chose this lifestyle (which alot find very convenient by the way), just make sure that you truly fast during your fasting period, i.e. no calories. Unsweetened coffee and tea and water is okay. If you drink diet soda, that's okay too.

    There is no truth that eating breakfast or eating every X number of hours starts your metabolism or keeps it going. Actually, your metabolism increases in a fasted state for the first couple of days due to the hormone Ghrelin. Alot of body builders who do intermittent fasting fast for 16 hours or so (most women do 14/10 fast/feed) and consume all of their daily calories within the remaining hours during the day, i.e. fast from 9pm until 1pm the next day, eat x number of meals during the next 8 hours to meet their caloric and macromutrient goals/requirements and repeat. You would have to fast for around 3 days before your metablism would be significantly affected or your body became catabolic to any significant degree.
  • bijoux2711
    I've never been a breakfast person either but I'm learning : )
    I find a smoothie packed with good stuff is an easy on the go option. This morning I had a combo of baby spinach, celery, chia seeds, frozen blueberries, coconut water and some pea protein powder. Very very yummy and keeps me going all morning.
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    I'm not a breakfast person either. I generally have some Silk or yogurt about mid-morning so I'm not real hungry at lunch time. Or even a protein breakfast bar. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    mini-bagel with cashew butter (whole foods)
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I feel physically sick if I try to eat before 10am.
    I just have tea til I'm ready to eat.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    Usually when I wake up the only thing I can manage to down is a cup of coffee with almond milk and stevia.
    I've always had a sensitive stomach in the morning since I was little so I'm pretty conditioned to go without breakfast, however my body seems to want to make up for it especially late at night >.<

    Does anyone have light and healthy (vegetarian/vegan) breakfast ideas??

    Thaaaanks :)

    By the day, feel free to add.

    I happen to like fiber one bars. the 90 calorie ones are pretty great :) for me I don't like taking the *time* to eat in the morning I would rather just sip coffee as well, not to mention I'm not usually hungry. There's lots of great things you can do with oatmeal and quinoa too.
  • branflake5
    I almost never eat breakfast because I am not awake during breakfast hours. I get up take the kids to school come home and go back to sleep. I eat brunch though:) At least that's what I call my lunch
  • mochamofitandhealthy
    I'm not a big breakfast person either. I usually do a meal replacement shake.
  • zoeelizabeths
    zoeelizabeths Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not a big morning eater, especially if I have to get up and starting doing stuff. Small things I will eat are fruit, or sometimes Oatmeal. I also drink non-fat lattes. That way I get some sort of protein in my stomach, but it's not really like eating a big meal.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I may have to try the bagel thing! I just found out that I like cream cheese. Not sure if that is good or bad though. :indifferent:
  • bosstimmy
    Body in sleep mode is entirely different than body in awake mode. Eating small amounts every few hours when awake keeps blood sugar stable and a constant energy supply for your body. When you are sleeping, your body shuts down in some ways.
  • bosstimmy
    It is recommended to eat something about every 4 hours to keep you metabalism going. If you eat something within 4 hours of getting up you should be fine.

    I don't get how this makes sense - you are actually going 12 hours without eating if you get 8 hrs of sleep. If eating every 4 hours is necessary, than why aren't we all setting alarms for 2 a.m. to get that snack in?? I just don't know if I believe the "rev the metabolism with frequent meals" thing.

    Body in sleep mode is entirely different than body in awake mode. Eating small amounts every few hours when awake keeps blood sugar stable and a constant energy supply for your body. When you are sleeping, your body shuts down in some ways
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Body in sleep mode is entirely different than body in awake mode. Eating small amounts every few hours when awake keeps blood sugar stable and a constant energy supply for your body. When you are sleeping, your body shuts down in some ways.

    This is largely irrelevant for body composition assuming micro/macronutrient sufficiency and accurate end-of-day totals for kcals.
  • bosstimmy
    It is recommended to eat something about every 4 hours to keep you metabalism going. If you eat something within 4 hours of getting up you should be fine.

    I don't get how this makes sense - you are actually going 12 hours without eating if you get 8 hrs of sleep. If eating every 4 hours is necessary, than why aren't we all setting alarms for 2 a.m. to get that snack in?? I just don't know if I believe the "rev the metabolism with frequent meals" thing.

    There is some truth to the "reving" the metabolism theory. Our digestive system uses a huge amount of our energy and keeping it going is a great way to keep calories burning and our metabolism going. So eating low calorie snacks to with your digestive system running you burn more calories than if you just added those calories to one of your meals. True or not, that is the theory behind it and there is a lot of science to back it up as well (as with every other weight loss theory out there no matter how crazy).

    Now sleep is also very important and we need less energy while we sleep so our bodies compensate and getting enough sleep is vital to weight loss and health. Not getting enough sleep to "stoke" the metabolism fires would be silly.

    Eating frequently and with small amounts stabilizes blood sugar. No crashes. Maintained energy. Keeps the machine going steady.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    When I first joined, I tried to force myself to eat breakfast, but it's just not me. So, now I make myself a mocha and generally don't eat until 11:00 or so. I've still been losing, so I don't think breakfast is necessary for weight loss.